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<%= render(Spina::UserInterface::ModalComponent.new(size: "max-w-6xl h-full")) do |component| %>
  <div class="h-full w-full" data-controller="infinite-scroll media-picker-modal" data-target="<%= @target %>">
    <turbo-frame id="media_picker" data-action= "turbo:frame-load->infinite-scroll#load">
      <div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row h-full w-full">
        <div class="flex-1 bg-white flex flex-col max-h-full relative overflow-hidden">
          <div data-infinite-scroll-target="container" data-controller="selectable" class="p-6 h-full w-full overflow-scroll" data-action="scroll->infinite-scroll#load">
            <turbo-frame id="images">
              <!-- Images are loaded using nested turbo-frame-tags -->
              <!-- Only load images in multiples of 4 so that this grid -->
              <!-- will not show any gaps. -->
              <turbo-frame id="images-<%= @images.current_page %>">
                <div class="grid grid-cols-2 md:grid-cols-4 gap-6 auto-rows-min">
                  <%= render Spina::MediaPicker::ImageComponent.with_collection(@images) %>
                <% if @images.next_page %>
                  <turbo-frame id="images-<%= @images.next_page %>" data-action= "turbo:frame-load->infinite-scroll#load">
                    <%= link_to "Load more images", helpers.path_to_next_page(@images), class: "btn btn-default mt-6", data: {infinite_scroll_target: "button"} %>
                <% end %>
        <div class="md:w-72 p-4 border-t rounded-b-lg md:rounded-none md:border-t-0 border-gray-200 flex flex-col justify-between bg-gray-100 md:bg-opacity-50 md:rounded-l-lg">
          <div class="mb-4">
            <%= form_with method: :get, url: helpers.spina.admin_media_picker_path, data: {controller: "form", turbo_frame: "images"} do |f| %>
              <%= f.hidden_field :media_folder_id, value: @media_folder&.id %>
              <%= render Spina::Forms::SearchComponent.new(f, :query) %>
            <% end %>
          <div class="hidden md:block md:mb-6 overflow-scroll flex-1">
            <%= link_to helpers.spina.admin_media_picker_path, class: "font-medium w-full text-sm px-3 py-2 rounded-lg flex items-center justify-between #{media_folder_classes(nil)}", data: {turbo_frame: "media_picker"} do %>
              <div class="flex items-center">
                <%= helpers.heroicon("collection", style: :solid, class: "w-5 h-5 mr-2 text-spina-light") %>
                <%=t 'spina.images.all_images' %>
              <div class="text-gray-400 text-sm font-semibold">
                <%= image_count %>
            <% end %>
            <% media_folders.each do |media_folder| %>
              <%= link_to helpers.spina.admin_media_picker_path(media_folder_id: media_folder.id), class: "font-medium w-full text-gray-600 text-sm px-3 py-2 cursor-pointer rounded-lg flex items-center justify-between #{media_folder_classes(media_folder)}", data: {turbo_frame: "media_picker"} do %>
                <div class="flex items-center">
                  <%= helpers.heroicon('folder', style: :solid, class: 'w-5 h-5 mr-2 text-spina-light') %>
                  <%= media_folder.name %>
                <div class="text-gray-400 text-sm font-semibold">
                  <%= media_folder.images.count %>
              <% end %>
            <% end %>
            <%= render Spina::Forms::FileUploadComponent.new(origin: 'media-picker', media_folder: @media_folder, turbo_frame: 'media_picker') %>
          <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary w-full mt-3" data-action="media-picker-modal#confirm modal#close">
            <%= helpers.heroicon("arrow-right", style: :mini, class: "text-white w-4 h-4 mr-1") %>
            <%=t 'spina.media_library.insert' %>
<% end %>