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## News
### ⚠️ Magento versions compatibility :
Due to several changes in Magento 2.4.6, especially **the introduction of Elasticsearch 8 and Opensearch 2** we cannot ensure compatibility between ElasticSuite <2.11 and Magento >=2.4.6 versions.
So :
- if your project is based on **Magento >= 2.4.6**, you can start working with ElasticSuite today using the latest **2.11.x release**
- if your project is based on **Magento < 2.4.6**, the latest Elasticsuite release you can use is the **2.10.x**
### 🎉 Hyvä compatibility
Elasticsuite is compatible with Hyvä theme. Please checkout [their blog article]( to find out more about that.
If you want to use Elasticsuite with Hyvä theme, you'll need to install the [compatibility module](
### Breezefront compatibility
If you want to use Elasticsuite with the [Breezefront themes](, you will need to install their [module](
**Which version should I use ?**
Magento Version (Open Source/Commerce) | ElasticSuite Latest Version | Elasticsearch | OpenSearch | Actively maintained
**2.0.x** |ElasticSuite **2.1.x** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.1.0``` | 2.x | - | No
**2.1.x** |ElasticSuite **2.3.x** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.3.0``` | 2.x & 5.x | - | No
**2.2.x** |ElasticSuite **2.6.x** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.6.0``` | 5.x & 6.x | - | No
**<2.3.2** |ElasticSuite **2.8.4** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite 2.8.4``` | 5.x & 6.x | - | No
**<2.3.5** |ElasticSuite **2.8.x** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.8.0``` | 5.x & 6.x | - | No
**>=2.3.5** |ElasticSuite **2.9.x** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.9.0``` | 6.x & 7.x | - | No
**2.4.0** |ElasticSuite **2.10.1** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite 2.10.1``` | 6.x & 7.x | - | No
**>=2.4.1 && < 2.4.6** |ElasticSuite **2.10.x** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.10.13``` | 6.x & 7.x | - | **Yes**
**>=2.4.6** |ElasticSuite **>=2.11.x** : ```composer require smile/elasticsuite ~2.11.0``` | 7.x & 8.x | 1.x & 2.x | **Yes**
### Magento2 B2B Compatibility
If your are using Magento Commerce (formerly known as Enterprise Edition) B2B feature with Elasticsuite, you will need to install :
- **Elasticsuite Shared Catalog** module which is located [here](
- **Elasticsuite Quick Order** module which is located [here](
### Introducing Elasticsuite modules
We are glad to announce officially that we now have a complete list of **additional modules to Elasticsuite**, which are all available for free and are published Open Source on Github :
Module Name | Description
[CMS Search]( | Allow to search for CMS pages (in autocomplete and search results).
[Ratings]( | Allow to filter and/or sort on ratings (based on standard Magento rating module).
[Elasticsuite for Retailers]( | A complete suite of retail oriented modules : Store Locator, Price segmentation per store, etc...
[TargetRules with Elasticsearch]( | This module allow to compute target rules via Elasticsearch instead of full MySQL (**require Magento Commerce (EE)**).
### Community Add-ons
We have now some of our fellow users that are distributing **add-ons for ElasticSuite**. We would like to thanks them for supporting and using ElasticSuite.
Here is a list of currently published add-ons :
Add-on Name | Description
[ComWrap ElasticsuiteBlog]( | A bridge to use ElasticSuite with [MageFan Blog]( <br> It allows to index Blog posts into the search engine and display them into the autocomplete results, and also on the search result page.
## What is ElasticSuite for Magento 2 ?
ElasticSuite is a merchandising suite for Magento which aims to provide out the box a lot of features usually only available with proprietary merchandising tools.
The project was originally created by Smile and released to the Open Source community for Magento 1.x. You can still find the Magento 1.x module [here](
## Who is developing ElasticSuite ?
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ElasticSuite is built by the Innovation board of Smile.
Smile is the **European leader of Open Source** and also a four-times **Europe Partner of the the Year** (2010-2014), two-times **Spirit of Excellence** (2015-2016), **Global Elite Partner** (2017-now), and **Regional Commercial Partner** (2018) awarded by Magento.
