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Test Coverage
 javascript for tasks/gis/asserted_distribution/new

var TW = TW || {};
TW.tasks = TW.tasks || {};
TW.tasks.gis = TW.tasks.gis || {};
TW.tasks.gis.asserted_distributions = TW.tasks.asserted_distributions || {};

Object.assign(TW.tasks.gis.asserted_distributions, {

    init_asserted_distributions_map: function () {
      var map = TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.initializeMap("new_asserted_distribution_map_canvas", null);

    // prevent map click action if otu and source are not selected
    new_asserted_distribution_check_preemption: function () {
      // add_listeners end
      var source = "[name=asserted_distribution\\[origin_citation_attributes\\]\\[source_id\\]]"
      var otu = "[name=asserted_distribution\\[otu_id\\]]"

      if ($(source)[0].value == "") {
        return true;

      if ($(otu)[0].value == "") {
        return true;

      return false;

    bind_create_buttons: function () {
      $("[id^=button_]").click(function () {        // set mouseout for each button (condensed)
        var form = $("#new_asserted_distribution_from_map_form");
        form.append($('<input hidden name="asserted_distribution[geographic_area_id]" value="' + $(this).data('geographic-area-id') + '">'));

  bind_buttons_mouseover: function (map) {
    $("[id^=button_]").mouseover(function () {       // set mouseover for each button
        var this_id = this.id;
        var area_id = $(this).data('geographic-area-id');
        map.data.forEach(function (feature) {        // find by geographic area id
          var this_feature = feature;
          var this_property = this_feature.getProperty('geographic_area');
          if (this_property.id != area_id) {
            map.data.overrideStyle(this_feature, {strokeWeight: 0.0});      // erase borders
            map.data.overrideStyle(this_feature, {fillOpacity: 0.0});       // transparent
          if (this_property.id == area_id) {
            map.data.overrideStyle(this_feature, {fillColor: '#FF0000'});  // red
            map.data.overrideStyle(this_feature, {strokeWeight: 2});       // embolden borders
            map.data.overrideStyle(this_feature, {fillOpacity: 1.0});      // opaque

  bind_buttons_mouseout: function (map) {
    $("[id^=button_]").mouseout(function () {        // set mouseout for each button (condensed)(simplified)

    // present and configure choices when the map is clicked
    add_click_services_to_new_asserted_distribution_map: function (map, event) {     // click event passed in

      // checks for preemptive condition
      if (this.new_asserted_distribution_check_preemption()) {

      var mapLatLng = event.latLng;
      TW.tasks.gis.asserted_distributions.updateCoordinates(map, mapLatLng);

      // requests and displays choices from asserted_distribution_controller thru .../new...span:qnadf
      $.get('generate_choices', $('form#new_asserted_distribution_from_map_form').serialize(), 'json')
        .done(function (local_data) {
          var data = local_data['feature_collection'];


          // render the choices (html)

          TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.clear_map(map);          // clears previous map data features

          map.data.addGeoJson(data);      // add the geo features corresponding to the forms


          // resizes, recenters map based on new features

          // TODONE: all of the following code should be in general maps library
          //       called something like TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.bound_and_recenter(map, feature_collection)
          // TODO: where the hell is feature_collection getting initialized?! @ .done(function (local_data) { var data = local_data['feature_collection'];
          // var bounds = TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.get_canvas_bounds(map);
          // TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.getData(data, bounds);
          // var center_lat_long = TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.get_window_center(bounds);
          // map.setCenter(center_lat_long);
          // map.setZoom(bounds.gzoom);
          // TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.updateCoordinates(map, center_lat_long);
          TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.bound_and_recenter_map(data, map);

  updateCoordinates: function (map, mapPoint) {
    if (document.getElementById("map_coords") != undefined) {
      let nowZoom = document.getElementById("map_coords").textContent.split('ZOOM: ')[1];
      document.getElementById("map_coords").textContent = 'LAT: ' + mapPoint.lat() + ' - LNG: '
        + mapPoint.lng() + ' - ZOOM: ' + map.getZoom();

    add_new_asserted_distribution_map_listeners: function (map) {      // 4 listeners, one for map as a whole 3 for map.data features
      // When the user clicks, set 'isColorful', changing the color of the feature.
      map.data.addListener('click', function (event) {
        if (event.feature.getProperty('isColorful')) {           // reset selected color if
          event.feature.setProperty('isColorful', false);     // previously selected
          event.feature.setProperty('fillColor', "#440000");  // to dimmer red
        else {      // if not already "Colorful", make it so
          event.feature.setProperty('isColorful', true);
          event.feature.setProperty('fillColor', "#CC0000");  //brighter red
        TW.tasks.gis.asserted_distributions.add_click_services_to_new_asserted_distribution_map(map, event);

      // When the user hovers, tempt them to click by outlining the letters.
      // Call revertStyle() to remove all overrides. This will use the style rules
      // defined in the function passed to setStyle()
      map.data.addListener('mouseover', function (event) {
        map.data.overrideStyle(event.feature, {fillColor: '#880000'});  // mid-level red
        map.data.overrideStyle(event.feature, {strokeWeight: 2});       //embolden borders
        map.data.overrideStyle(event.feature, {icon: TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.mapIcons['brown']});       // highlight markers

      map.data.addListener('mouseout', function (event) {

      google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function (event) {
        TW.tasks.gis.asserted_distributions.add_click_services_to_new_asserted_distribution_map(map, event);

    //created to isolate functions above and debug mouseover
    add_mouseOver_Out_listeners: function (map) {
      // When the user clicks, set 'isColorful', changing the color of the feature.
      map.data.addListener('click', function (event) {
        if (event.feature.getProperty('isColorful')) {        // reset selected color if
          event.feature.setProperty('isColorful', false);     // previously selected
          event.feature.setProperty('fillColor', "#440000");  // to dimmer red
        else {      // if not already "Colorful", make it so
          event.feature.setProperty('isColorful', true);
          event.feature.setProperty('fillColor', "#CC0000");  //brighter red

      map.data.addListener('mouseover', function (event) {
        map.data.overrideStyle(event.feature, {fillColor: '#880000'});  // mid-level red
        map.data.overrideStyle(event.feature, {strokeWeight: 2});       //embolden borders
        map.data.overrideStyle(event.feature, {icon: TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.mapIcons['brown']});       // highlight markers

      map.data.addListener('mouseout', function (event) {
); // end widget

$(document).on('turbolinks:load', function() {
  if ($("#new_asserted_distribution_map_canvas").length) {
    TW.vendor.lib.google.maps.loadGoogleMapsAPI().then(function() {