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# composer-lint

composer-lint is a plugin for Composer.

It extends the composer validate command with extra rules.

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## Installation

You can install it either globally (recommended):

composer global require sllh/composer-lint

or locally:

composer require sllh/composer-lint

## Usage

That's it! Composer will enable automatically the plugin as soon it's installed.

Just run `composer validate` command to see the plugin working.

## Configuration

You can configure the plugin via the [`COMPOSER_HOME/config.json`]( file. Here is the default one:

    "config": {
        "sllh-composer-lint": {
            "php": true,
            "type": true,
            "minimum-stability": true,
            "version-constraints": true
        "sort-packages": false

* `php`: Checks if the PHP requirement is set on the `require` section.
* `type`: Check if package `type` is defined.
* `minimum-stability`: Checks if `minimum-stability` is set. It raises an error if it is, except for `project` packages.
* `version-constraints`: Checks if version constraint formats are valid (e.g. `~2.0` should be `^2.0`).
* `sort-packages`: Checks if packages are sorted on each section. This option is outside `sllh-composer-lint` because it's a composer native one.