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# 2015/11/04

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 11:53

Found a `.properties` syntax file for gedit so it makes property files easier
to read with all the colors. Just need to fine one for nano. However the
highlight stuff is incorrect as it assumes keys only take up single lines.

## 12:55

Now to implement MONITORENTER and MONITOREXIT, but I suppose for that I will
just have them be method calls similar to how throw is. Another I must do is
load pre-existing stack states if one is defined for an address.

## 14:06

Suppose it is cheating but it makes thing simpler at the cost of a method
invocation overhead. Also permits me to run the stuff in user-space more and
have dynamically changing interfaces without breaking everything hopefully.

## 14:14

I must sort my properties files so that keys are easier to find. Though finding
keys is much easier than before with syntax highlighting.

## 14:29

One thing I believe I remember is that the stack map stuff can be glitched.
Basically the current stack state can be `REF REF REF REF` but it could be
attempted to be dropped onto `REF REF REF null`. I remember this got me last
time around.

## 14:37

The part I am now at is mostly watching text scroll by. Each method takes about
800ms-1000ms to be recompiled by POIT on this system. I should note that this
system uses JamVM which is just a stack-cached interpreter. If I used an actual
JIT it would probably be much faster. There is a JIT being worked on, however
that is for PowerPC 64-bit only, which the only one of that I have is my
Jet-like XServe.

## 15:21

Should be about time I normalize the entire set of standard stuff to use
`UnknownError("TODO")` and not the kjrt stuff so I can finally remove that
along with not having a thousand deprecated warnings.

## 15:24

I wonder how long with normalization will take. Regardless, I am kind of doing
it to avoid implementing some Java byte code instructions until later on. So
I suppose that is cheating also. However the new stuff is easier and better
than before so it works out since I am going to do it eventually anyway.
It is taking quite some time however so I should perhaps bring out a faster
system which can do it in probably a minute. I could also just let it run and
wait it out, consider this a short break for example.

## 16:02

Had some forks in the stuff.

## 16:17

Need a pivot array with a single value for stack map table.

## 18:20

There are so many classes to compile when converting them to native code.

## 18:37

Appears now I need to support allocation of array types. For that I am just
going to repeat using method calls for the stuff as with throwing and monitors
since it is the simplest way to generate code.

    real 6m45.422s
    user 8m24.160s
    sys  0m25.430s

That is how long it took to reach that point however so even the basic kernel
would take a bit to compile. What I am working on now is setting up an AMD64
system (with an AMD64 CPU) to compile and develop on. This PowerPC system I
am on now though is just about the same speed (slightly slower) than that
system, which was released a couple years ago compared to a decade plus for
this PowerPC. Using a JIT should make compilation easier though.

For array allocation however, the only thing I need is a single class where
the input argument is the type of array to allocate. This would just be a
field descriptor so I do not need a whole bunch of different allocator
references for the same thing.

The main thing when setting up a new system is getting all of the software
compiled and online, that usually takes a day to do.