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3 days
Test Coverage
import time
import binascii
import base64
from enum import Enum
import pgpdump.packet
from pgpdump import AsciiData
from pgpdump.utils import PgpdumpException
import datetime
import json
from app import cache
import db
import cfg
from .crc24 import crc24

if cfg.cfg.config.features.keybase:
    import keybaseapi

def jsondes(obj):
    """Default JSON serializer."""
    import calendar, datetime

    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        if obj.utcoffset() is not None:
            obj = obj - obj.utcoffset()
        millis = int(
            calendar.timegm(obj.timetuple()) * 1000 +
            obj.microsecond / 1000
        return millis
    elif isinstance(obj, PGPAlgo):
        return obj.value
            return obj.todict
        except AttributeError as e:
            # panic
                return obj.json
            except AttributeError as ee:
                # double panic
                raise ValueError("Cannot JSON seralize obj {}".format(obj)) from ee

def wrap(i):
    return i + ((8 - len(i)) * " " if (8 - len(i) > 0) else "")

class PGPAlgo(Enum):
    These are the ones I know, and the ones I believe are in use.
    RSA = 1
    RSA_E = 2
    RSA_S = 3
    ELGAMAL = 16
    DSA = 17
    ECC = 18
    ECDSA = 19
    DH = 21

    unknown = 999

class KeyInfo(object):
    def __init__(self, uid: list = None, keyid: str = None, fingerprint: str = None,
                 length: int = None, algo: PGPAlgo = None, created: int = None, expires: int = None,
                 subkeys: list = None,
                 sigs: dict = None,
                 expired: bool = False, revoked: bool = False, armored: str = "", oid=None):
        self.uid = uid
        self.keyid = keyid

        self.shortid = fingerprint[-8:] if fingerprint else None

        self.fingerprint = fingerprint
        self.length = length
        self.algo = algo
        self.subkeys = subkeys

        self.created = created
        self.expires = expires

        if sigs:
            self.signatures = sigs
            self.signatures = dict()

        if subkeys:
            self.subkeys = subkeys
            self.subkeys = list()

        self.revoked = revoked

        self.armored = armored

        self.oid = oid

        self.keybase = None
        self.api_keybase = None

    def expired(self):
        # check dates
        if self.expires in [0, None, datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)]:
            return False
            if self.expires < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
                return True
                return False

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<KeyInfo 0x{fp}>".format(fp=self.fingerprint)

    def to_pks(self):
        Formats a KeyInfo object into a PKS style string for GnuPG.
        :return: Two strings, containing info about the key in GnuPG-compatible format.
        # String one gives the fingerprint, the algorithm used, the length of the key,
        # the created date and the expiration date.
        s1 = "pub:{self.fingerprint}:{algo}:{self.length}:{self.created}:{self.expires}:"\
            .format(self=self, algo=PGPAlgo(self.algo).value)
        # String two gives the user ID, and another date, which I believe is the date uploaded, which we don't save.
        s2 = "uid:{self.uid}:{self.created}::".format(self=self)
        return s1, s2

    def _setup_keybase(self, username):
        if cache.exists("keybase_" + username):
            miss = False
            # Load it without autofetching.
            k = keybaseapi.User(username, autofetch=False)
            # JSON load the data from the cache.
            data = json.loads(cache.get("keybase_" + username).decode())
            # Load the raw keybase data in.
            k.raw_keybase_data = k._translate_into_configkey(data)
            # Map the data structure.
            miss = True
            # Load it with autofetching.
            k = keybaseapi.User(username)
            # JSON dump the key structure.
            data = json.dumps(k.raw_keybase_data.dump())
            # Set it on the cache and set it to expire in a day.
            # Note: StrictRedis uses name,time,value. Normal redis uses name,value,time.
            cache.setex("keybase_" + username, 60 * 60 * 24, data)

        self.api_keybase = k.raw_keybase_data.dump()

