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# Theme configuration file
# ========================
# This file is used for all theme configuration.
# It's where you define everything that's editable in Spina CMS.

Spina::Theme.register do |theme|
  # All views are namespaced based on the theme's name
  theme.name = "demo"
  theme.title = "Demo theme"

  # Parts
  # Define all editable parts you want to use in your view templates
  # Built-in part types:
  # - Line
  # - MultiLine
  # - Text (Rich text editor)
  # - Image
  # - ImageCollection
  # - Attachment
  # - Option
  # - Repeater
  theme.parts = [
    {name: "repeater", title: "Repeater", part_type: "Spina::Parts::Repeater", item_name: "item", parts: %w[line image headline]},
    {name: "line", title: "Line", part_type: "Spina::Parts::Line"},
    {name: "body", title: "Body", hint: "Your content", part_type: "Spina::Parts::Text"},
    {name: "image_collection", title: "Image collection", part_type: "Spina::Parts::ImageCollection"},
    {name: "image", title: "Image", part_type: "Spina::Parts::Image"},
    {name: "headline", title: "Headline", hint: "Used in the header", part_type: "Spina::Parts::Line"},
    {name: "footer", title: "Footer", part_type: "Spina::Parts::Text"}

  # View templates
  # Every page has a view template stored in app/views/my_theme/pages/*
  # You define which parts you want to enable for every view template
  # by referencing them from the theme.parts configuration above.
  theme.view_templates = [
    {name: "homepage", title: "Homepage", parts: %w[headline body image_collection]},
    {name: "show", title: "Default", parts: %w[body image repeater]},
    {name: "demo", title: "Demo", parts: %w[body image_collection image repeater], exclude_from: %w[articles]}

  # Custom pages
  # Some pages should not be created by the user, but generated automatically.
  # By naming them you can reference them in your code.
  theme.custom_pages = [
    {name: "homepage", title: "Homepage", deletable: false, view_template: "homepage"},
    {name: "demo", title: "Demo", deletable: true, view_template: "demo"}

  # Navigations (optional)
  # If your project has multiple navigations, it can be useful to configure multiple
  # navigations.
  theme.navigations = [
    {name: "main", label: "Main navigation"}

  # Layout parts (optional)
  # You can create global content that doesn't belong to one specific page. We call these layout parts.
  # You only have to reference the name of the parts you want to have here.
  theme.layout_parts = []

  # Resources (optional)
  # Think of resources as a collection of pages. They are managed separately in Spina
  # allowing you to separate these pages from the 'main' collection of pages.
  theme.resources = [
    {name: "articles", label: "Articles", view_template: "article", slug: "articles"}

  # Plugins (optional)
  theme.plugins = ["reviews"]

  # Embeds (optional)
  theme.embeds = []