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# 2018/11/09

## 07:38

So I am definitely going to change how the LCDUI code works, definitely. It
was a giant mess, but I want it to be far simpler than how it used to be. I
think for simplicity I am just going to have a single framebuffer of sorts
and ignore native UI stuff. I mean it will not match the UI, but honestly it
is far easier to maintain and it would be consistent across SquirrelJME.
Also I would only need to write it once. The removal of the service code and
the complex kernel stuff has greatly simplified things for the most part. So
I want to continue that and save me the hassle.

## 08:33

From social media:

> _This time around for the LCDUI implementation, I will be taking the easier_
> _and simpler route. Before the system was far too complex and was pretty_
> _much hyper modular, but that increased complexity made it very unwieldy._

## 10:59

I am going to need to write a profiler for SpringCoat so that I can measure
the performance of how things run. Even though the VM is super slow it could
still be useful in finding slow code to optimize!

## 11:40

I am going to make the first version `0.2.0` instead of `0.0.2`. If there are
any forks or hotfixes for `0.2.0` then they can be released as `0.2.1` and