        # Second cache pass, check if it was verified.
        if miss:
            except keybaseapi.VerificationError:
                verified = False
                verified = True
            # Set it on cache.
            cache.setex("keybase_" + username + "_ver", 60 * 60 * 24 * 3, "1" if verified else "0")
            # Load it from cache.
            verified = bool(int(cache.get("keybase_" + username + "_ver")))
        self.keybase = (k, verified)

    def from_json(self, data: str):
        # load in data from the dump
        data = json.loads(data)
        # set attributes
        self.uid = data["uid"]

    def to_json(self):
        d = {"uid": self.uid,
             "keyid": self.keyid,
             "fingerprint": self.fingerprint,
             "length": self.length,
             "algo": self.algo,
             "created": self.created,
             "expires": self.expires,
             "sigs": self.signatures,
             "subkeys": self.subkeys,
             "oid": self.oid,
             "keybase": self.keybase is not None,
             "revoked": self.revoked}
        return json.dumps(d, default=jsondes)

    def get_expired_ymd(self):
        if self.expires in [0, None, datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)]:
            return "never"
        return self.expires.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    def get_created_ymd(self):
        return self.created.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")

    def get_algo_name(self):
        return PGPAlgo(self.algo).name

    def get_algo_id(self):
        return PGPAlgo(self.algo).value

    def get_user_fingerprint(self):
        return ' '.join([self.fingerprint[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(self.fingerprint), 2)])

    def translate(self, sig):
        if sig[2] == 32:
            return wrap("revoke")
        elif sig[2] == 24:
            return wrap("subsig")
        elif sig[2] == 19 and sig[1] == self.uid:
            return wrap("selfsig")
        elif sig[2] == 19:
            return wrap("sig-3")
        elif sig[2] == 18:
            return wrap("sig-2")
        elif sig[2] == 17:
            return wrap("sig-1")
        elif sig[2] == 16:
            return wrap("sig")
            return wrap("sig??")

    def get_length(self):
        return self.length if self.length != -1 else "U"

    # Magic methods
    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
            return False
            return all((other.fingerprint == self.fingerprint,
                        other.algo == self.algo,
                        other.created == self.created,
                        other.expires == self.expires,
                        other.keyid == self.keyid,
                        other.length == self.length,
                        other.shortid == self.shortid,
                        other.signatures == self.signatures,
                        other.uid == self.uid,
                        other.subkeys == self.uid))

    def pgp_dump(cls, armored: str, packets: list = None):
        Generates a key using pgpdump.
        :param armored: The armored data to output.
        :param packets: Optional: A packets list to use instead of the armored data.
        :return: A new :KeyInfo: object.
        if packets is None:
            armored_l = armored.split("-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----")
            if armored_l:
                armored = armored_l[0] + "-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----"
                data = AsciiData(armored.encode())
            except PgpdumpException as e:
                return None, e.args
            except binascii.Error as e:
                return None, e.args
                packets = [pack for pack in data.packets()]
            except PgpdumpException as e:
                return None, e.args

        # Set initial values
        uid = []
        keyid, fingerprint = "", ""
        length = 0
        algo = 999
        created, expires = 0, 0
        revoked = False

        signatures = {}
        subkeys = []

        most_recent_packet = None

        oid = None

        npackets = []

        for n, packet in enumerate(packets):
            # Public key packet, main body.
            # But NOT a subkey.
            if (isinstance(packet, pgpdump.packet.PublicKeyPacket)
                    and not isinstance(packet, pgpdump.packet.PublicSubkeyPacket)):
                if keyid:
                    # We already have a key. No thanks!
                    # If you get a REALLY shitty key that puts the public key packets (multiples of them) in front of eachother, that's fucking dumb
                    # And we're gonna skip those. Better hope your data packets are before your second public key packet!
                    # I blame GPG for this.
                # Set data
                created = packet.creation_time.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()
                expires = (
                    if packet.expiration_time is not None else None if not expires else expires

