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Test Coverage
"Save and Continue Edit","Save and Continue Edit"
"1 product","1 product"
"<%- count %> products","<%- count %> products"
"No products in the selected range.","No products in the selected range."
"Search Configuration","Search Configuration"
"Can be used only with catalog input type Text field, Dropdown, Multiple Select and Price.","Can be used only with catalog input type Text field, Dropdown, Multiple Select and Price."
"Display in autocomplete","Display in autocomplete"
"Facet coverage rate","Facet coverage rate"
"Ex: Brand facet will be displayed only if 90% of the product have a brand.","Ex: Brand facet will be displayed only if 90% of the product have a brand."
"Facet max. size","Facet max. size"
"Max number of values returned by a facet query.","Max number of values returned by a facet query."
"Facet sort order","Facet sort order"
"Search Weight","Search Weight"
"Used in spellcheck","Used in spellcheck"
"Sort products without value when sorting ASC","Sort products without value when sorting ASC"
"How the products which are missing values for this attribute should be treated when using it to sort.","How the products which are missing values for this attribute should be treated when using it to sort."
"Sort products without value when sorting DESC","Sort products without value when sorting DESC"
"Slider Display Configuration","Slider Display Configuration"
"Display pattern","Display pattern"
"A pattern like %s UNIT where %s is the value. Eg : $%s => $20 or %s € => 20 €","A pattern like %s UNIT where %s is the value. Eg : $%s => $20 or %s € => 20 €"
"Display Precision","Display Precision"
"The number of digits to use for precision when displaying.","The number of digits to use for precision when displaying."
"No exact results found for: <b>'%1'</b>. The displayed items are the closest matches.","No exact results found for: <b>'%1'</b>. The displayed items are the closest matches."
"No search specified.","No search specified."
"This search no longer exists.","This search no longer exists."
"Search results for ""%1""","Search results for ""%1"""
"Unable to save positions.","Unable to save positions."
"Always hidden","Always hidden"
"Always displayed","Always displayed"
"Result count","Result count"
"Admin sort","Admin sort"
"%1 and above","%1 and above"
"%1 - %2","%1 - %2"
"%1 is the only product matching your '%2' search.","%1 is the only product matching your '%2' search."
"Shop By","Shop By"
"Clear All","Clear All"
"Shopping Options","Shopping Options"
"Your product selection is empty.","Your product selection is empty."
"Automatic Sort","Automatic Sort"
"Manual Sort","Manual Sort"
"Show more","Show more"
"Refine search","Refine search"
"Clear search","Clear search"
"Your search returned no results.","Your search returned no results."
"Preview Only Mode","Preview Only Mode"
"Clear product positions","Clear product positions"
"Clear all products positions and blacklist status ?","Clear all products positions and blacklist status ?"
"In Stock","In Stock"
"Out Of Stock","Out Of Stock"
"Show less","Show less"
"No value matching the search <b>%s</b>.","No value matching the search <b>%s</b>."
"Search (%s)","Search (%s)"
"Product Autocomplete","Product Autocomplete"
"Max Size","Max Size"
"Maximum number of products to display in autocomplete results.","Maximum number of products to display in autocomplete results."
"Product Attributes Autocomplete","Product Attributes Autocomplete"
"Maximum number of product attributes to display in autocomplete results.","Maximum number of product attributes to display in autocomplete results."
"Category Autocomplete","Category Autocomplete"
"Maximum number of categories to display in autocomplete results.","Maximum number of categories to display in autocomplete results."
"Catalog Search","Catalog Search"
"Catalog Search Configuration","Catalog Search Configuration"
"Redirect to product page if only one result","Redirect to product page if only one result"
"If there is only one product matching a given search query, the user will be redirect to this product page.","If there is only one product matching a given search query, the user will be redirect to this product page."
"Use URL Rewrites for Category Filter in category navigation","Use URL Rewrites for Category Filter in category navigation"
"When set to yes, users are redirected (and all filters are reset) to the chosen category page when they use the category filter in layered navigation.","When set to yes, users are redirected (and all filters are reset) to the chosen category page when they use the category filter in layered navigation."
"Expanded facets","Expanded facets"
"Number of facets to display expanded by default.","Number of facets to display expanded by default."
"ElasticSuite Category Indexing","ElasticSuite Category Indexing"
"Reindex ElasticSuite catalog categories.","Reindex ElasticSuite catalog categories."
"Is Spellchecked","Is Spellchecked"
"Layered Navigation Filters","Layered Navigation Filters"
"Display Mode","Display Mode"
"Sort Order","Sort Order"
"Use Category Name in product search","Use Category Name in product search"
"Add New Optimizer","Add New Optimizer"
"All Store Views","All Store Views"
"Store View","Store View"
"Query Text","Query Text"
"No search result for the current search.","No search result for the current search."
"Clear all products positions and blacklist status ? All products will be reset to be visible and in 'Automatic Sort'.","Clear all products positions and blacklist status ? All products will be reset to be visible and in 'Automatic Sort'."
"No value matching the search <b>%1</b>.","No value matching the search <b>%1</b>."
