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    var imageObject;
    imageObject = new Image();

    var imageAspectRatio;
    var canvas;
    var context;
    var paper;
    var paperWidth = 400;
    var paperHeight = 400;
    var imageWidth;
    var imageHeight;

    var select_box;
    var big_svg_image;

    // current position of the select box
    var boxX = 0;
    var boxY = 0;
    var boxW = 50;
    var boxH = 50;

    var sourceX;
    var sourceY;
    var sourceWidth;
    var sourceHeight;

    var svg_box = {
        'type': 'rect',
        'x': 0,
        'y': 0,
        'width': 50,
        'height': 50,
        'fill': '#ffffff',
        'stroke': '#000000',
        'stroke-width': 1,
        'opacity': 0.4

    var p = Raphael("paper", paperWidth, paperHeight);
    var sizes = "<%= @result.large_dimensions_for(@result.primary_image) -%>".split(',')
    var resizeValues = resizeImage(Number(sizes[2]), Number(sizes[3]))

    initRescale("<%= @result.image_path_for_large_image(@result.primary_image) -%>", [0, 0, resizeValues[0], resizeValues[1]])

    $('.clickable').on('click', function (click) {
        initRescale (click.currentTarget.src, [0, 0, click.currentTarget.naturalWidth, click.currentTarget.naturalHeight], true);

    $('.destroyable').on('click', function () {
        var name = $(this).data('object-name');
        var field = $(this).parent('div.field');

        field.html('removed, save required');

        field.append($('<input hidden name="' + name + '[_destroy]" value="1" >'));

    function initRescale (imageSrc, box, clearCanvas) {
        big_svg_image = p.image(imageSrc, box[0], box[1], box[2], box[3]);
        imageWidth = big_svg_image.attrs.width
        imageHeight = big_svg_image.attrs.height
        getBox(clearCanvas);       // just clear the canvas

    function addSelectBox(paper) {
        var changeCursor = function (e, mouseX, mouseY) {
            // Don't change cursor during a drag operation
            if (this.dragging === true) {

            // X,Y Coordinates relative to shape's orgin
            var relativeX = mouseX - $('#paper').offset().left - this.attr('x');
            var relativeY = mouseY - $('#paper').offset().top - this.attr('y');

            var shapeWidth = this.attr('width');
            var shapeHeight = this.attr('height');

            var resizeBorder = 10;

            // Change cursor
            if (relativeX < resizeBorder) {     // left (west) border, so see if also a corner
                this.attr('cursor', 'w-resize');
                if (relativeY < resizeBorder) {
                    this.attr('cursor', 'nw-resize');
                } else if (relativeY > shapeHeight - resizeBorder) {
                    this.attr('cursor', 'sw-resize');
            } else if (relativeX > shapeWidth - resizeBorder) {     // right (east) border, so see if also a corner
                this.attr('cursor', 'e-resize');
                if (relativeY > shapeHeight - resizeBorder) {
                    this.attr('cursor', 'se-resize');
                } else if (relativeY < resizeBorder) {
                    this.attr('cursor', 'ne-resize');
            } else if (relativeY > shapeHeight - resizeBorder) {     // bottom (south) border, so see if also a corner
                this.attr('cursor', 's-resize');
                if (relativeX > shapeWidth - resizeBorder) {
                    this.attr('cursor', 'se-resize');
                } else if (relativeX < resizeBorder) {
                    this.attr("cursor", 'sw-resize');
            } else if (relativeY < resizeBorder) {     // top (north) border, so see if also a corner
                this.attr('cursor', 'n-resize');
                if (relativeX < resizeBorder) {
                    this.attr('cursor', 'sw-resize');
                } else if (relativeX > shapeWidth - resizeBorder) {
                    this.attr('cursor', 'sw-resize');
            } else {
                this.attr('cursor', 'move');

        var dragStart = function () {
            // Save some starting values
            this.ox = this.attr('x');
            this.oy = this.attr('y');
            this.ow = this.attr('width');
            this.oh = this.attr('height');

            this.dragging = true;

        var dragMove = function (dx, dy) {

            // Inspect cursor to determine which resize/move process to use
            switch (this.attr('cursor')) {

                case 'w-resize' :
                        x: this.ox + dx,
                        width: this.ow - dx,

                case 'nw-resize' :
                        x: this.ox + dx,
                        y: this.oy + dy,
                        width: this.ow - dx,
                        height: this.oh - dy

                case 'ne-resize' :
                    this.attr({                   // not changing x of origin in this case
                        y: this.oy + dy,
                        width: this.ow + dx,
                        height: this.oh - dy

                case 'e-resize' :
                    this.attr({                   // not changing x of origin in this case
//                        y: this.oy + dy,
                        width: this.ow + dx,
//                        height: this.oh - dy

                case 'se-resize' :
                    this.attr({                  // not changing x or y of origin in this case
                        width: this.ow + dx,
                        height: this.oh + dy

                case 'sw-resize' :
                    this.attr({                   // ARE changing x of origin in this case
                        x: this.ox + dx,
                        width: this.ow - dx,
                        height: this.oh + dy

                case 'n-resize' :
                    this.attr({                   // ARE changing y of origin in this case
                        y: this.oy + dy,
//                        width: this.ow + dx,
                        height: this.oh - dy

                case 's-resize' :
                    this.attr({                   // not changing x or y of origin in this case
//                        y: this.oy + dy,
//                        width: this.ow + dx,
                        height: this.oh + dy

