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# Configure the template filesystem
# =================================
# Spontaneous accepts any Moneta[1] compatible key-value store as a
# template destination. The arguments to #output_store should be
# identical to those you would use to configure a Moneta instance,
# e.g.
#     Site.output_store(:Memcached, server: 'localhost:11211)
# [1]: https://github.com/minad/moneta

Site.output_store(:File, dir: Site.revision_root)

# Publishing to S3
# ----------------
# If you would like to serve a static site directly from S3 then follow the
# instructions here to create and configure a suitable S3 bucket[1][2] and then
# configure Spontaneous to publish directly to it:
#   Site.output_store :Fog, {
#     bucket: 'bucket.name.com',
#     # this is a standard Fog connection hash
#     connection: {
#       provider: "AWS",
#       aws_secret_access_key: ENV["S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"],
#       aws_access_key_id: ENV["S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID"]
#     }
#   }
# [1]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/WebsiteHosting.html
# [2]: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/HowDoIWebsiteConfiguration.html

# Configure the site publishing pipeline
# ======================================
# `run` inserts a step in the publishing pipeline.

# The core steps can be referenced by a symbol that is mapped to
# the corresponding step class.
# Custom steps *must* respond to `call` with one parameter `transaction`.
# The passed transaction object has five useful methods:
#   site:     the current site instance
#   revision: the revision that is being created
#   user:     the user that launched the current publish
#   pages:    the list of pages that are being published
#   progress: a publishing progress object
# `call` can optionally return an object that responds to #rollback
# which should undo any actions made by the #call method.
# They can also, optionally, respond to:
# #count(transaction): returns the number of
#     discrete actions that this step comprises. During the #call
#     the step *must* call progress#step exactly the number of times
#     returned by this call
# Examples:
# Run a proc as part of the publishing process:
#     run proc { |transaction| puts "Publishing revision #{transaction.revision}" }
# Run a custom publishing step:
#     class NotifyMe
#       def initialize(options)
#         @options = options
#       end
#       def count(transaction)
#         1
#       end
#       def call(transaction)
#         # Send me a tweet when the site publishes...
#         #
#         # Don't forget to call transaction.step(1) to ensure that
#         # progress is updated with the same number of steps as returned
#         # from #count above.
#       end
#     end
#     Site.publish do
#       run NotifyMe.new(handle: "my_twitter_name")
#     end

# NOTE: Do not remove or re-order the core steps declared below
# unless you are really sure of what you're doing

Site.publish do
  # List of notification targets.
  # If you remove the :browser target then publishing progress will not
  # be shown in the browser
  <%- Spontaneous::Publishing::Steps::CORE_PROGRESS.each do |progress| -%>
  notify <%= progress.inspect %>
  <%- end -%>
  # Start core steps
  <%- Spontaneous::Publishing::Steps::CORE_STEPS.each do |step| -%>
  run <%= step.inspect %>
  <%- end -%>
  # Finish core steps
  # At this point the site is published & most probably live to the public
  # This is a good place to run any notification steps