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# IsoCodesValidator

Symfony validator wrapper of [IsoCodes]( project.

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## Installation

First of all, you need to require this library through composer:

``` bash
$ composer require sllh/iso-codes-validator

After this, you can use it as is.

If you are using it on a **Symfony** project,
you should read the following instructions for a better integration.

### As a Symfony bundle

If your project **is not using** [Symfony Full Stack](,
you must add the following dependencies:

$ composer require symfony/dependency-injection symfony/http-kernel symfony/finder

#### Translations

If you wish to use default validator messages translations in this bundle,
you have to make sure you have translator enabled in your config.

``` yaml
# app/config/config.yml

    translator: ~

#### Enable the bundle

``` php
// app/AppKernel.php

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new SLLH\IsoCodesValidator\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\SLLHIsoCodesValidatorBundle(),

## Usage

IsoCodesValidator is based on Symfony [Validator]( library.

### Manual usage

Create and use IsoCodes constraints by using the Symfony [Validation]( class:

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation;
use SLLH\IsoCodesValidator\Constraints\Vat;

$validator = Validation::createValidator();

$violations = $validator->validateValue('DE123456789', new Vat());

### With annotations

> Validation of objects is possible using "constraint mapping".
With such a mapping you can put constraints onto properties and objects of classes.
Whenever an object of this class is validated, its properties and method results are matched against the constraints.

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Validation;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
use SLLH\IsoCodesValidator\Constraints as IsoCodesAssert;

class Company
     * @Assert\NotBlank
     * @IsoCodesAssert\Siret
    private $siret;

     * @Assert\NotBlank
     * @IsoCodesAssert\Siren
    private $siren;

     * @IsoCodesAssert\Vat
    private $vat;

     * @IsoCodesAssert\ZipCode(country = "FR")
    private $zipCode;

    public function __construct($siret, $siren, $vat, $zipCode)
        $this->siret = $siret;
        $this->siren = $siren;
        $this->vat = $vat;
        $this->zipCode = $zipCode

$validator = Validation::createValidatorBuilder()

$company = new Company('48853781200015', '432167567', 'DE123456789', '59000');

$violations = $validator->validate($company);

## Constraints reference

Constraints classes can be found on [src/Constraints](src/Constraints).

All works "as is" without any options unless `message`.

Only [ZipCode](src/Constraints/ZipCode.php) constraint
accept a `country` option to limit validation ('all' by default).

Please note that some [IsoCodes]( classes
are already implemented on [Symfony Validator component](
It's up to you to decide which one to use.

If you think an IsoCodes class is missing, feel free to open an issue or make a PR.

## License

This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license on the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file.


 * Try to implement [OrganismeType12NormeB2]( (Maybe with a special form type?)
 * Implement and test xml/yaml assert config for Symfony: