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Do not use instance variables in helpers.

      @c_o_table_store.set(table_string, @c_o_table_data.to_json)

Use if row[:err].present? instead of unless row[:err].blank?.

    unless row[:err].blank?

This cop checks for code that can be written with simpler conditionals using Object#present? defined by Active Support.

Interaction with Style/UnlessElse: The configuration of NotBlank will not produce an offense in the context of unless else if Style/UnlessElse is inabled. This is to prevent interference between the auto-correction of the two cops.

Example: NotNilAndNotEmpty: true (default)

# Converts usages of `!nil? && !empty?` to `present?`

# bad
!foo.nil? && !foo.empty?

# bad
foo != nil && !foo.empty?

# good

Example: NotBlank: true (default)

# Converts usages of `!blank?` to `present?`

# bad

# bad
not foo.blank?

# good

Example: UnlessBlank: true (default)

# Converts usages of `unless blank?` to `if present?`

# bad
something unless foo.blank?

# good
something if foo.present?

Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.

      taxon_name_objects.each_with_index.collect{|n, i| "#{i + 1}: " +  n.get_full_name.to_s }.join('<br>').html_safe 

This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


user_content = "hi"

# bad


".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


" # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


" # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.

            (content_tag(:span, nomenclature_line_tag(nomenclature_catalog_item, reference_taxon_name, target)) + ' ' + radial_annotator(nomenclature_catalog_item.object)).html_safe,

    This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


    user_content = "hi"
    # bad


    ".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.


    This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


    user_content = "hi"
    # bad


    ".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.


    This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


    user_content = "hi"
    # bad


    ".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    unexpected token tCOMMA (Using Ruby 2.4 parser; configure using TargetRubyVersion parameter, under AllCops)

        d = Utilities::Hierarchy.new(objects:, match:).to_a
    Severity: Minor
    Found in app/helpers/taxon_names_helper.rb by rubocop

    This is not actually a cop. It does not inspect anything. It just provides methods to repack Parser's diagnostics/errors into RuboCop's offenses.

    Prefer symbols instead of strings as hash keys.

            'id' => type_material.id,

    This cop checks for the use of strings as keys in hashes. The use of symbols is preferred instead.


    # bad
    { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
    # good
    { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }

    Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.

        string.gsub(/(#{t})(?!>)/i, content_tag(:mark, '\1')).html_safe

    This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


    user_content = "hi"
    # bad


    ".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    Prefer symbols instead of strings as hash keys.

          link_to(content_tag(:span, 'Destroy', 'data-icon' => 'trash', class: 'small-icon'), object.metamorphosize, method: :delete, data: {confirm: 'Are you sure?'}, class: 'navigation-item')

    This cop checks for the use of strings as keys in hashes. The use of symbols is preferred instead.


    # bad
    { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
    # good
    { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }

    Prefer symbols instead of strings as hash keys.

          'smart-selector-current-object-id' => params[:current]&.id,

    This cop checks for the use of strings as keys in hashes. The use of symbols is preferred instead.


    # bad
    { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
    # good
    { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }

    Prefer symbols instead of strings as hash keys.

        render(json: { 'message' => 'Record not found' }, status: :unauthorized) if !@object.is_community? && @object.project_id != sessions_current_project_id

    This cop checks for the use of strings as keys in hashes. The use of symbols is preferred instead.


    # bad
    { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
    # good
    { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }

    Use 2 (not 4) spaces for indentation.

        def type_taxon_name_relationship_label(taxon_name_relationship, target: :browse_nomenclature_task_path)

    This cop checks for indentation that doesn't use the specified number of spaces.

    See also the IndentationConsistency cop which is the companion to this one.


    # bad
    class A
     def test
      puts 'hello'
    # good
    class A
      def test
        puts 'hello'

    Example: IgnoredPatterns: ['^\s*module']

    # bad
    module A
    class B
      def test
      puts 'hello'
    # good
    module A
    class B
      def test
        puts 'hello'

    Prefer symbols instead of strings as hash keys.

            'history-object-id' => n.object.id,

    This cop checks for the use of strings as keys in hashes. The use of symbols is preferred instead.


    # bad
    { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
    # good
    { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }

    Prefer symbols instead of strings as hash keys.

        link_to(link_text, target, 'data-arrow' => 'next', 'class' => 'navigation-item')

    This cop checks for the use of strings as keys in hashes. The use of symbols is preferred instead.


    # bad
    { 'one' => 1, 'two' => 2, 'three' => 3 }
    # good
    { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }

    Use find_by instead of dynamic find_by_api_access_token.

          project = Project.find_by_api_access_token(params[:project_token])

    This cop checks dynamic find_by_* methods. Use find_by instead of dynamic method. See. https://github.com/rubocop-hq/rails-style-guide#find_by


    # bad
    # bad
    # bad
    # good
    User.find_by(name: name)
    # good
    User.find_by(name: name, email: email)
    # good
    User.find_by!(email: email)

    Do not use instance variables in helpers.

        if @list_collection_objects.any?

    Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.


    This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


    user_content = "hi"
    # bad


    ".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.

           tnc.classification_label + (tnc.citations.load.any? ? (' in ' + citations_tag(tnc)).html_safe : '')

    This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


    user_content = "hi"
    # bad


    ".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"

    Tagging a string as html safe may be a security risk.

        link_to(type_material_tag(type_material).html_safe, type_material)

    This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe, raw, and safe_concat. These methods do not escape content. They simply return a SafeBuffer containing the content as is. Instead, use safe_join to join content and escape it and concat to concatenate content and escape it, ensuring its safety.


    user_content = "hi"
    # bad


    ".html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # good content_tag(:p, user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    " # bad out = "" out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out << "
  • #{user_content}
  • " out.html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "
  • hi
  • hi
  • " # good out = [] out << content_tag(:li, user_content) out << content_tag(:li, user_content) safe_join(out) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "
  • <b>hi</b>
  • <b>hi</b>
  • " # bad out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.safe_concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "


    hi" # good out = "

    trusted content

    ".html_safe out.concat(user_content) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "


    <b>hi</b>" # safe, though maybe not good style out = "trusted content" result = out.concat(user_content) # => String "trusted contenthi" # because when rendered in ERB the String will be escaped: # <%= result %> # => trusted content<b>hi</b> # bad (user_content + " " + content_tag(:span, user_content)).html_safe # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer "hi <span><b>hi</b></span>" # good safe_join([user_content, " ", content_tag(:span, user_content)]) # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer # "<b>hi</b> <span>&lt;b&gt;hi&lt;/b&gt;</span>"