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Test Coverage
# 2020/09/07

## 10:17

So the Gradle workers use serialization for the parameters, so will have to
do a kind of workaround to make it work.

## 10:28

Well, I would like parallel test execution however for workers there is no
way to forward or inject tasks or the Java executor. So these are stuck being
single threaded unless I can hack it.

## 10:38

Looks like what I can do is instead return the command line that would spawn
the JVM rather than having the enumeration do it itself. Only way I can think of
to do what I need to. It should not be too bad as I can wrap the info in a
class just to make sure it does the thing.

## 10:41

So `JavaExecSpec` has `getCommandLine()` which returns the entire command line
for the VM, this is what I want. Luckily I do not use environment variables
since those do not exist in Java ME 8 anyway. So I suppose what I need to do
is just create this single instance somehow...

## 11:20

So I made a workaround, I am basically just filling the execution spec where
I can and then invoking the VM. I have not started the tests or the test
results yet, but that should not be too difficult. At least at this rate I
should actually have concurrent test execution which should be a bit faster
and if there are at least two CPUs then that should mean time being cut in
half which would save me a bunch of money.

## 11:23

Of course the snapshot is using the wrong main class, so need to fix that
or at least have an override for it.

## 13:57

I think it executing in parallel is nice, it went through the hosted tests
in seven seconds but not sure if it was a success as I need to handle the
logging and otherwise as needed. Will probably be best to do it after
process termination as to not block.

## 20:00

I am going to await after executing one or more tests rather than pushing them
all into the pool at once. Hopefully this makes things better.

## 20:37

Okay so after doing all the live console outputs, it actually makes the tests
run... this means that it froze because it was trying to write the output but
there must have been no room at all. Interesting.

## 21:28

Definitely feeling that the Multi-VM refactor is nearing completion which is
a nice thing. It has been going awhile. Also I know I was going to do
SummerCoat stuff, but I am going to snip that off as it should not be getting
considered at all. Think what I should do is just disable those pipelines so
I just have the few to worry about.