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# 2018/04/04

## 09:43

Okay, so since I have some base class issues, I am going to build the entire
UI system on the server end out of interfaces. Then once I have all of those
I will build stuff on top of that. I can go through and document all of the
LCDUI code so I can have an idea of what to do.

## 09:58

Since I want server side drawing of fonts along with local stuff, for fonts
I will need a way to handle fonts without causing too much of a loopback. I
really do want a basic buffer layout along with a widget layout. So for
systems without a widget system or at least something initially it is just a
standard buffer where pixels can go for the most part.

## 10:11

Okay so for menus and commands, pretty sure I am just going to make them both
purely menu items or similar. But alerts and such use commands which are
treated as buttons on the alert. Commands can also be placed in menus and
such too. Commands can be duplicated too so they do not always have to be in
one place. Menus on the other hand can be placed anywhere. So I have an idea,
basically for menus it is `UiMenuItem` at the base, then `UiMenu` extends
that. Then for commands and such there is a `UiMenuCommand` which views a
`UiCommand` and has listeners on it and such so it knows when the command
has been updated. That way commands are purely single things to be viewed and
not really associated with anything.

## 12:17

Okay so setting a menu or command is quite complex, there needs to be an
implemented interface that is called when the layout policy is to be changed.
So there is no actual set of menu items, just kind of a layout manager of

## 14:41

Logic for actions to be performed by the client can actually be done by the
requests code. Those will basically just be loose methods and such. Since
most of the server end will be implemented in interfaces, there would be
duplicate code so this will clear up the logic as needed.