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"""Defines global and per-message context."""

from builtins import dict
from builtins import object

import timeit

import sys

    import importlib.machinery
except ImportError:

import re
import os
import imp
import getpass
import logging
import functools
import importlib
import collections

import oa.conf
import oa.errors
import oa.networks
import oa.rules.base
import oa.plugins.base
import oa.plugins.pyzor
import oa.dns_interface
import oa.regex

DSN_SERVER_RE = oa.regex.Regex(r"""
    ([0-9.]+|           # IPv4
     [0-9a-f:]+)        # IPv6
    :                   # A port is following the address
    ([0-9]+)            # The port
""", re.I | re.S | re.M | re.X)

class _Context(object):
    """Base class for all context types."""

    def __init__(self):
        self.plugin_data = collections.defaultdict(dict)
        self.log = logging.getLogger("oa-logger")

    def __getstate__(self):
        odict = self.__dict__.copy()  # copy the dict since we change it
        if "RelayCountryPlugin" in odict["plugin_data"]:
            del odict["plugin_data"]["RelayCountryPlugin"]["ipv4"]
            del odict["plugin_data"]["RelayCountryPlugin"]["ipv6"]
        odict["plugins_to_import"] = []
        for plugin_name, plugin in odict["plugins"].copy().items():
            if plugin.path_to_plugin is None:
            del odict["plugins"][plugin_name]
            for rule in plugin.eval_rules:
                del odict["eval_rules"][rule]
        return odict

    def __setstate__(self, d):
        for name, path in d.get("plugins_to_import", None) or ():
            self.load_plugin(name, path)

    def set_plugin_data(self, plugin_name, key, value):
        """Store data for the specified plugin under the given key."""
        self.plugin_data[plugin_name][key] = value

    def get_plugin_data(self, plugin_name, key=None):
        """Get data for the specified plugin under the given key. Raises
        KeyError if no data is found.

        If no key is given return a dictionary with all the data stored for
        this plugin.
        if key is None:
            return self.plugin_data[plugin_name]
        return self.plugin_data[plugin_name][key]

    def del_plugin_data(self, plugin_name, key=None):
        """Delete data for the specified plugin under the given key. Raises
        KeyError if no data is found.

        If no key is given delete all the data stored for this plugin.
        if key is None:
            del self.plugin_data[plugin_name]
            del self.plugin_data[plugin_name][key]

    def pop_plugin_data(self, plugin_name, key=None):
        """Extract and remove data for the specified plugin under the given key.
        Returns None if no data is found.

        If no key is given delete all the data stored for this plugin.
        if key is None:
            return self.plugin_data.pop(plugin_name, None)
        return self.plugin_data[plugin_name].pop(key, None)

def _callback_chain(func):
    """Decorate the function as a callback chain ignores any InhibitCallbacks
    def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs):
        """Ignore any InhibitCallbacks exceptions."""
            func(*args, **kwargs)
        except oa.errors.InhibitCallbacks:
            return True
        return False

    return wrapped_func

class GlobalContext(_Context):
    """Context available globally.

    Stores the global plugin data currently loaded including:

     * plugins - the actual code loaded
     * eval_rules - the methods for the "eval" rules currently
     * cmds - additional RULES that are handled by plugins.
       This maps the rule type (e.g. "body") to the Rule class.
       These must inherit from oa.rules.base.BaseRule.


    def __init__(self, paranoid=False, ignore_unknown=True, lazy_mode=True):
        super(GlobalContext, self).__init__()
        self.plugins = dict()
        self.paranoid = paranoid
        self.lazy_mode = lazy_mode
        self.ignore_unknown = ignore_unknown
        self.eval_rules = dict()
        self.cmds = dict()
        self.dns = oa.dns_interface.DNSInterface()
        self.networks = oa.networks.NetworkList()
        self.conf = oa.conf.PADConf(self)
        self.username = getpass.getuser()

    def err(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Log a error according to the paranoid and

        If paranoid is True the log to ERROR, if the
        ignore_unknown flag is set to False the log
        to WARN and to DEBUG otherwise.
        if self.paranoid:
            self.log.error(*args, **kwargs)
        elif not self.ignore_unknown:
            self.log.warn(*args, **kwargs)
            self.log.debug(*args, **kwargs)

    def load_plugin(self, name, path=None):
        """Load the specified plugin from the given path."""
        self.log.debug("Loading plugin %s from %s", name, path)
        class_name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[-1]
        if class_name in self.plugins:
            self.log.warning("Redefining plugin %s.", class_name)

        if path is None:
            # The plugin should be sys.path already
            module_name, class_name = name.rsplit(".", 1)
                module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                raise oa.errors.PluginLoadError("Unable to load %s: %s" %
                                                (module_name, e))
        elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] > 2:
            # For Python 3.3+
            module = self._load_module_py3(path)
            # For Python 2 and < 3.3
            module = self._load_module_py2(path)

        plugin_class = getattr(module, class_name)
        if plugin_class is None:
            raise oa.errors.PluginLoadError("Missing plugin %s in %s" %
                                            (class_name, path))
        if not issubclass(plugin_class, oa.plugins.base.BasePlugin):
            raise oa.errors.PluginLoadError("%s is not a subclass of "
                                             "BasePlugin" % class_name)
        # Initialize the plugin and load any additional data
        plugin = plugin_class(self)
        self._load_cmds(plugin, class_name)
        self._load_eval_rules(plugin, class_name)"Plugin %s loaded", name)
        if path is not None:
            plugin.path_to_plugin = (name, path)
        # Store the plugin instance in the dictionary
        self.plugins[class_name] = plugin