                    algo = PGPAlgo(packet.raw_pub_algorithm)
                except KeyError:
                    algo = PGPAlgo.unknown
                # Check if the length is known for ECC keys.
                if packet.bitlen:
                    length = packet.bitlen
                    length = -1
                keyid = packet.key_id.decode()
                fingerprint = packet.fingerprint.decode()
                if packet.oid:
                    oid = packet.oid
            elif isinstance(packet, pgpdump.packet.SignaturePacket):
                # Self-signed signature
                if packet.raw_sig_type == 24:
                    sig_uid = uid
                # Revocation, mark as such
                elif packet.raw_sig_type == 32:
                    sig_uid = "Revocation signature from primary key"
                    revoked = True
                    # No more processing is required after this.
                    keyid = packet.key_id
                    # Exit the loop.
                    fingerprint = keyid
                # Lookup the UserID
                    sig_uid = db.Key.query.filter(db.Key.key_fp_id == packet.key_id.decode()[-8:]).first()
                    # Check if we know it
                    if not sig_uid:
                        sig_uid = "[User ID Unknown]"
                        sig_uid = sig_uid.uid
                # Check if the most recent packet is a subkey packet.
                # If it is, we place the signature under the subkey, as opposed to the the main key.
                # This allows us to apply a signature to the subkey.
                if isinstance(most_recent_packet, pgpdump.packet.PublicSubkeyPacket):
                    key_for = most_recent_packet.key_id.decode()[-8:]
                    key_for = keyid[-8:]
                if key_for not in signatures:
                    signatures[key_for] = []
                signatures[key_for].append([packet.key_id.decode()[-8:], sig_uid, packet.raw_sig_type])

                # Scan the subsignatures.
                for subpacket in packet.subpackets:
                    if subpacket.subtype == 9:
                        # EXPIRATION DATE!
                        # I have been doing nothing but teleport bread for the last three days.
                        seconds = int.from_bytes(, byteorder="big")
                        delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
                        expires = (datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(created) + delta).timestamp()

            elif isinstance(packet, pgpdump.packet.PublicSubkeyPacket):
            elif isinstance(packet, pgpdump.packet.UserIDPacket):
                # Load in the UIDs
                u = db.UID()
                u.uid_name = packet.user_name
                u.uid_email = packet.user_email
                u.full_uid = packet.user
            elif isinstance(packet, str):
                armored = packet
            most_recent_packet = packet

        for packet in npackets:
            if isinstance(packet, pgpdump.packet.PublicKeyPacket):
        else:  # Panic and cry.
            return None

        if cfg.cfg.config.features.armor_rewrite:
            # Re-construct the armored data.
            s = b''.join([p.original_data for p in npackets])
            s = base64.b64encode(s).decode()
            s = "".join(s[i:i + 64] + "\n" for i in range(0, len(s), 64))

            # Construct CRC
            crc = crc24(b''.join([p.original_data for p in npackets]))
            crc = crc.to_bytes((crc.bit_length() + 7) // 8, 'big') or b'\0'

            crc = base64.b64encode(crc).decode()

            s = """-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\nVersion: SkierPGP v{v}\n\n{content}={crc24}\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----""".format(
            armored = s

        return KeyInfo(uid=uid, keyid=keyid, fingerprint=fingerprint, length=length, algo=algo,
                       created=created, expires=expires, revoked=revoked,
                       expired=(time.time() - expires if expires else 1) < 0,
                       subkeys=subkeys, sigs=signatures, armored=armored, oid=oid)

    def from_database_object(cls, keyob: db.Key):
        k = KeyInfo()
        k.uid = keyob.uid
        for uid in keyob.uid:
            if cfg.cfg.config.features.keybase:
                if '' in uid.full_uid:
                    # split uid
                    u = uid.full_uid.split()
                    kb = [_ for _ in u if "" in _][0].split('/')[-1]


        k.length = keyob.length
        k.created = keyob.created
        k.expires = keyob.expires if keyob.expires else datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
        k.fingerprint = keyob.fingerprint
        k.keyid = keyob.fingerprint[-16:]
        k.shortid = keyob.key_fp_id
        k.algo = PGPAlgo(keyob.keyalgo)

        k.added_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        k.armored = keyob.armored

        for sig in keyob.signatures:
            assert isinstance(sig, db.Signature)
            if not sig.key_sfp_for in k.signatures:
                k.signatures[sig.key_sfp_for] = []
            tmpd = [sig.pgp_keyid]

            sig_uid = db.Key.query.filter(db.Key.key_fp_id == sig.pgp_keyid).first()
            # Check if we know it
            if not sig_uid:
                sig_uid = "[User ID Unknown]"
                sig_uid = sig_uid.uid

            if sig.sigtype == 32:
                k.revoked = True

            del tmpd

        if keyob.subkeys:
            for sub in keyob.subkeys:

        k.oid = keyob.oid

        return k