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    <title>Spontaneous: Loading...</title>
    <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/@spontaneous/static/favicon.ico" />

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    <script type="text/javascript">
      var Spontaneous = {};
    <script type="text/javascript">
      function _confirm(id) {
        var t = 200;
        $('.actions li p:visible').slideUp(t);
      function _cancel(id) {
      function solution(action, source, dest) {
        console.log(action, source, dest);
  <body id="schema-error">
    <div id="container">

          types = modification.actions.map { |a| a.source.owner}.uniq.compact

      <h1>There are unresolved changes to <%= types.length == 0 ? "the schema" : types.map { |o| "<strong>&lsquo;#{o}&rsquo;</strong>"}.join(', ')%></h1>
      <% source_file = modification.actions[0].source.source_file %>
      <p class="src"><a href="mvim://open?url=file://<%= source_file %>"><%= source_file %></a></p>

      <p>Please choose one of the following solutions:</p>

      <ul class="actions">
        <% modification.actions.each do |action|
          id = "#{action.action}-#{action.source.name.to_s.gsub('::', '__')}#{action.dest ? "-#{action.dest.name.to_s.gsub('::', '__')}" : ""}"
          <form action="/@spontaneous/schema/<%= action.action %>" method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="origin" value="<%= env['SCRIPT_NAME'] %>" />
            <input type="hidden" name="__token" value="<%= env[S::Rack::CSRF_TOKEN] %>" />
            <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="<%= action.source.to_s %>" />
            <% if action.dest %>
              <input type="hidden" name="ref" value="<%= action.dest.schema_name %>" />
            <% end %>
            <a onclick="_confirm('#<%= id %>')"><strong><%= action.action.capitalize %></strong> <%= action.category %> &lsquo;<em><%= action.source.name %></em>&rsquo; <% if action.dest %>
                to &lsquo;<em><%= action.dest.name %></em>&rsquo;
                <% end %>
            <div id="<%= id %>" style="display: none">
              <% if action.action == :delete %>
                <% case action.category %>
                <% when :type %>
                <p class="warning">Deleting a type will delete all instances of it from the db and any of their descendents. This cannot be undone so snapshot your database with <code>spot site dump</code> before proceeding.</p>
                <% when :box %>
                <p class="warning">Deleting a box will delete the contents of all boxes of that type. This cannot be undone so snapshot your database with <code>spot site dump</code> before proceeding.</p>
                <% end %>
              <% end %>
              <p>Are you sure? <a class="button cancel" onclick="_cancel('#<%= id %>')">No</a> <button class="button" onclick="solution('<%= action.action %>', '<%= action.source.name %>', '<%= action.dest ? action.dest.name : '' %>')">Yes</button></p>
        <% end %>