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 * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Smile ElasticSuite to newer
 * versions in the future.
 * @category  Smile
 * @package   Smile\ElasticsuiteCatalogOptimizer
 * @author    Romain Ruaud <>
 * @copyright 2020 Smile
 * @license   Open Software License ("OSL") v. 3.0
namespace Smile\ElasticsuiteCatalogOptimizer\Model\Optimizer;

use Magento\Catalog\Api\Data\CategoryInterface;
use Magento\Framework\Search\ResponseInterface;
use Smile\ElasticsuiteCatalogOptimizer\Model\Optimizer\Functions\ProviderFactory;
use Smile\ElasticsuiteCatalogOptimizer\Model\Optimizer\Preview\ResultsBuilder;
use Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Search\ContextInterface;
use Smile\ElasticsuiteCatalogOptimizer\Api\Data\OptimizerInterface;
use Smile\ElasticsuiteCatalogOptimizer\Model\Optimizer\Functions\ProviderInterface;
use Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Api\Search\Request\ContainerConfigurationInterface;

 * Preview Model for Optimizer
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.LongVariable)
 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CouplingBetweenObjects)
 * @category Smile
 * @package  Smile\ElasticsuiteCatalogOptimizer
 * @author   Romain Ruaud <>
class Preview
     * @var Preview\ItemFactory
    private $previewItemFactory;

     * @var ApplierListFactory
    private $applierListFactory;

     * @var OptimizerInterface
    private $optimizer;

     * @var ContainerConfigurationInterface
    private $containerConfiguration;

     * @var CategoryInterface
    private $category;

     * @var ProviderFactory
    private $providerFactory;

     * @var ResultsBuilder
    private $previewResultsBuilder;

     * @var ContextInterface
    private $searchContext;

     * @var null|string
    private $queryText = null;

     * @var integer
    private $size;

     * Constructor.
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.ExcessiveParameterList)
     * @param OptimizerInterface              $optimizer             The optimizer to preview.
     * @param Preview\ItemFactory             $previewItemFactory    Preview item factory.
     * @param ApplierListFactory              $applierListFactory    Preview Applier.
     * @param Functions\ProviderFactory       $providerFactory       Optimizer Functions Provider Factory.
     * @param ContainerConfigurationInterface $containerConfig       Container Configuration.
     * @param Preview\ResultsBuilder          $previewResultsBuilder Preview Results Builder.
     * @param ContextInterface                $searchContext         Search Context.
     * @param CategoryInterface|null          $category              Category Id to preview, if any.
     * @param string                          $queryText             Query Text.
     * @param int                             $size                  Preview size.
    public function __construct(
        OptimizerInterface $optimizer,
        Preview\ItemFactory $previewItemFactory,
        ApplierListFactory $applierListFactory,
        Functions\ProviderFactory $providerFactory,
        ContainerConfigurationInterface $containerConfig,
        Preview\ResultsBuilder $previewResultsBuilder,
        ContextInterface $searchContext,
        CategoryInterface $category = null,
        $queryText = null,
        $size = 10
    ) {
        $this->size                   = $size;
        $this->previewItemFactory     = $previewItemFactory;
        $this->optimizer              = $optimizer;
        $this->queryText              = $queryText;
        $this->applierListFactory     = $applierListFactory;
        $this->providerFactory        = $providerFactory;
        $this->containerConfiguration = $containerConfig;
        $this->previewResultsBuilder  = $previewResultsBuilder;
        $this->category               = $category;
        $this->searchContext          = $searchContext;

     * Load preview data.
     * @return array
    public function getData()
        $baseResults  = $this->getBaseResults();
        $baseProducts = $this->preparePreviewItems($baseResults);

        $optimizedResults  = $this->canApply() ? $this->getOptimizedResults() : $baseResults;
        $optimizedProducts = $this->preparePreviewItems($optimizedResults);

        $effectFunction = function ($document) use ($baseProducts, $optimizedProducts) {
            $document['effect'] = $this->getEffectOnProduct(

            return $document;

