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# 2015/04/06

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 00:40

Have not programmed much in the past week or so. The Windows command shell is
very different though in that it uses ^ for continuation on the next line
(instead of \\) and also & for extra commands (instead of ;). However, so far
the shell stub I have written while moving the bulk of the code into Java
makes it so it can be built on Windows no issues.

## 12:20

My double recursive building works so far, despite the JARs not getting any
actual files in them.

## 12:36

The one good thing is I am glad I do not have to write everything else in Java
5, since Java 8 is far superior.

## 13:26

I can actually optimize the code so that it does not build the basic bootstrap
classes twice when say compiling the kernel or running a simple package. This
would greatly simplify things.

## 13:30

And now I no longer have double building of some of the basic JARs. Now I need
to check if I can compile the stuff in Wine.

## 13:35

Seems that the Java compiler classes on Windows does not like the back slashes
being specified as it throws an exception with an invalid relative name.

## 13:48

And the code reaches the same point as it does on my Debian development
system, so the joys of write once run anywhere.

## 13:51

And Oracle Java's Swing on Windows uses DirectX, and since I am on a PowerPC
system with buggy video drivers, the colors are swapped incorrectly. However,
using GLX over a network connection is quite slow even if it is over a local

## 14:02

My code also compiles with GCJ and did not require any fixing, although it
pops up some warnings for unused things.

## 14:11

What I need to do next is change the kernel building system to use the
previously written about (in an earlier blog post) new way of doing the
platforms with their own individual packages. The kernel builder can also be
optimized to not require building a gigantic massive class library until the
end so if the dynamic recompiler or the bootstrapping code fails it does not
waste time building it. It would be pointless to build the class library if
the dynamic recompiler cannot even recompile itself. So this would increase
testing speed from a straight "-c" being passed to the launch code (which
clears all of the JARs due it being a clean nature).

## 17:02

And with these new Json information in PackageInfo, the last remnants of the
POSIX shell JSON decoder limitations has been gone away with completely.