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Test Coverage
  <h2> BibTeX batchload </h2>
  <div class="flexbox full_viewport_whitespace">
    <div class="item item1 one_third_width">
      <h3> Description and requirements </h3>
      <p> Creates one or more <%= link_to('sources', sources_path) -%> from a BibTex formatted bibliography.  Use this to load bibliographies exported from tools like EndNote, or Zotero.</p>
        <li> The file to import should be in UTF-8 encoding. </li>
        <li> The file should have unix style line-endings. </li>
      <p> Prior to import, check your data: </p>
        <li> All entries should include a populated 'Label' field containing a unique internal identifier for the record. Endnote does <em>not</em> provide this by default, Zotero does. </li>
        <li> Year fields should not include periods ('.').</li>
        <li> Try using a BibTeX bibliography "linter" or validating tool on the web to find errors in your file</li>


    <div class="item item2 one_third_width">
      <h3> Example file </h3>
      <pre class="fixed_width_font" style="overflow: auto;">
  author = { mclaughlin, Mclaughlin and  lemaitre, Lemaitre and  sorhannus,
  title = {Hermit crab phylogeny: A reappraisal and its fall-out},
  journal = {Journal of Crustacean Biology},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {9711},

    <div class="item item3">
      <h3> Go! </h3>

      <%= form_tag preview_bibtex_batch_load_sources_path, multipart: true do -%>
          Select a file <%= file_field_tag :file -%>
          <%= submit_tag 'preview' -%>
      <% end %>