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# 2015/12/13

***DISCLAIMER***: _These notes are from the defunct k8 project which_
_precedes SquirrelJME. The notes for SquirrelJME start on 2016/02/26!_
_The k8 project was effectively a Java SE 8 operating system and as such_
_all of the notes are in the context of that scope. That project is no_
_longer my goal as SquirrelJME is the spiritual successor to it._

## 00:09

Ok, the day changed now. I feel strange hah.

## 00:17

I am going to try listening to Trance even though I actually do not like
Trance. This current song is another tracker called _trance machine_ with
a copyright of **1994 july/mdf/mtf**.

## 00:51

For classes I might not need to have a writable version of it, however not
to sure. By default my class writing will just lead to dumping.

## 01:05

Been searching for a song to change. Potentially found a new song called
_Endless Dream_ and it seems rather happy and up beat. Made by _Aberration_.
Might need some more coffee.

## 01:08

It has been about an hour since I last drank some coffee so I suppose some

## 02:07

The bad part of that song is it had a voice saying "Yeah!!!" and "Dream", I
just removed those instruments and the song sounds much better.

## 02:31

Have not coded at all though, but I should grab some more coffee.

## 03:59

Went back to _Trance Machine_. However I should actually do some programming
rather than look for a song, since I have been doing that for about 4 hours.
Wow does time fly. But I just ate some food and drank more coffee.

## 04:24

I do not believe the caffeine is working, I really just want to fall asleep
and I feel the weight on me. I do not seem concentrated at all. I do not
feel very awake at all. Feels like I am just slowing down.

## 04:45

I suppose I am not going to get much stuff done because I have to fight
falling asleep until sunset. Sunset is at 17:00. It is currenly 4:46. So that
is essentially 12 hours from now.

## 04:52

I am just insanely tired.

## 04:56

I might just attempt a short powernap, set a bunch of alarms 45 minutes from
now and just close my eyes.

## 06:36

And I did, I set my alarm 45 minutes and fell asleep or similar. When the
alarm woke me up, I set it again for 45 minutes in the future and did it again.
Thus now I am. So essentially an hour and thirty minutes of sleep, I do feel
a bit better now. I believe the sun is starting to rise because I see brighter
clouds where the sun pops up. I suppose I will go back to programming since I
got a nap done.

## 06:49

Oh neat, a planet is visible through the clouds. Most likely _Venus_.

## 06:59

I should make sure that when the constant pool stuff is written, the global
one that is, that the null entry is skipped and is not an actual constant.

## 07:04

It is getting much brighter outside now.

## 07:18

Pretty cool how the rising sun makes all the clouds a bright pink/orange color.
I can notice it getting brighter from the light reflection off my hands.

## 07:22

Now the sky is blue.

## 07:45

I must now implement reading of interfaces in Java classes, however due to the
new DataAccessor addition I can refactor a slight bit to use that instead of
a ByteBuffer.

## 07:47

The nice thing I can do is easily switch computers and have a different thread
of thought. Just step over to my laptop to the left from the desktop and open
up all the Java binary code for a small refactor to DataAccessor. Then once I
am done I can resume work on the desktop.

## 08:07

`DataAccessor` could use a byte stream kind of thing since that is how I
handle most of the Java class data since it is very linear. I wonder what I
should call it though. I suppose what it should support is DataInput, however
that class throws IOExceptions everywhere. However it does handle EOFException
though. So do I use it or instead have a kind of buffer under/overflow
exception instead.

## 08:28

Well `DataAccessor` was an interface, now it is a class.

## 10:04

Well now the Java class file stuff uses `DataAccessor` however I do not know
how correct it is since it is not tested.

## 10:15

The Disassembler should for example take a `SeekableByteChannel` for reading
input data.

## 12:47

Was doing some outside work, I am completely blasted. However only 4 hours and
15 minutes until sunset. Hopefully I can stay awake until then, and hopefully
my sleep is normal. One thing I hope for is that there will not be any wake
up forces. Some people might just start blasting music at night or revving
engines much.

## 15:33

I could actually have a generic cache manager of sorts, either field based or
key based. Using a static system, it might be able to save on the method
references and such. I can use `MethodHandles` for the stuff. Then that cache
stuff can be combined with the base binary code stuff. The cached data would
be stored in the instance of a class and the `MethodHandle` would have a getter
and setter for the field if not cached. That would remove the lambdas to read
and write for example as the class could handle it.

## 16:04

The sun should be setting in an hour or so, which means sleep as I have been
up all night resetting sleep hopefully.

## 16:44

I need some kind of infinite loop end of method guard just in case the end is
reached when it should not be.

## 16:51

It is getting darker, the Sun is starting to set.

## 16:58

Still a bit bright but street lights are turning on now. I suppose this is
where I call it a long day and continue tommorrow.