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Test Coverage
"Page views","Page views"
"Category views","Category views"
"Product views","Product views"
"Products added to cart","Products added to cart"
"Sessions with search","Sessions with search"
"Sessions without search","Sessions without search"
"Searches per session","Searches per session"
"# Results (avg.)","# Results (avg.)"
"Conv. rate","Conv. rate"
"Conversion rate for the term(s)","Conversion rate for the term(s)"
"Popular search terms","Popular search terms"
"Spellchecked search terms","Spellchecked search terms"
"0 results search terms","0 results search terms"
"No data over the selected period.","No data over the selected period."
"Search Usage","Search Usage"
"Search Usage Analytics","Search Usage Analytics"
"Search terms configuration","Search terms configuration"
"Max search terms","Max search terms"
"Maximum number of search terms to display in the search usage report blocks.","Maximum number of search terms to display in the search usage report blocks."
"Spellcheck usage","Spellcheck usage"
"Spellchecked searches","Spellchecked searches"
"Exact searches","Exact searches"
"Conversion rate","Conversion rate"
"All sessions","All sessions"
"With search","With search"
"Without search","Without search"
"What is this ?","What is this ?"
"The terms listed below are the most popular search terms, whether they lead to exact or close matches.<br />The link on a term leads to its edit screen where you can either <a href="""" target=""_blank"">merchandise</a> the search results page or configure a redirection - for instance to redirect the user to a dedicated category.<br />The ""conversion rate"" column value is computed as the ratio of the number of sessions where an order was placed and the term(s) searched for on the total number of sessions where the term(s) were searched for.","The terms listed below are the most popular search terms, whether they lead to exact or close matches.<br />The link on a term leads to its edit screen where you can either <a href="""" target=""_blank"">merchandise</a> the search results page or configure a redirection - for instance to redirect the user to a dedicated category.<br />The ""conversion rate"" column value is computed as the ratio of the number of sessions where an order was placed and the term(s) searched for on the total number of sessions where the term(s) were searched for."
"The terms listed below were those for which they were no exact results and only close matches were displayed.<br />If a term is a ""popular mispelling"" with not many results while you know the correct search term would return more products, you might want to add a rule in the <a href="""" target=""blank"">Thesaurus</a>.","The terms listed below were those for which they were no exact results and only close matches were displayed.<br />If a term is a ""popular mispelling"" with not many results while you know the correct search term would return more products, you might want to add a rule in the <a href="""" target=""blank"">Thesaurus</a>."
"The terms listed below were those for which they were no exact results and only close matches were displayed.<br />If a term is a ""popular mispelling"" with not many results while you know the correct search term would return more products, you might want to add a rule in the <a href="""" target=""blank"">Thesaurus</a>.","The terms listed below were those for which they were no exact results and only close matches were displayed.<br />If a term is a ""popular mispelling"" with not many results while you know the correct search term would return more products, you might want to add a rule in the <a href="""" target=""blank"">Thesaurus</a>."
"There are currently %1 events created more than %2 hours ago in the events queue table. If you think this screen is lacking some behavioral data, make sure the ""elasticsuite_index_log_event"" cronjob is running frequently enough.","There are currently %1 events created more than %2 hours ago in the events queue table. If you think this screen is lacking some behavioral data, make sure the ""elasticsuite_index_log_event"" cronjob is running frequently enough."
"Pending events configuration","Pending events configuration"
"Hours before warning","Hours before warning"
"A warning will be displayed on the search usage dashboard if there are pending events older than this number of hours still in the events queue table.","A warning will be displayed on the search usage dashboard if there are pending events older than this number of hours still in the events queue table."