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# 2018/03/22

## 11:28

Okay so re-reading the language specification and annotations can be
interspersed with modifiers so this definitely changes things around a bit
so I suppose I will need a bit of a refactor of sorts.

## 11:30

Maybe what I can do though is instead of complex states for parsing where
each one is a bit complex. Perhaps instead I can read a bunch of tokens in
bulk at once and perform basic handling of their meaning based on their
position. So basically instead of having it where I handle each token as it
comes in it kind of queues up, sort of like a pre-read. At least when it
comes to classes, once the declarations are read I can just read the entire
class body because every single instance of opening and closing braces will
be correct. Also my class parser, I forgot about generics so I would need to
handle that to of course.

## 11:33

But this idea basically comes from the fact that I will be deferring checking
of fields and methods to be done at compile time. Like my idea was that when
a method was read it would just count braces and then pretty much just throw
all the tokens in somewhere. I could easily simplify things if I just did that
for classes too. It would be a bit easier since there would be less tokens to
deal with for the most part. So definitely that is something to do.

## 11:54

I definitely am going to like this better, more exact. I do not need a bunch
of extra classes to store state I can really just parse source code ad-hoc
rather than having complex state machines and such.

## 22:45

So I had an idea, for the graphics have kind of an implementation static
sub-class kind of thing. Basically I can sort of just have a single class or
perhaps duplicate classes. Basically just like when I want to draw a line
instead it just gets dispatched to a static-like implementation which in short
performs the logic. So that way I do not need to complicate the code for
brancing or performing blending, it can just have the code in there
accordingly and be generated for that. That way I can have a reduced number of
branches at the cost of a method call.

## 22:55

I should probably just get all the graphics drawing stuff done with fonts too
so that way I can just really work on Squirrel Quarrel fully for the most

## 22:59

I need to see which sub-functions to implement first.

## 23:00

Okay so I need:

 * SRC and SRC_OVER modes for alpha.
 * For line drawing ones, I suppose DOTTED and SOLID.