Our multidisciplinary team brings together experts in technology, innovation, and new applications.
Together we explore, invent, and test technologies of the future, to better serve our clients.
## Where can I see it in action ?
A demonstration store including the latest version of ElasticSuite is available here : [ElasticSuite Demo](
## How to contribute ?
Contributions can take the form of new components or features, changes to existing features, tests, documentation (such as developer guides, user guides, examples, or specifications), bug fixes, optimizations, or just good suggestions.
To learn about how to make a contribution, click [here](
To learn about issues, click here. To open an issue, click [here](
## Main Features
### Current version
The current version **2.10.0** has been focused on the **Compatibility with Magento 2.4.0**.
Feel free to read the whole changelog of this version [here](
This version is designed to be used on both Magento Open Source and Commerce versions >2.4.
Actually, there are the features actually included :
* **Virtual categories :**
ElasticSuite allows you to **define categories based on rules** (in addition to the standard manual selection). The rule definition is based on the Magento rules components, so you will not be disoriented.
You are able to define categories such as "All products for men that are currently discounted".
The engine will automatically refresh products matching the selection in Front-Office and will prevent you from having to re-assign products manually.
![Virtual Categories](doc/static/virtual_category.png)
A dynamic preview of the results in the Back-Office is also included for more convenience.
* **Recommendations engine (premium version only) :**
On top of the behavioral analysis part will come our recommendations engine. It allows you to propose **custom recommendations to your customers, based on their previous visits on your websites**, and on other customer behaviors.
Recommendations features are :
+ "Customers also bought"
+ Similar products
+ Cross Selling
+ Per-user recommendations, based on current customer profile and its previous visits and orders.
* **Search optimizations :**
ElasticSuite also features several ways to **optimize the search engine relevance**. This part is again based on rules that can be defined in the Magento's back-office.
This allows you to create rules like "Boost all products that are in stock", "Boost all new products", "Boost men products", etc ...
![Search Optimizers](doc/static/search_optimizers.png)
You are also able to **preview each fine-tuning before publishing it** :
![Search Optimizers Preview](doc/static/search_optimizers_preview.png)
* **Behavioral Optimizers (premium version only) :**
This allows you to build **rules matching your customer's behavior**.
Thanks to this feature, optimization rules like "Apply a boost for most viewed products" or "Boost the top sales products" are now possible to create.
* **Categories Merchandising :**
A new **Merchandising** panel has been added into the category edition screen of Magento's Back-Office. It features a **direct preview** of the current product list according to category settings.
Inside this panel, you are also able to use a **drag-and-drop interface** to apply custom sort order on some of the category products.
This feature is compatible with "standard" categories but also with the Virtual Categories described before.
![Virtual Categories](doc/static/virtual_categories_dnd.gif)
* **Facet Management by category :**
Inside the **Display Settings** panel of each category, you will be able to customize various layered navigation filters parameters :
- Filter position (pinned/unpinned)
- Display mode (always hidden, always displayed, automatic mode)
- Facet Max Size
- Facet coverage
- Facet sort order
This allow you to have a deeper level of configuration for your layered navigation for each category.
![Facet by category](doc/static/facet-by-category.png)
* **Search Analytics :**
ElasticSuite features a **Search Usage dashboard**.
It gives to the merchants merchandising team a dashboard displaying the following panels :
- Global metrics : **number of searches**, pages views, **sessions with/without search** and number of unique visitors.
- **Popular search terms** : to see what is actually **trending**, and **how often a given search term is bringing conversion**.
- **Spellchecked search terms** : to **identify common mistakes** and fix them with [Thesaurus](
- **0 results search terms** : to create a redirect for these search terms or to customize them.
- Percentage of **sessions with search against sessions without search**.
- Percentage of **spellchecked requests**.
- **Conversion rate** for session with search against sessions without search.
![Search Analytics](doc/static/search-analytics.png)
* **Search Terms Merchandising :**
A new **Merchandiser** link has been added into the search term screen of Magento's Back-Office. It features a **direct preview** of the current product list that will be returned by this search query in front office.
