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 * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Smile ElasticSuite to newer
 * versions in the future.
 * @category  Smile
 * @package   Smile\ElasticsuiteSwatches
 * @author    Aurelien FOUCRET <>
 * @copyright 2020 Smile
 * @license   Open Software License ("OSL") v. 3.0

namespace Smile\ElasticsuiteSwatches\Block\Navigation\Renderer\Swatches;

use Magento\Catalog\Model\Layer\Filter\Item as FilterItem;
use Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute;
use Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Option;
use Smile\ElasticsuiteCore\Search\Request\BucketInterface;

 * Override Magento standard swatches renderer block.
 * @category Smile
 * @package  Smile\ElasticsuiteSwatches
 * @author   Aurelien FOUCRET <>
class RenderLayered extends \Magento\Swatches\Block\LayeredNavigation\RenderLayered
     * Override the native method to sort swatch options in the expected when the sorting isn't set to manual order
     * as defined in the admin attribute parameters.
     * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
     * @return array
    public function getSwatchData(): array
        // Fallback to core if sorting is set to manual.
        if ($this->eavAttribute->getFacetSortOrder() === BucketInterface::SORT_ORDER_MANUAL) {
            return parent::getSwatchData();

        if (false === $this->eavAttribute instanceof Attribute) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Magento_Swatches: RenderLayered: Attribute has not been set.');

        $attributeOptions = [];
        // Collect parameter labels in the expected order.
        $attributeOptionsSort = [];
        // Build an array whose keys are the attribute option label and not option id as in the native method.
        $sortingArr = [];
        foreach ($this->filter->getItems() as $item) {
            $sortingArr[] = $item['label'];

        // Apply proper storeview to the attribute. We need to fetch options labels in the store locale.

        foreach ($this->eavAttribute->getOptions() as $option) {
            if ($currentOption = $this->getFilterOption($this->filter->getItems(), $option)) {
                 * Built the array with the attribute options in the expected orders with the attribute option id
                 * as keys, because it's a requirement for the getSwatchesByOptionsId helper method.
                $attributeOptions[$option->getLabel()] = array_merge($currentOption, ['id' => $option->getValue()]);
            } elseif ($this->isShowEmptyResults()) {
                $attributeOptions[$option->getLabel()] = array_merge($this->getUnusedOption($option), ['id' => $option->getValue()]);

        foreach (array_merge(array_flip($sortingArr), $attributeOptions) as $item) {
            if (is_array($item) && array_key_exists('id', $item)) {
                $attributeOptionsSort[$item['id']] = $item;

        $attributeOptionIds = array_keys($attributeOptionsSort);
        $swatches = $this->swatchHelper->getSwatchesByOptionsId($attributeOptionIds);

        $data = [
            'attribute_id' => $this->eavAttribute->getId(),
            'attribute_code' => $this->eavAttribute->getAttributeCode(),
            'attribute_label' => $this->eavAttribute->getStoreLabel(),
            'options' => $attributeOptionsSort,
            'swatches' => $swatches,

        return $data;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected function getFilterOption(array $filterItems, Option $swatchOption)
        $resultOption = false;
        $filterItem = $this->getFilterItemByLabel($filterItems, $swatchOption->getLabel());
        if ($filterItem && $this->isOptionVisible($filterItem)) {
            $resultOption = $this->getOptionViewData($filterItem, $swatchOption);

        return $resultOption;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    protected function getOptionViewData(FilterItem $filterItem, Option $swatchOption)
        $customStyle = '';

        $linkToOption = $filterItem->getUrl();

        if ($this->isOptionDisabled($filterItem)) {
            $customStyle = 'disabled';
            $linkToOption = 'javascript:void();';

        if ($filterItem->getIsSelected()) {
            $customStyle = 'selected';

        return [
            'label'        => $swatchOption->getLabel(),
            'link'         => $linkToOption,
            'custom_style' => $customStyle,

     * Fetch Filter item by it's label.
     * @param FilterItem[] $filterItems All Filter items
     * @param string       $filterLabel Filter Label
     * @return bool|FilterItem
    protected function getFilterItemByLabel(array $filterItems, $filterLabel)
        foreach ($filterItems as $item) {
            if ((string) $item->getValue() === (string) $filterLabel) {
                return $item;

        return false;