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# A ImportDataset is uploaded file data to be imported into a project. This class shall not be instantiated, specific subclasses for each kind of dataset must be used instead.
# @!attribute source_file_name
#   @return [String]
#   the name of the file as uploaded by the user.
# @!attribute source_content_type
#   @return [String]
#    the content type (mime)
# @!attribute source_file_size
#   @return [Integer]
#     size of the document in K
# @!attribute source_updated_at
#   @return [Timestamp]
#     last time this document was updated
# @!attribute status
#   @return [String]
#    current import status (e.g. Pending, Completed, Closed)
# @!attribute description
#   @return [String]
#    user-supplied description of the dataset
# @!attribute metadata
#   @return [Hash]
#      data about the dataset. No particular structure is enforced, any subclass may store metadata (typically to aid the import process).
class ImportDataset < ApplicationRecord
  include Housekeeping
  include Shared::IsData
  include Shared::OriginRelationship

  attribute :status, :string, default: "Uploaded"

  has_many :dataset_record_fields, dependent: :delete_all # To speed up queries, normally should be get through dataset_records
  has_many :dataset_records, dependent: :delete_all

  before_destroy :delete_origin_relationships

  has_attached_file :source,
    filename_cleaner:  Utilities::CleanseFilename

  validates :type, presence: true
  validates :status, presence: true
  validates :description, uniqueness: { scope: :project }, presence: true, length: { minimum: 2 }

  validates_attachment :source, presence: true,
    file_name: { matches: [/\.txt\z/, /\.csv\z/, /\.tsv\z/, /\.xlsx?\z/, /\.ods\z/, /\.zip\z/] },
    size: { greater_than: 1.bytes }

  # Stages all records from source file into DB. Implementors must not assume it will be called only once.
  def stage
    raise "Implementation missing"


  def delete_origin_relationships
    OriginRelationship.where(old_object: self).delete_all