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# 2018/01/02

## 10:06

So allocation and de-allocation of packets was quite simple.

## 11:03

Okay, so strings are written and then just:

    DEBUG -- Wrote string net.multiphasicapps.squirreljme.runtime.lcdui.Dis...
    DEBUG -- Allocate: 128
    DEBUG -- Allocate ( 0- 1) a-------
    DEBUG -- Read string (0):

No string is read from the other side?

## 11:04

Oh well, the lower bits of unsigned short was not read because it just read
the first value.

## 12:06

Okay so, it seems DoomRPG is waiting at `at net.multiphasicapps.squirreljme.`
`runtime.packets.PacketStream.__send(PacketStream.java:213)` which naturally
would be probably waiting for a response from the remote end for the mapped

## 13:00

Okay so now I must bring in the RMS code and have that brought back up to

## 13:09

It would be useful if service mapping could be different for the kernal and
the client. For example, RMS for the client could use IPC to communicate with
the kernel, while the kernel itself uses the actual means for storing
records. Of course the client can have forced mapping so this might be the
best thing to do. So for the most part, I would say that ...

## 13:14

I would say that `mapService` in `ClientCaller` can be virtually wrapped to
always map some services the same way if it is called. So for the most part
there never needs to be an implementation specified and such.

## 13:21

Okay, so one application can load record stores for another application. There
are encrypted record stores with passwords, which means that I am going to
have to write an encryption algorithm. I believe the best thing to do in this
case would be to have it where encrypted records are the same as non-encrypted
ones except that there are special keys. Basically the application itself
manages its own encryption. This means that it is hidden from the kernel,
which could be useful. So encrypted stores will be completely virtual. This
also means that I will need to see if there is an encryption API and if not
find a good means of encryption. I will also need a good algorithm and a
secure number source potentially too. The kernel will need a secure random
source and that will need to be provided to clients via system calls also.

## 16:34

Okay so what I need is some kind of service for the kernel. Basically these
would be kernel services. Instead of adding a bunch of new APIs to the system
call interface, I can just have packets being sent back and forth to
communicate with said services using their own types and such. Then each
service can be made to exist in the kernel itself and it can be automatically
managed across any and all systems. The same packet interface can be used so
I do not need to duplicate it. The existing IPC code can be backed on this
interface too and it can all be managed by the kernel. `KernelTasks` do need
to be remembered though. I can have a base class which can create sub-services
for each task which wants to use a service in the kernel. Then when a task
dies, all services it uses can be cleared up. Each...

## 16:58

Each service can then automatically be managed and there will be no need to
clutter up and add new system calls to implement. Everything will be done via
the IPC and the required methods for implementation for each port will be
reduced. Reducing the number of things to implement is a good thing.

## 21:07

Okay, so I suppose what I need is a slight simplification of the kernel. Also
I need to have more advanced permissions because stuff like RMS and other
things will need it. One of the major things now that I have working IPC will
definitely be the packet interface. I definitely need sub-packets for
communication and event grabbers.

## 21:38

I think anything kernel related that is specific to SquirrelJME will be
dropped into an upper package `kernel` rather than just be in `runtime`. Then
anything that needs to use the stuff there can depend on it as needed.

## 21:39

Also the packets can probably be put in some kind of `kernel-io` kind of

## 22:00

Also, I had an idea. The kernel itself can just consist of tasks and the
services. The program management stuff along with installation, can just be
an actual sub-service. This means it would be possible to have it where
no programs exist and it is just some minimal bits that make up the kernel.
This definitely has quite the potential. Additionally it simplifies the
design because it is just another service. Basically, everything can be
a service and this can be an actual microkernel more and more.

## 22:57

Also, the kernel caller does not need to implement some methods. So stuff
like setting daemon threads can be abstract. Then the kernel can get that
removed so that it has no daemon setting things.

## 23:11

Task launching can be hidden behing a special interface.

## 23:34

Need to clean up the CLDC stuff. The IPC stuff in GCF where mailboxes are
used will be replaced by the service IPC code instead.