"Logical OR (default)","Logical OR (default)"
"Logical AND","Logical AND"
"When several values are selected in a facet/filter, the default behavior is to combine them with a logical OR (""red"" OR ""blue""). But a logical AND can be handy for some attributes (""egg free"" AND ""gluten free"", ""waterproof AND lightweight AND warm"").","When several values are selected in a facet/filter, the default behavior is to combine them with a logical OR (""red"" OR ""blue"). But a logical AND can be handy for some attributes (""egg free"" AND ""gluten free"", ""waterproof AND lightweight AND warm"")."
"Facet internal logic","Facet internal logic"
"Category Name Weight","Category Name Weight"
"The search weight of category names when used in fulltext search.","The search weight of category names when used in fulltext search."
"Elasticsuite mapping has been updated real-time. However, your modifications might not be visible until the Catalogsearch Fulltext index is completely rebuilt.","Elasticsuite mapping has been updated real-time. However, your modifications might not be visible until the Catalogsearch Fulltext index is completely rebuilt."
"Elasticsuite mapping could not be updated real-time. Please wait for the complete reindexing of Catalogsearch Fulltext index.","Elasticsuite mapping could not be updated real-time. Please wait for the complete reindexing of Catalogsearch Fulltext index."
"Catalogsearch fulltext index has been invalidated.","Catalogsearch fulltext index has been invalidated."
"Enable adaptive slider","Enable adaptive slider"
"If enabled, when necessary to support the presence of outlier values in the navigation context (for instance, a very high price amidst a majority of low prices), the price slider behavior changes so that the middle of the slider range corresponds to the median price instead of the price at the middle of the range.","If enabled, when necessary to support the presence of outlier values in the navigation context (for instance, a very high price amidst a majority of low prices), the price slider behavior changes so that the middle of the slider range corresponds to the median price instead of the price at the middle of the range."
"Include zero or false values","Include zero or false values"
"If set to Yes, zero (integer or numeric attribute) or false (boolean attribute) values will be indexed in the search engine (default is No). Also applies to source model keys/values of Dropdown/Multiple Select attributes.","If set to Yes, zero (integer or numeric attribute) or false (boolean attribute) values will be indexed in the search engine (default is No). Also applies to source model keys/values of Dropdown/Multiple Select attributes."
"Display Category in Autocomplete","Display Category in Autocomplete"
"If the category can be displayed in autocomplete results.","If the category can be displayed in autocomplete results."
"Enable indexing child product SKU in dedicated subfield","Enable indexing child product SKU in dedicated subfield"
"If enabled, child products SKUs of composite products will be indexed in a separate field and the ""sku"" field will only contain the parent product sku.","If enabled, child products SKUs of composite products will be indexed in a separate field and the ""sku"" field will only contain the parent product sku."
"Enable indexing discount on child products","Enable indexing discount on child products"
"Enable this if your catalog contains configurable products that are having childrens with different prices that could have separated discounts.","Enable this if your catalog contains configurable products that are having childrens with different prices that could have separated discounts."
"Use this field for span queries","Use this field for span queries"
"Discard the field length for scoring","Discard the field length for scoring"
"Default : No. If set to Yes, the engine will try to match the current query string at the beginning of this string. Eg: when enabled on ""name"", if a customer search for ""red dress"", the engine will give an higher score to products having a name beginning by ""red dress"". This requires the Span Match Boost feature to be enabled.","Default : No. If set to Yes, the engine will try to match the current query string at the beginning of this string. Eg: when enabled on ""name"", if a customer search for ""red dress"", the engine will give an higher score to products having a name beginning by ""red dress"". This requires the Span Match Boost feature to be enabled."
"Default : No. By default, the score of a text match in a field will vary according to the field length. Eg: when searching for ""dress"", a product named ""red dress"" will have an higher score than a product named ""red dress with long sleeves"". You can set this to ""Yes"" to discard this behavior.","Default : No. By default, the score of a text match in a field will vary according to the field length. Eg: when searching for ""dress"", a product named ""red dress"" will have an higher score than a product named ""red dress with long sleeves"". You can set this to ""Yes"" to discard this behavior."
"Default Search Analyzer","Default Search Analyzer"
"Default : standard. The default analyzer for this field. Should be set to ""reference"" for SKU-like fields. You can check the %1 screen to view how these analyzers behave.","Default : standard. The default analyzer for this field. Should be set to ""reference"" for SKU-like fields. You can check the %1 screen to view how these analyzers behave."
"Layered Navigation Configuration","Layered Navigation Configuration"
"Advanced Elasticsuite Configuration","Advanced Elasticsuite Configuration"
"Analysis Page","Analysis Page"
"Ignore manual positions of out of stock products","Ignore manual positions of out of stock products"
"If you show out of stock products in the frontend (through the ""Catalog / Inventory / Stock Options / Display Out of Stock Products"" stores configuration setting), switch this setting to Yes to make sure that a manually positionned product (in categories or in search queries) is no longer shown in the configured manual positions when it becomes out of stock.","If you show out of stock products in the frontend (through the ""Catalog / Inventory / Stock Options / Display Out of Stock Products"" stores configuration setting), switch this setting to Yes to make sure that a manually positionned product (in categories or in search queries) is no longer shown in the configured manual positions when it becomes out of stock."