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from .MakeCL.MakeCLFile import MakeCLFile
from ..Command import autoSilenceCommand, checkCommandExists
from .._SystemData import _SystemData
from lucifer.Errors import FailedToCompileError
import os
import errno

class ClangCompiler:
    def __init__(self):
        self._systemData = _SystemData.getInstance()
        self.compiledExtension = self.fetchExtension()
        self._CC = None
        self._CPP = None
        self._CPPLink = "-lstdc++"
        self.topDirectory = os.path.abspath("external-modules/c/")
        self.topSrcDirectory = os.path.abspath("external-modules/c/sources/")
        self.availableExtensions = ["c", "cc", "cpp"]

    def canCompileC(self):
        return self._CC is not None

    def canCompileCPP(self):
        return self._CPP is not None

    def findCompiler(self):
        cc_names = ["cc", "CC", "gcc"]
        cpp_names = ["g++"]
        for ccTest in cc_names:
            if checkCommandExists(ccTest):
                self._CC = ccTest
        for cppTest in cpp_names:
            if checkCommandExists(cppTest):
                self._CPP = f"{cppTest} {self._CPPLink}"
        if self._CPP is None and self._CC is not None:
            self._CPP = f"{self._CC} {self._CPPLink}"

    def cToShared(self, mainFile, extern_files=None, extra_args=None, out="builds/", verbose=False,
                  silent=False, useCPP=False):
        if extern_files is None:
            extern_files = []
        if extra_args is None:
            extra_args = []
        for file in [mainFile, *extern_files]:
            if not silent:
                print(f"{'CC++' if useCPP else 'CC'}: {str(os.path.relpath(os.path.abspath(file), self.topDirectory))}")
        filesString = " ".join(list(map(os.path.abspath, [mainFile, *extern_files])))
        command, outfile = self.generate_compile_command(extra_args, filesString, mainFile, out, useCPP, verbose)
        if verbose and not silent:
            print(f"Command: {command}")
        procReturn, _ = autoSilenceCommand(command, silent=silent, verbose=verbose, shell=True, returnExit=True)
        if not silent and procReturn == 0:
        if procReturn != 0:
            raise FailedToCompileError("c++" if useCPP else 'c', f"Failed to compile {mainFile}, check permissions,"
                                                                 f"files and arguments")
        return outfile

    def generate_compile_command(self, extra_args, filesString, mainFile, out, useCPP, verbose):
        outfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.abspath(mainFile).replace(
            self.topSrcDirectory, self.topDirectory + os.sep + out))
        pre, _ = os.path.splitext(outfile)
        outfile = pre + self.compiledExtension
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(outfile)):
            except OSError as error:
                if error.errno != errno.EEXIST:
                    raise FailedToCompileError("c++" if useCPP else 'c',
                                               f"Failed to compile {mainFile} due to not enough permissions")
        command = f"{self._CC if not useCPP else self._CPP} -o {outfile} -shared -fPIC {filesString}"
        if verbose:
            command += " -v"
        for arg in extra_args:
            command += f" {arg}"
            if verbose:
                print(f"Argument added: {arg}")
        return command, outfile

    def cppToShared(self, mainFile, extern_files=None, extra_args=None, out="builds/", verbose=False, silent=False):
        outfile = self.cToShared(
            mainFile, extern_files=extern_files, extra_args=extra_args, out=out, verbose=verbose,
            silent=silent, useCPP=True
        return outfile

    def fetchExtension(self):
        if self._systemData.IS_WINDOWS:
            return ".dll"
        if self._systemData.IS_DARWIN:
            return ".dylib"
        return ".so"

    def compileAuto(self, mainFile, extern_files=None, extra_args=None, out="builds/", verbose=False, silent=False):
        if extern_files is None:
            extern_files = []
        if extra_args is None:
            extra_args = []
        directory, _ = os.path.split(mainFile)
        if "make.clucifer" in os.listdir(directory):
            makeCLFile = MakeCLFile(os.path.join(directory, "make.clucifer"))
            fileDirectives = makeCLFile.getFileDirectives()
            if mainFile in fileDirectives.keys():
                instructions = fileDirectives[mainFile]
                if verbose:
                    print("Found compile instructions in make.clucifer!")
                links = instructions["links"]
                args = instructions["args"]
                for link in links.keys():
                    extern_files.append(os.path.join(links[link], link))
                for arg in args:
        _, ext = os.path.splitext(mainFile)
        if ext.lower() in [".c", ".cc", "c", "cc"]:
            return self.cToShared(mainFile, extern_files=extern_files, extra_args=extra_args,
                                  out=out, verbose=verbose, silent=silent)
        if ext.lower() in [".cpp", "cpp"]:
            return self.cppToShared(mainFile, extern_files=extern_files, extra_args=extra_args,
                                    out=out, verbose=verbose, silent=silent)
        return None