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# 2019/05/25

## 13:02

So it seems the `LOAD_POOL` on the array type is not correct?

## 13:28

I think it would be easiest if the initial allocator used the actual memory
blocks and such rather than taking a huge chunk of things. It would enable
things to actually be freed.

## 16:37

I was thinking... having the bootstrap in CLDC is a bit complicated if I could
say. So I was wondering... what if I could make a kind of mini-bootstrap VM
kind of project which has its own object an dusch. Just a few basic classes
that have a specific set of rules for them. Something that completely is
standalone and definitely does not represent the entire VM and such. So this
could include stuff such as debugging information and otherwise. But it could
be enough to initialize the VM with the absolute minimum requirement for
starting it. I could also have debugging stuff in the bootstrap and basic
system call handling as in doing no-ops except for printing to the console.

## 20:12

Okay so now that I have a supervisor in its own little package with like the
very minimalist of classes, I just need to solve having the assembly in
multiple places so that it is not duplicated. So co-dependencies for the
CLDC and supervisor to share the same assembly stuff.