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# Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.

### [2.3.10]( (2021-09-14)

### Misc

* **deps:** update ([996e344](

### [2.3.9]( (2021-08-18)

### [2.3.8]( (2021-07-31)

### [2.3.7]( (2021-06-17)

### Misc

* update links ([f48c0c9](

### [2.3.6]( (2021-06-17)

### Tests

* update jest types ([b1a7774](

### [2.3.5]( (2021-06-17)

### Misc

* **deps:** update ([d16d2b2](

### Bug fixes

* revert ts to 4.2 ([6423ea7](

### [2.3.4]( (2021-06-14)

### [2.3.3]( (2021-05-29)

### [2.3.2]( (2021-05-28)

### [2.3.1]( (2021-02-28)

### Tests

* add tests for every possible option ([0fc56f0](

## [2.3.0]( (2021-02-24)

### Features

* add sorting option for typed arrays ([28d5344](

### Bug fixes

* stringification of typed arrays ([bc1e1a6](

## [2.2.0]( (2021-02-22)

### Features

* add bigint support ([544d97e](

### Bug fixes

* coerce option for bigint ([ca2f87c](
* typo in doc ([d9d7e24](
* **typos:** fix typos in test and ([2ee3ddd](

### [2.1.2]( (2021-01-29)

### [2.1.1]( (2021-01-29)

## 2.1.0 (2021-01-27)

### Features

- added warnings to eslint errors ([422c893](
- fixed eslint errors ([e9245f7](
- fixed npm script issue ([0bf8c17](
- updated typescript, migrated to tslint ([3a40fcc](

### Bug fixes

- remove unnecessary checks ([1bbad3a](
- **lint:** fix eslint ([caeac70](
- **types:** fix encoding type ([cdc6958](
- improve checking of Hashable applicant ([3856207](

### Misc

- **deps:** bump deps ([a370ea2](
- **pj:** add prettier to docs ([77b6001](
- **pj:** update scripts ([dd8c778](

## [2.0.0]( (2019-09-07)

## [2.0.0-rc.1]( (2019-09-03)

## [2.0.0-rc.0]( (2019-09-03)


- Library rewritten in typescript that could cause some side-effects, but it should not.
- With `coerce=false` `Set`s will no longer generate the same hashes as `Array`s. In order to restore previous behavior set `coerce.set=true`.
- With `coerce=false` `Symbol`s will generate hash based on symbol `.toString` value. That's useful for `Symbol.for('smth')`. If `coerce.symbol=true` all `Symbols`s will have equal hashes.
  TLDR; If you use library with `Set`s or `Symbol`s with `coerce=false` in order to keep hashes the same as in `v1.X.X` you should use following constructor:

const hasher = require('node-object-hash')({coerce: {set: true, symbol: true}})

- Object sorter sources moved to `dist` directory. If you required it directly via `require('node-object-hash/objectSorter')` you should change it to require('node-object-hash/dist/objectSorter').
- Removed old `v0` version from code.
- Changed license to MIT.

### Bug Fixes

- **hasher:** fix options ([05241ca](

### Features

- major refactor ([450471e](
- New granular options. Now you can specify what types need to be sorted or coerced.
- Add new `trim` option. It can be used to remove unncecessary spaces in `string`s or `function` bodies.
- Library rewritten to typescript, so it may have better ts compatibility.

## [1.4.X](

### Features

- Add support for objects without constructor #11 [PR @futpib](
- Simplify eslint rules, update codestyle

### Fixes

- Fix npm links issues in readme
- Update dev dependencies

## [1.3.X](

### Features

- Add definition types to support typescript
- Add >=node-8.0.0 support in tests.

## [1.2.X](

### Features

- Added typed arrays support
- Added primitive type constructors support
- Add more docs about type mapping and type coercion

## [1.1.X](

### Features

Mainly all changes affected codestyle and documentation to provide better
experience using this library. There are no changes that should affect

- Renamed `sortObject` function to `sort` (old one is still present in code
  for backward compatibility).
- Performed some refactoring for better codestyle and documentation.
- Old version (`0.X.X`) moved to subfolder (`./v0`).
- Advanced API reference added: [link](

## [1.0.0](

- Sorting mechanism rewritten form ES6 Maps to simple arrays
  (add <=node-4.0.0 support)
- Performance optimization (~2 times faster than 0.x.x)
- API changes:
  - Now module returns 'constructor' function, where you can set
    default parameters: `var objectHash = require('node-object-hash')(options);`

In case if you still need an old 0.x.x version it's available in `hash.js`