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# 2015/06/21

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 00:15

I would say that this new swing interface on SQ is really really nice and much
cleaner than before. Hopefully the game logic that I write soon ends up being
better also.

## 10:20

Once I can get to the attributes contained within a method I can do some
recompilation and such. The in the middle C code will use structure data and
such so things could be reduced a bit. However, there will have to be a
dynamically initialized area even for ROM based system which contains some
addressing information to describe a class. That would just be the jclass
object inner bits however. A jclass can be initialized from a KBF and then
Java constructor for Class be called.

## 18:08

Going to need some better handling of some byte related data. I am going to
add support for internal structures which are referenced via dots and such. I
will also need a dynamically sized window view kind of thing on ByteBuffers
and then perhaps rewrite some structure data. One thing that would be handy
though is automatically generating Java code from my kstructs.h file. I may
have to change hairball to make it capable of generation though. But if I do
that then I will not need to have a DescribedStruct creator in Java code. The
alternative however is to use annotations and then have some kind of
annotation processor on the data to create structure forms. Then I just need
to generate kstructs.h when I need to use it. Putting the information in
annotations might be easier Java wise that is and might not need much changes
in hairball. The Java compiler already has an annotation processor though.
With it this way, the structure information can be kept in Java and I do not
need magical parsing or using StreamTokenizer on a header file.

## 18:19

As long as I can create any new number of files, I will be good. I will need
to modify hairball to handle such things however so to speak. It will also
definitely be much easier to build everything then. So basically this will be
the first time I am using annotation processing. However with it, I can
generate every single C header that is required for operation. Thinking of it
I can do that in mpa-posix and have all of the POSIX headers be declared in
Java source code while headers are defined for everything. That itself would
be very interesting. If a C program is compiled and linked it will just use
the auto-generated headers from Java code. Then there would be easier interop
between C and Java with C code running on the JVM. So yes, this can work out
quite well.

## 18:35

Also the structure stuff I define can be type safe also too.

## 23:40

Hairball needs to be changed so that classes and sources are differentiated
from and that any generated sources from annotation processing are not placed
in the JAR file.