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<h1> CoLDP exports </h1>
  <%= form_tag(download_coldp_task_path, method: :get) do %>
    <p> The Catalog of Life seeks to build a list of all <i> taxa </i> and their names. Scope your export to include those taxa (= OTUs) that are children, by proxy of the attached nomenclature, of this selected taxon (OTU). </p>

    <div class="field">
      <%= label_tag :otu, 'OTU', data: {help: 'The scope of the download is determined by this parent taxon. All children, by proxy of the taxon name attached to this OTU will be included in the export.'} %> <br>
      <%= render partial: 'workbench/elements/forms/ajax_select', locals: {
        controller: '/otus',
        object: '',
        method: 'otu_id',
        tag_id: 'otu_id_for_coldp',
        display: nil,
        size: 60} %>
    <div class="field">
      <%= check_box_tag 'prefer_unlabelled_otus' %>
      <%= label_tag 'prefer_unlabelled_otus', 'Export single OTU only' %> <span class="feedback feedback-warning feedback-thin"> If a taxon name has multiple OTUs, then, if possible, choose the OTU without a value in the OTU <b>name</b> field.</span>

    <%= submit_tag :Download, class: ['normal-input', :button, 'button-default'] -%>
  <% end %>