Inside this panel, you are also able to use a **drag-and-drop interface** to apply custom sort order on some of the products (Eg : to ensure your bestseller always appear at first position).
![Term Merchandiser](doc/static/term-merchandiser.gif)
* **Products, Categories & Attributes autocomplete :**
ElasticSuite features **enhanced content in the autocomplete box** : popular search terms, **products and categories**, and also **attributes**.
The autocomplete is **fully extensible to add custom content**, such as shop pages (if your store uses a store locator), CMS pages, etc...
You can see the [wiki page]( about adding custom content into the autocomplete results.
![Products Autocomplete](doc/static/enhanced_autocomplete.gif)
* **Enhanced thesaurus management :**
Thesaurus are now managed directly by the engine instead of the legacy Magento's behavior.
Our module allows you to add complete thesauri in the Magento Back-Office. Actually, the module supports **two types of thesauri** :
- Synonyms : standard synonym feature, let you contribute a list of terms which are synonyms of each others.
This means that adding a synonym between *"men"* and *"man"* will make it working in all queries containing *"men"* like *"men shirt"* or *"men pants"* instead of having to define a synonym for each query.
- Expansions : this kind of thesaurus allows to expand all search for a given term to an other list of terms.
This means that adding an expansion between *"sport"* and *"fitness, gym, running"* will make it expanding for all queries containing *"sport"* like *"sport shoes"* (which would be expanded to "fitness shoes", "gym shoes", and "running shoes").
* **Autocomplete in layered navigation filters :**
The module allows the users to search into filters values **via an autocomplete box**.
![Facet Autocomplete](doc/static/facet-autocomplete.gif)
* **Enhanced price slider :**
The module features an **out of the box price slider**.
![Price Slider](doc/static/price_slider.png)
* **Multiple select in layered navigation :**
The module allows customers to **apply multiple values of the same filter** criteria.
![Multi Select Facet](doc/static/multiselect_facet.png)
* **Multiple select for swatches :**
Same as above, the module allow the users to **choose several swatches** for filtering.
![Multi Select Swatches](doc/static/multiselect_swatches.png)
* **Redirect on one result :**
The module allow to redirect to the product page when a full text search matches only one product.
![Redirect One Result](doc/static/redirect_one_result.png)
* **Approaching search and spellchecking :**
The module **automatically detects typing mistakes** and handles correct results for them. Don't worry about "fat-finger syndrome" anymore !
![Approaching Search](doc/static/approaching_search.png)
* **Automatic stopwords detection :**
The module is able to **automatically detect "stopwords"** based on their frequency into the search index.
This means the engine is able to deal with queries containing stopwords, but also with **pure stopwords queries** such as "to be or not to be" or even "he and she"!
* **Fully Configurable relevance configuration :**
You are able to customize - on your own, via a dedicated screen in Magento's back-office - each technical parameters that are used to communicate with ElasticSearch.
Doig so, you can **fine-tune the engine's configuration** to fit your needs according to your store's data typology.
* **Customizable filters :**
Each attribute can now be configured in Magento's back-office to **change its behavior when used for filtering**
- Conditional display of the filter based on its coverage rate.
- Maximum number of elements displayed by the filter.
- Sort order of elements of the filter.
![Facet Configuration](doc/static/facet_configuration.png)
### And more to come !
The next versions that will be coming all among this year will include the following features :
* **And many of our users' RFCs !**
There are now many people using ElasticSuite and we are very happy to see this ! **Feel free to share you RFCs** with us by submitting issues !
## Documentation
Documentation is available [here](
The User Guide is also available on PDF format [here](doc/static/User%20Guide-ElasticSuite%20for%20Magento%202-v2.6.pdf)
## Standards & Code Quality
Built on top of Magento2, our module respects all its prerequisites and code quality rules.
You can also find our PHPCS Standards and PHPMD rulesets in the **Resource** directory.
The module is also continuously tested on :
Tools | Results
------------------------------- |------------
Code Climate |[![Code Climate](](