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<%= tag.h1 "Tasks - Project data (export, download)", id: :top -%>

<%= tag.em 'Exports and downloads are also available in numerous other places, for example Filters, Hubs, other tasks.' %>
<%= tag.p "Project wide downloads are generated in the background. You will be redirected to the Download that will contain the file.", class: [:feedback, 'feedback-warning'] %>

<div class="flexbox separate-bottom">
  <div class="panel content">
    <h3> Export SQL </h3>
    <p><em>Generate a downloadable copy of the database (PostgreSQL dump) with all data referenced in this project. Includes Community data like Sources, People, and Repositories.</em></p>
    <p> Restorable with <b>psql -U :username -d :database -f dump.sql</b>. Requires database to be created without tables (<b>rails db:create</b>) </p>

      <%= form_tag(generate_sql_download_task_path, method: :get) do %>
        <%= submit_tag :Generate, class: ['normal-input', :button, 'button-default'] -%>
      <% end %>

  <div class="panel content separate-left">
    <h3> Export TSV </h3>
    <p><em>Generate a <%= link_to 'Download', list_downloads_path %> of a zipped copy of all tables with a project_id in TSV format. Currently does *not* include community data (Sources, People, Repositories, etc.).</em></p>
      <%= form_tag(generate_tsv_download_task_path, method: :get) do %>
        <%= submit_tag :Generate, class: ['normal-input', :button, 'button-default'] -%>
      <% end %>

<div class="flexbox separate-bottom">
  <div class="panel content">
    <h3> Tables </h3>
    <p><em>Download tab-delimited text 1:1 with tables.</em></p>

        <% @project.has_many_relationships.each do |r| -%>
          <% begin %>
            <% a = @project.send(r)&.count %>
            <% if a && a > 0 %>
                <% b = "#{r.classify.pluralize}Controller".safe_constantize -%>
                <% c = b&.new&.respond_to?(:download) ? true : false -%>
                <%= tag.td r.to_s.humanize -%>
                <%= tag.td a -%>
                <%= tag.td (c ? link_to('Download', download_path_for_model(r.classify.safe_constantize)) : 'Unavailable') -%>
            <% end %>
          <% rescue ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughOrderError %>
          <% end %>
        <% end %>

          <% b = SourcesController.new %>
          <% c = b.respond_to?(:download) ? true : false -%>
          <%= tag.td 'Sources' -%>
          <%= tag.td( Source.joins(:project_sources).where(project_sources: {project_id: sessions_current_project_id}).count.to_s) -%>
          <%= tag.td( c ? link_to('Download', download_sources_path) : 'Unavailable') -%>
