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# 2015/06/16

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 09:04

Stepping away from DiagnosticListener and going for my own so I do not need
the compact3 profile.

## 12:15

Thought about KBFs also being FormClass, however that might be a bit iffy.
FormClass is a great extrapolation but it is a bit bloated in terms of binary
due to the very object oriented nature of it. I can represent all the needed
runtime information, including stuff such as annotation in C structures. The
structures can just be of a very defined format. Everything could be described
as a raw C binary/structure for the most part. This way I can have a more
clean layout, and so everything will not be described by a FormClass. Each
class however will require C level initialization. That initialization will do
stuff such as binding objects together and resolving names. Since super
classes and their types are unknown, each structure type will need a base form
that points to an offset of class local data.

## 15:30

I do wonder though if my thought about jclass is really truly the
java.lang.Class object. And looking at the specs for JNI, they are. This means
that most of the stuff in Object, Class, and String are mostly native.

## 18:47

The way CacheRepository works right now, will not work because using FormClass
to represent class information is a bit ugly. FormClass is a very nice
abstract representation of class information and such. I need a streamlined
and nice way, but an abstract way to have it so I can have class information
that is both a FormClass and a binary object which can be loaded into memory.
It also has to be abstract enough to support views into the data it
represents. FormClass is great for representing class data, but it is very
high level and would not work well for a binary interface. This new binary
format will essentially have a view into the data as respected types. So it
becomes a giant blob of data for the most part, where C compiled bits can be
plastered on top of. Now for abstract data, it can either be directly access
or through a representing class interface. So the data basically acts as both
in a way. One where it is a liked abstraction like FormClass, but also one
that the kernel can use directly to link and execute. Basically, all of the
data will be a ByteBuffer and there will be a FormClass like view into it. I
would have to modify my class loader so that I can do it similarly the same
with a builder. The FormClass stuff is already read-only, and for execution to
work it will also have to be read only in the new code also. I suppose a
FormClass would work better in a mutable manner, but I designed it as
immutable. So there could be a better flat format, which is what I have talked
about previously. As for reading Java class files directly into this flat
format, that I would have to think about. Instead of loading everything at
once I can essentially just streamline conversion from a class file into a KBF
all at once. That way there is no intermediate Java code objects to work with
at all. So some kind of linear object format that is fully tables. My obvious
limitations would be the read/write order. Obviously fields and methods are to
be done first while some class processing information needs to be done later
such as bootstrap methods.

## 20:21

There would also need to be debugging information like file and line layouts.
But I would suppose that a straight through conversion of the files will work
out to be faster and less memory intensive in the long run. I can still keep
my FormClass in a new more efficient way...

## 20:54

Then this would mean that all of my core-compiler packages are going to
essentially be merged, and some of the ASM stuff moved off elsewhere. With C
translation and compilation, this means NARF is on its last threads. NARF and
the core-compiler system will live on in a new "kernel-binary" package which
will have the new ByteBuffer based class information.

## 22:26

The basic KBF format, will essentially be a table of contents since that is
the only way I can think of how I can effectively represent dynamic data.
Basically offsets from the base of the data and the size of them. The TOC
allows for more data to be represented and as such it would be easier to read
information from it. TOC types would be much simpler also to parse as there
would be no need to do complex things when it comes to them. TOCs could also
be embedded within TOCs. The TOCs should also be small since once the class is
linked in they are not really needed anymore. Any required header a
information could also be auto generated as needed too, sort of. Even in ROM
based system some initialization information which points to areas referenced
by the TOC will be needed. However although there would be a semi-double
reference in some areas, the true jclass object will just point already to
said information.

## 22:35

Kind of think of it, KBF objects are essentially going to be very similar to
Palm databases which are very similar yet are directly executable in memory.
And as for StructClass, information such as the name of something does not
require everything to exist at once in Java. I can also use CharSequence to
look inside bits of the buffer for certain things too.

## 23:22

The table of contents bears a resemblence to the constant pool except that its
size is known and the entries can be directly referenced. I am going to use
UTF-16 Strings the same as Java however since they can be directly linked with
String objects, which means they point to there. As for the table of contents
I can have a major one and then smaller ones. That would vary however. A table
of table of contents. That could work for methods and annotations although it
could get rather deep in representation. I believe only fields and methods
then should have table of contents, all of the others should use more known
structured data. Fields and methods will share a base, but their inner TOC
will describe stuff such as debug info or native code.

## 23:33

With a TOC, KBFs could embed other KBFs too. Well it would be best if it
supported arbitrary files also. Basically a KBF is similar to a JAR. Funny how
something that was done in an old OS that I really enjoyed helped me out. So
the resulting kernel binary is going to be a KBF which contains other KBFs.
Since KBFs would naturally be directly executable there is no such problem.

## 23:49

About to fall asleep however, so it would be best if I do so. Watch some
Stargate SG-1 while I fall asleep. Moebius. I can do work when I am fully
awake and sane.