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Test Coverage
<h1> Task - Global Names Finder playground </h1>
<p> <%= link_to('Report a problem with gnfinder results (verification, unfound names, etc.).', 'https://github.com/gnames/gnfinder/issues', target: :blank) -%><em>Issues that match gnfinder data to TaxonWorks data should be reported in the TaxonWorks issue tracker.</em></p>
<% if @source %>
  <span class="feedback feedback-primary"><%= object_link(@source) -%> </span>
  &nbsp; Existing citations: <%= @source.citations.where(project_id: sessions_current_project_id).count -%>
<% end %>

  <span class="feedback feedback-secondary"><%= object_link(@document) -%></span>
  Language <b><%= @result.client.language -%></b> detected. With log10 average odds per best match of <%= a = @result.score.round(4) -%> that the OCR of this document is probably <%= @result.probable_source_of_text -%>.

<%= content_tag(:a, '', id: :top) -%>

<% sections = %i{missing_new_names low_probability_missing_new_names missing_other_names missing_low_probability_names found_names} %>

<% unless @result.ocr_failure %>

  <p> <%= sections.collect{|a| link_to(a.to_s.humanize, "##{a}", data: {turbolinks: false} )}.join(' | ').html_safe -%> </p>

  <% sections.each do |t| -%>
    <%= content_tag(:a, '', id: t) -%>
      <%= link_to('Top', "#top", class: [:right_float], data: {turbolinks: false}) -%>
      <%= content_tag(:h2, t.to_s.humanize + ' (' + @result.send(t).count.to_s + ')' ) -%>

    <% if @result.send(t).count > 0 -%>
      <table class="full_width">
          <th colspan="2"> Name </th>
          <th colspan="3"> TaxonWorks </th>
          <th colspan="5"> Verification </th>

          <th> Name </th>
          <th> Verbatim </th>

          <th> Matches </th>
          <th> New </th>
          <th> Parent(?) </th>

          <th> Hits </th>
          <th> Verified? (best match) </th>
          <th> Origin (best match) </th>
          <th> Data source quality</th>
          <th> Context(s) </th>

        <% @result.send(t).each do |k, v| -%>
            <%= content_tag(:td, k) -%>
            <%= content_tag(:td, v.first.found.verbatim) -%>

            <% if (t == :missing_new_names) || (t == :missing_other_names) %>
              <td> - </td>
              <%= content_tag(:td, link_to('New', new_taxon_name_task_path(name: v.first.protonym_name, parent_id: v.first.taxonworks_parent&.id))) -%>
            <% else %>

              <%= content_tag(:td, gnfinder_matches_links(v.first.matches, @source)) -%>
              <td> - </td>
            <% end %>

            <% if v.first.taxonworks_parent %>
              <%= content_tag(:td, link_to(v.first.taxonworks_parent.cached, browse_nomenclature_task_path(taxon_name_id: v.first.taxonworks_parent)))  -%>
            <% else %>
            <% end %>

            <%= content_tag(:td, v.count) -%>
            <%= content_tag(:td, v.first.is_verified? ? content_tag(:span, v.first.best_match_type, class: [:feedback, 'feedback-info', 'feedback-thin']) : content_tag(:span, 'No', class: [:feedback, 'feedback-warning', 'feedback-thin'])) -%>
            <%= content_tag(:td, v.first.best_result&.data_source_title) -%>
            <%= content_tag(:td, content_tag(:span, v.first.log_odds.round(4), data: {'heatmap': 'base-10'}) ) -%>
            <%= content_tag(:td, content_tag(:pre, (v.first.words_before.join('&nbsp;') + '&nbsp;<em>*</em>&nbsp;' + v.first.words_after.join(' ')).html_safe )) -%>
        <% end %>

    <% else %> <!--- no records of this type --->
      <%= content_tag(:span, 'None', class: ['feedback', 'feedback-info', 'feedback-thin']) -%>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

<% else %>
  <p class="feedback feedback-danger"> Playground failed, OCR of text likely missing. </p>
<% end %>