    def _load_eval_rules(self, plugin, class_name):
        """Get all the eval rules defined by this plugin and store
        a reference in the eval_rules dictionary.
        for rule in plugin.eval_rules:
            self.log.debug("Registering eval rule: %s.%s", class_name, rule)
            if rule in self.eval_rules:
                self.log.warning("Redefining eval rule: %s", rule)
            eval_rule = getattr(plugin, rule)
            if eval_rule is None:
                raise oa.errors.PluginLoadError("Undefined eval rule %s in "
                                                 "%s" % (rule, class_name))
            self.eval_rules[rule] = eval_rule

    def _load_cmds(self, plugin, class_name):
        """Load any new RULES that are handled by this plugin. These
        must inherit from oa.rules.base.BaseRule.
        if not plugin.cmds:
        for rule_type, rule_class in plugin.cmds.items():
            self.log.debug("Registering CMD rule: %s.%s", class_name,
            if rule_type in self.cmds:
                self.log.warning("Redefining CMD rule: %s", rule_type)
            if not issubclass(rule_class, oa.rules.base.BaseRule):
                raise oa.errors.PluginLoadError("%s is not a subclass of "
                                                 "BasePlugin" % class_name)
            self.cmds[rule_type] = rule_class

    def unload_plugin(self, name):
        """Unload the specified plugin and remove any data stored in this
        if name not in self.plugins:
            raise oa.errors.PluginLoadError("Plugin %s not loaded." % name)

        plugin = self.plugins[name]
        # Delete any defined rules
        for rule in plugin.eval_rules:
            self.eval_rules.pop(rule, None)
        for rule_type in plugin.cmds or ():
            self.cmds.pop(rule_type, None)
        del self.plugins[name]

    def _load_module_py3(path):
        """Load module in Python 3."""
        modulename = os.path.basename(path).rstrip(".py").rstrip(".pyc")

        loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(modulename, path)
        return loader.load_module()

    def _load_module_py2(path):
        """Load module in Python 2."""
        modulename = os.path.basename(path).rstrip(".py").rstrip(".pyc")

        for suffix, open_type, file_type in imp.get_suffixes():
            if path.endswith(suffix):
                with open(path, open_type) as sourcef:
                    return imp.load_module(modulename, sourcef, path,
                                           (suffix, open_type, file_type))
        raise oa.errors.PluginLoadError("Unable to load module %s from %s" %
                                        (modulename, path))

    def hook_parse_config(self, key, value):
        """Hook for the parsing configuration files."""
        # First check the OrangeAssassin default config and
        # then check all the plugins.
        self.conf.parse_config(key, value)
        for plugin in self.plugins.values():
            if plugin.parse_config(key, value):

    def hook_parsing_start(self, results):
        """Hook after the parsing has finished but the ruleset
        is not initialized.
        for plugin in self.plugins.values():

    def _configure_dns(self):
        """Configure the DNS resolver based on the user

        self.dns.lifetime = self.conf["default_dns_lifetime"]
        self.dns.timeout = self.conf["default_dns_timeout"]
        cport = None
        nameservers = []
        for dns_server in self.conf["dns_server"]:
                addr, port = DSN_SERVER_RE.match(dns_server).groups()
            except AttributeError:
                self.err("Invalid dns_server: %s", dns_server)
            if cport is not None and port is not None and cport != port:
                self.err("Cannot use multiple ports %s, %s", cport, port)
            if port:
                cport = port
        cport = cport or 53
        if not nameservers:
  "Using default nameservers")
  "Using nameservers: %s (port %s)", nameservers,
            self.dns.namerservers = nameservers
            self.dns.port = int(cport)
        self.dns.available = self.conf['dns_available']

    def _add_networks(self):
        for network in self.conf['trusted_networks']:
        for network in self.conf['internal_networks']:
        for network in self.conf['msa_networks']:

    def hook_parsing_end(self, ruleset):
        """Hook after the parsing has finished but and the
        ruleset is initialized.
        self.skip_rbl_checks = bool(self.conf['skip_rbl_checks'])
        for plugin in self.plugins.values():

    def hook_check_end(self, ruleset, msg):
        """Hook after the message is checked."""
        for plugin in self.plugins.values():
            plugin.check_end(ruleset, msg)

    def hook_auto_learn(self, ruleset, msg):
        """Hook for calling auto learning plugins"""
        for plugin in self.plugins.values():
            plugin.auto_learn_discriminator(ruleset, msg)

    def hook_report(self, msg, spam=True, local=True, remote=True):
        """Hook when the message should be reported as spam."""
        for plugin in self.plugins.values():

    def hook_revoke(self, msg, spam=False, local=True, remote=True):
        """Hook when the message should be reported as ham."""
        for plugin in self.plugins.values():

class MessageContext(_Context):
    """Per-message context."""

    def __init__(self, _global_context):
        super(MessageContext, self).__init__()
        self.ctxt = _global_context

    def _hook_check_start(self):
        """Hook before the message is checked."""
        for plugin in self.ctxt.plugins.values():

    def _hook_extract_metadata(self, payload, text, part):
        """Hook before the message is checked."""
        for plugin in self.ctxt.plugins.values():
            plugin.extract_metadata(self, payload, text, part)

    def _hook_parsed_metadata(self):
        """Hook before the message is checked."""
        for plugin in self.ctxt.plugins.values():