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# importing extensions
import sentry_sdk
import psycopg2
from sentry_sdk.integrations.flask import FlaskIntegration
from sentry_sdk.integrations.sqlalchemy import SqlalchemyIntegration

from flask_cors import CORS
from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
from flask import Flask, jsonify, make_response, request, g
from flask.cli import AppGroup
import click

# importing API stuff
from common.utils import unauthorized, headers, not_found
from config import DevelopmentConfig, ProdConfig
from resources.faqs import Faqs_RUD, Faqs_CR
from resources.announcements import Announcements_RUD, Announcements_CR
from resources.hardware import Hardware_RUD, Hardware_CR
from resources.sponsors import Sponsor_RD, Sponsor_CR
from resources.schedule import Schedule_RUD, Schedule_CR
from resources.applications import Applications_RU, Applications_CR
from resources.users import Users_RD, Users_CRU, Users_Change_Role, Users_Reset_Password_Token, Users_Reset_Password, Users_Change_Password
from resources.sessions import Sessions_C, Sessions_D
from resources.rsvps import RSVP_CR, RSVP_RD
from resources.checkin import Checkin_CR

# importing python stuff
from logging.config import dictConfig
import logging
import os
import sys

def register_extensions(app, api):
    Register Flask extensions.
    # initializing CORS object
    CORS(app, origins=eval(os.getenv("CORS_ADDRESSES")))

    # initializing api object

def register_before_requests(app, Base, engine):
    Register before_request functions.
    def create_session():
        Before processing any request. Create a session by checking out a connection from the connection pool.
        Also set global variables to be accessed for the life time of the request
        g.session = Session(engine)
        g.Base = Base


def register_teardown_requests(app):
    Register after_request functions.
    def close_session(err):
        After all the processing is done. Close the session to return the connection object back to the connection pool.


def register_hello_world_route(app):
    def helloworld():
        For flask app test and general info about the API.
        Will also be used to check if the api is live or not on the slack hook
        metadata = {
            "Organization": "SpartaHack",
            "Backend Developer": "Yash",
            "Frontend Developers": "Jarek",
            "Contact": "",
            "Version": os.getenv("VERSION")
        }'this is an INFO message')
        #app.logger.warning('this is a WARNING message')
        #app.logger.error('this is an ERROR messag')"Root url accessed", stack_info=True)
        # app.logger.error(
        #   'this is another error with breadcrumbs CRITICAL message')

        return (jsonify(metadata), 200, headers)
    app.add_url_rule('/', '/', helloworld)

def register_resources(api):
    Register resources on api object
    # adding resources. Just flask-restful things :)
    api.add_resource(Faqs_RUD, "/faqs/<int:faq_id>")
    api.add_resource(Faqs_CR, "/faqs")
    api.add_resource(Announcements_RUD, "/announcements/<int:announcement_id>")
    api.add_resource(Announcements_CR, "/announcements")
    api.add_resource(Hardware_RUD, "/hardware/<int:hardware_id>")
    api.add_resource(Hardware_CR, "/hardware")
    api.add_resource(Sponsor_RD, "/sponsors/<int:sponsor_id>")
    api.add_resource(Sponsor_CR, "/sponsors")
    api.add_resource(Schedule_RUD, "/schedule/<int:schedule_id>")
    api.add_resource(Schedule_CR, "/schedule")
    api.add_resource(Applications_RU, "/applications/<int:application_id>")
    api.add_resource(Applications_CR, "/applications")
    api.add_resource(Users_RD, "/users/<int:user_id>")
    api.add_resource(Users_CRU, "/users")
    api.add_resource(Users_Change_Role, "/users/change_user_role")
    api.add_resource(Users_Reset_Password, "/users/reset_password")
    api.add_resource(Users_Change_Password, "/users/change_password")
    api.add_resource(Sessions_D, "/sessions/<user_token>")
    api.add_resource(Sessions_C, "/sessions")
    api.add_resource(RSVP_RD, "/rsvps/<int:user_id>")
    api.add_resource(RSVP_CR, "/rsvps")
    api.add_resource(Checkin_CR, "/checkin")

def create_app(config):
    Flask application factory method
    Sets up extentions and default routes
    # setting up sentry-sdk for logging exceptions and logs
        integrations=[FlaskIntegration(), SqlalchemyIntegration()],
    app = Flask(os.getenv("PROJECT"))
    # loading config data into flask app from config object.

    from extensions import api, Base, engine

    register_before_requests(app, Base, engine)
    register_extensions(app, api)

    return app