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Test Coverage
<h1> Report for <%= object_tag(@user) -%> </h1>
<% Rails.application.eager_load! if Rails.env.development? -%>

<% @user.class.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_many).each do |r| %>
    <% unless r.name.to_s =~ /created_/ || r.name.to_s =~ /updated_/ %>
        <div><%= r.name -%> <%#= @user.send(r.name).count %></div>
    <% end %>

<% end %>


<!-- call method in user.rb that will create a hash to include class name, no. created, no updated
 Then there will be some routine (within the loop?) that puts the values in the appropriate column

 Now add a first created at and a last updated at

    <th> </th>
    <th>Number created</th>
    <th>First created</th>
    <th>Number updated</th>
    <th>Last updated</th>

  <% @user.get_class_created_updated.each_with_index do |(k,v), i| %>
      <td> <%= i -%> </td>
        <td>  <%= k %>  </td>
          <%= v[:created] %>
          <%= v[:first_created] %>
          <%= v[:updated] %>
          <%= v[:last_updated] %>

  <% end %>

<%= link_to('select another user', user_activity_task_path) -%>