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# 2015/12/03

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 01:21

Suppose a short break is in order, still have yet to reorganize my room

## 01:31

Decided to write the dependency walker to use a tree for traversal and such,
makes things a bit simpler.

## 02:10

Currently my dependency walker code does not use recursion at all.

## 02:22

So the big test of my new dependency walker would be to see if the current
package building stuff reaches the current state on a clean slate so to speak.

## 02:24

Compiling an empty set on my atom system gives me

    real 1m34.288s
    user 4m24.936s
    sys  0m5.808s

So even though this is a complete from scratch build it seems slightly faster.
I am about to see the results on my PowerPC laptop however. Since it is a clean
build and the interpreter is used it takes a bit longer. The resulting real
time is


So slightly faster it seems. Hard to tell however as there are no true
benchmarks being done.

I do however have to rework the PackageBuilder eventually to make it not a
complete mess and use the new DependencyWalker code when finding packages to
build. The PackageBuilder is nearly 1700 lines of code and a bunch of merged
classes together. Most of the code is from 2015/05/25, and seeing that it is
about 6 months later I write much better code now.

## 10:45

Had a dream that I switched to Java 9 (since it was released). However if
Java 9 does come out, I may just translate my code to it and such provided
I can build it and it is available in OpenJDK. In my dream though Java 9
changed a bunch of stuff.

## 11:10

They added unsigned types and new constants for 128-bit, 256-bit, and 512-bit
integers while removing the normal constants since the first version, was a

## 13:12

Well the CI40 board has been funded, now it just has to remain funded.

## 15:14

I can probably remove the ".times" file and instead use the time given inside
of the ZIP file. The ZipEntry API since 1.8 supports getting the modification
time of a ZIP which is handy. This can be used by hairball to detect itself
being changed (so it recompiles self for example), very meta.

## 16:14

Actually, I could devise a system where I can incrementally build if source
code is available and the binary package exists. It will result in slightly
slower checking if packages are already rebuilt but it may produce faster
recompiles. So basically if a JAR exists it can source from few locations in
that JAR rather than doing completely clean rebuilds. This would be handy for
large projects such as the class library. However the more classes that exist
the slower the checking of dependencies is because class files must be loaded.
However most of my changes are rather small so in the end it may prove a bit
faster for very large projects with few changes. I suppose for speed I should
only consider dependencies in the self package level rather than projects the
project being built depends on. However for that, there could just be an
incremental build database but that would add complexity. So I suppose if a
dependency gets updated there will be a forced normal build similar to how it
is now, but if all dependencies are untouched then incremental mode will be

## 17:17

Well, I can do it for all dependencies but I would need a incremental database
to be built alongside the JAR so that the incremental data does not infect
the JAR file with data that is only used during build.

## 22:20

Using all 2K of the space, the Arduino Uno can emulate a MMIX system with
256 64-bit registers. The system specific registers would lose out however and
there might not be enough free memory for having an attached SD card for
example to be the main memory along with filesystem. However due to the memory
limitation, emulating a MIPS64 system would probably be better.

## 22:30

So as before, I am deciding to not have a incremental mode because that would
add complexity although it could actually work out.