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# 2020/11/23

## 13:12

Okay, so SummerCoat is very clunky and very old, but just like SpringCoat I can
do refactorings on it to make it much nicer. So my current problem is that the
bootstrap generator is having problems with interfaces. I know back then I did
not really handle interfaces all that well, so I am going to need these if I do
not already have the following pool types:

 * VTable for Interface I of Class C.
 * Interface Method Index for Method I:M of Interface I.

I thought up of three but as I was writing this, I only need these two.
Naturally of course there is definitely going to be a refactor of SummerCoat.
But I have to do some of this first so that things can actually link or build
the ROM for this branch. I should probably do the more refactoring once I get
a baseline for new work to be done.

## 13:40

Also I was taking a shower but I want to move away from the memory based
bootloader to a pre-linked bootloader. Instead of referring to things and
setting up a chunk of memory, there is a list of instructions on prelinking.
Another thing would be to move the `ClassInfo` stuff into a kind of thing
like MLE, but where it is managed by the execution system. This will complicate
and add complexity to that design but going to not be too worried about it
as it will make things easier to implement and understand. At least with
this, I should be able to have it where I can neatly load up ROMs and keep
everything simple.

## 16:21

I think before I can do anything with this, I am going to have to do some
kind of refactoring to make this easier to do.