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Use uniq before pluck.

Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/namespaces_helper.rb by rubocop

Prefer the use of uniq (or distinct), before pluck instead of after.

The use of uniq before pluck is preferred because it executes within the database.

This cop has two different enforcement modes. When the EnforcedStyle is conservative (the default) then only calls to pluck on a constant (i.e. a model class) before uniq are added as offenses.

When the EnforcedStyle is aggressive then all calls to pluck before uniq are added as offenses. This may lead to false positives as the cop cannot distinguish between calls to pluck on an ActiveRecord::Relation vs a call to pluck on an ActiveRecord::Associations::CollectionProxy.

Autocorrect is disabled by default for this cop since it may generate false positives.

Example: EnforcedStyle: conservative (default)

# bad

# good

Example: EnforcedStyle: aggressive

# bad
# this will return a Relation that pluck is called on
Model.where(cond: true).pluck(:id).uniq

# bad
# an association on an instance will return a CollectionProxy

# bad

# good

Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.

Severity: Minor
Found in app/helpers/namespaces_helper.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


user_content = "hi"

# bad


".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


" # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


" # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    Use namespace.institution.present? instead of !namespace.institution.blank?.

        if !namespace.institution.blank?
    Severity: Minor
    Found in app/helpers/namespaces_helper.rb by rubocop

    This cop checks for code that can be written with simpler conditionals using Object#present? defined by Active Support.

    Interaction with Style/UnlessElse: The configuration of NotBlank will not produce an offense in the context of unless else if Style/UnlessElse is inabled. This is to prevent interference between the auto-correction of the two cops.

    Example: NotNilAndNotEmpty: true (default)

    # Converts usages of `!nil? && !empty?` to `present?`
    # bad
    !foo.nil? && !foo.empty?
    # bad
    foo != nil && !foo.empty?
    # good

    Example: NotBlank: true (default)

    # Converts usages of `!blank?` to `present?`
    # bad
    # bad
    not foo.blank?
    # good

    Example: UnlessBlank: true (default)

    # Converts usages of `unless blank?` to `if present?`
    # bad
    something unless foo.blank?
    # good
    something if foo.present?

    Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.

        link_to(namespace_tag(namespace).html_safe, namespace)
    Severity: Minor
    Found in app/helpers/namespaces_helper.rb by rubocop

    This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


    user_content = "hi"
    # bad


    ".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    There are no issues that match your filters.
