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Test Coverage
# 2019/04/16

## 10:27

Next will be `TABLESWITCH` but I think what I will do there is just transform
that into code rather than having gigantic instructions because that will be
a bit complicated to implement and it would put it on the VM to implement it
correctly. I think it is just too much to be really that worth it. Since I do
not really want to dual handle these two cases I will just simplify
`TABLESWITCH` into `LOOKUPSWITCH` since the previous is a linear set of values
while the second has multiple sorted pairs. Then I need only worry about doing
just a single format.

## 10:32

I think the only instructions remaining following doing all of this would be
`instanceof`, so I can do that quickly.

## 11:37

For lookup switches I am going to need an if compare to constant, but this can
just be a single instruction.

## 14:47

Need to check if `DUP_X2` is done correctly and such.

## 15:18

Seems to be correct, should hopefully be fine. However the stack map table
deltas seem to be wrong, they are according to my decoder:

 * 0, 26!, 34, 62!, 86 -- 26 and 62 are not valid!

According to javap, they are:

 * frame_type = 0 /* same */
 * frame_type = 252 /* append */, offset_delta = 26, locals = [ int ]
 * frame_type = 7 /* same */
 * frame_type = 27 /* same */
 * frame_type = 250 /* chop */, offset_delta = 23

There is a definite size difference here. Mine says there are 5 when there
are 6. So something is being read incorrectly, likely a type.

## 15:26

Okay in the stack map parse I found an off by one for appended frames. It
is subtracting 251, but I checked JVMS and it was correct.

## 15:33

Actually it is correct, just the offset delta is off by one.

## 15:37

It might have to do with implicit and explicit frames.

## 15:39

Definitely is this.

## 15:44

Okay so I cannot check against placeaddr, I need another variable to
determine if this is an address which gets incremented by one.

## 16:18

Okay so this next one is a append top top int, followed by a chop frame. It
chops off 3 locals. So the only logical thing I can think of is that those
extra top-undefined types are considered for chopping which I believe I am

## 16:59

So it seems that jumping to a state, unless my stack map table code is still
wrong, can add more types onto the target. More bugs in the stack map table
have been ironed out, it is a rather clunky format. So perhaps transitions can
happen.... let me seee.... maybe I could check if a value is placed there or
something. I suppose I can just assume that it means a zero register
transition or similar.

## 17:33

Definitely want to refactor the instruction writing and such so it is a bit
more compact.

## 18:32

I will definitely see how much more compact the classes are.

## 18:42

Still like 26K...

 * w/ Lines: 27180 bytes (26 KiB)
 * No Lines: 25628 bytes (25 KiB)

So the lines do not really matter much.

## 18:46

I could shave some bytes off the constant pool.

## 20:54

There are in the range of 300 pool entries, what if I could reduce that by
making it so handles are not their own thing.