        $optimizedProducts = array_map($effectFunction, $optimizedProducts);

        $data = [
            'base_products'      => array_values($baseProducts),
            'optimized_products' => array_values($optimizedProducts),
            'size'               => max($baseResults->count(), $optimizedResults->count()), // Should be the same.

        return $data;

     * Load non-optimized results.
     * @return ResponseInterface
    private function getBaseResults()
        $baseApplier = $this->getApplier($this->optimizer, ProviderInterface::TYPE_EXCLUDE);

        return $this->getPreviewResults($baseApplier);

     * Load optimized results.
     * @return ResponseInterface
    private function getOptimizedResults()
        $optimizedApplier  = $this->getApplier($this->optimizer, ProviderInterface::TYPE_REPLACE);

        return $this->getPreviewResults($optimizedApplier);

     * Indicates if the current optimizer can be applied to the search context.
     * @return boolean
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
    private function canApply() : bool
        if (empty($this->optimizer->getSearchContainer())) {
            return false;

        $canApply = in_array($this->containerConfiguration->getName(), $this->optimizer->getSearchContainer(), true);
        if ($canApply && $this->containerConfiguration->getName() === 'quick_search_container') {
            $config = $this->optimizer->getQuickSearchContainer();
            if ((int) ($config['apply_to'] ?? 0) === 1 && !empty($config['query_ids'])) {
                $queryIds = array_column($config['query_ids'], 'id');
                $canApply = ($this->searchContext->getCurrentSearchQuery() !== null) &&
                    in_array($this->searchContext->getCurrentSearchQuery()->getId(), $queryIds, true);
        } elseif ($canApply && $this->containerConfiguration->getName() === 'catalog_view_container') {
            $config = $this->optimizer->getCatalogViewContainer();
            if ((int) ($config['apply_to'] ?? 0) === 1 && !empty($config['category_ids'])) {
                $categoryIds = array_filter($config['category_ids']);
                $canApply = in_array($this->category->getId(), $categoryIds, true);

        return $canApply;

     * @param ApplierList $applier Optimizer Applier
     * @return ResponseInterface
    private function getPreviewResults($applier)
        return $this->previewResultsBuilder->getPreviewResults(

     * Convert an array of products to an array of preview items.
     * @param ResponseInterface $queryResponse The Query response, with products as documents.
     * @return Preview\Item[]
    private function preparePreviewItems(ResponseInterface $queryResponse)
        $items = [];

        foreach ($queryResponse->getIterator() as $document) {
            $item                      = $this->previewItemFactory->create(['document' => $document]);
            $items[$document->getId()] = $item->getData();

        return $items;

     * Indicates if the product position have moved after optimization.
     * @param array $baseProductIds      The base product Ids
     * @param array $optimizedProductIds The optimized product Ids.
     * @param int   $productId           The current product.
     * @return int
    private function getEffectOnProduct($baseProductIds, $optimizedProductIds, $productId)
        $result                   = 0;
        $baseProductPosition      = array_search($productId, $baseProductIds);
        $optimizedProductPosition = array_search($productId, $optimizedProductIds);

        if ($baseProductPosition === false && $optimizedProductPosition !== false) {
            $result = 1;
        } elseif ($baseProductPosition !== false && $optimizedProductPosition === false) {
            $result = -1;
        } elseif ($baseProductPosition !== false && $optimizedProductPosition !== false) {
            if ($baseProductPosition > $optimizedProductPosition) {
                $result = 1;
            if ($baseProductPosition < $optimizedProductPosition) {
                $result = -1;

        return $result;

     * Retrieve applier of a given type for an optimizer.
     * @param OptimizerInterface $optimizer    The optimizer
     * @param string             $providerType The provider type
     * @return ApplierList
    private function getApplier(OptimizerInterface $optimizer, $providerType)
        $provider = $this->providerFactory->create($providerType, ['optimizer' => $optimizer]);

        return $this->applierListFactory->create(['functionsProvider' => $provider]);