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Test Coverage
# 2018/10/12

## 09:00

There is a freeze at the given frame and I think it may be related to
conversion or compatible objects:

 * `cc/squirreljme/runtime/cldc/string/CharArraySequence.charAt:(I)C`

## 09:05

Seems the issue is in context class.

## 09:06

`cc.squirreljme.springcoat.vm.SpringThreadWorker.contextClass` seems to
be the issue, it must be looping here.

## 09:11

Okay so there is a loop definitely with finding instructions. A new frame
is not being inserted, but there definitely is a problem with the byte
code parsing.

## 09:22

I think `CharArraySequence` is fine. It must be more up the stack. The
next is `java/lang/String.charAt:(I)C` which is really simple, I think if
that failed it would be bad and not work anywhere else. But there are no
enter frames being done at all which means that code is still executing

## 09:29

I believe I am going to need a debugger that can be ran from the console or

## 09:31

Okay the code is really stuck at:

 * `java/util/Formatter.__specifier:`
   * `(Ljava/util/__PrintFState__;ILjava/lang/String;)I`

So to investifate that.

## 09:34

There is some kind of loop, it might be `if_icmpgt`.

## 09:49

Looks like it is stuck on a GOTO.

## 09:51

And it is:

    53: iload         4
    55: bipush        48
    57: if_icmplt     73
    60: iload         4
    62: bipush        57
    64: if_icmpgt     73
    67: iinc          3, 1
    70: goto          53

This block of code just compares values. And it is at Formatter.java:422.
This is reading a number from the input.

## 09:54

Duh, I am stupid, because I am only reading the value one.

## 21:04

I need to figure out how to check for overflow, actually I can use division
or just check the bits I guess?

## 22:59

Cheating a bit, `Character.toString()` is just a basic sequence initialized
for a single character since that is the solution with the least amount of
memory and object space used.

## 23:04

Okay so for the test failing, I believe `getResourceAsStream()` is failing.