                default :
                    this.attr({                   // default is <move> if not explicitly so (e.g., muffed n/s/e/w)
                        x: this.ox + dx,
                        y: this.oy + dy

            boxX = this.attr("x");
            boxY = this.attr("y");
            boxW = this.attr("width");
            boxH = this.attr("height");

        var dragEnd = function () {
            this.dragging = false;
            getBox();               // when box drag or sizing stops, get the box data

        select_box = paper.add([

        //  select_box.mouseup(selectRectangle());        // does not work, preempted by dragEnd
        select_box.drag(dragMove, dragStart, dragEnd);
    ; // end set_select_box

    function big_svg_coords() {
        c = big_svg_image.attr('src').split("scale_to_box")[1].split("/");
        return [Number(c[1]), Number(c[2]), Number(c[3]), Number(c[4])];

    function resizeImage (width, height) {
        var aspectRatio = height > paperHeight ?  paperHeight / height : 1;

        return [width * aspectRatio, height * aspectRatio];

    function getBox(reset) {
        var coords = big_svg_coords();  // "corners" of the selectable image rectangle

        // imageAspectRatio = coords[2] / coords[3];
        imageAspectRatio = 1;

        // calculate source framing
        var SratioW = coords[2] / imageWidth;           // separate the source amd destination distortion
        var SratioH = coords[3] / imageHeight;          // by computing separate rectangle aspect ratios

        sourceX = Math.round((boxX * SratioW) + coords[0]);
        sourceY = Math.round((boxY * SratioH * imageAspectRatio) + coords[1]);
        sourceWidth = Math.round(boxW * SratioW);
        sourceHeight = Math.round(boxH * SratioH * imageAspectRatio);

        canvas = document.getElementById("selected_picture_canvas");
        context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

        if (reset) {

        // calculate destination framing
        var destWidth;                  // NOTE:  destWidth and destHeight are
        var destHeight;                 // no longer the same as paperWidth/Height

        var ratioW = coords[2] / canvas.width;      // This may end up set by this file
        var ratioH = coords[3] / canvas.height;     // vs fetched from static control

        if (boxW >= boxH) {         // destination width should equal canvas.width
            destWidth = coords[2] / ratioW;
            destHeight = (boxH / boxW) * destWidth;     // dependent width assuming 1:1 pixel ratio
        else {                      // destination height should equal canvas.height
            destHeight = coords[3] / ratioH;
            destWidth = (boxW / boxH) * destHeight;     // dependent height assuming 1:1 pixel ratio

        var destX = canvas.width / 2 - destWidth / 2;      // center tall selection horizontally
        var destY = 0;       // bias wide selection to top  // was canvas.height / 2 - destHeight / 2;

        imageObject.src = $("#original_image").attr('src');         // make an image() object to "draw onto the canvas
        context.drawImage(imageObject, sourceX, sourceY, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, destX, destY, destWidth, destHeight);
        //  $('#debug_box').html(boxX + "|" + boxY + "|" + boxW + "|" + boxH + "-" + sourceX + "|" + sourceY + "|" + sourceWidth + "|" + sourceHeight );

    function ocr_selection() {
        $("#selected_text").html("Calculating ocr...");
        var coord_string = Math.round(sourceX) + "/" + Math.round(sourceY) + "/" + Math.round(sourceWidth) + "/" + Math.round(sourceHeight);
        var ocr_string = "/images/<%= @result.depiction.image.id -%>/ocr/" + coord_string;

        $.get(ocr_string, function (data) {
                    if (data.text.length > 0) {
                    else {
                        $("#selected_text").append(' FAILED');
                }, 'json'

    function initDecodedText() {
        $("#selected_text").html('Drag box to ocr.');

    $('#ocr_selection').on('click', function () {

    $('#setBox').on('click', function () {

    Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+q', function () {
    Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+w', function () {
    Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+n', function () {

    function append_user_selected_ocr() {
        var target = $(document.activeElement);
        $(target).val($(target).val() + $("#selected_text").html());

    function replace_user_selected_ocr() {
        var target = $(document.activeElement);

    <% @result.image_sections.each_with_index do |section, i| -%>
    Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+<%= %w{a s d f g h i}[i] %>', function () {
        use_ocr('<%= section -%>');
    <% end %>

    <% @result.image_sections.each_with_index do |section, i| -%>
    Mousetrap.bind('ctrl+<%= i + 1 %>', function () {
        var index = <%= i  -%>;
        $("#little" + index).trigger('click');
    <% end %>

    $(".use_ocr").on('click', function (click) {
        var section = this.id.split("use_")[1];

    function use_ocr(section) {
        var ocr = $("#text_for_" + section).html();
        var target_id;
        var value;

        if (section == 'identifier') {
            target_id = "#collection_object_identifiers_attributes_0_identifier";
            value = get_identifier(ocr);
        else {
            target_id = "#collection_object_" + $("#image_sections").data("section-" + section);
            value = $(target_id).val() + ocr;


    function get_identifier(ocr_txt) {
        // var regex = /\d{<%= @identifier_prototype.length -%>}/;
        const regex = /\w*[^\s\\]\d+/
        const result = regex.exec(ocr_txt);

        return result
            ? result[0]
            : ''

    <% if !@result.ocr_cached? -%>
      function original_ocr() {
        <% @result.image_sections.each do |section| -%>
            $("#text_for_<%= section -%>").html("<%= j @result.ocr_for(section) -%>")
       <% end %>

      $( document ).ready(function() {
    <% end %>
