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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat;

import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import cc.squirreljme.vm.VMClassLibrary;
import cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat.exceptions.SpringClassFormatException;
import cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat.exceptions.SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException;
import cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat.exceptions.SpringNoSuchFieldException;
import cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat.exceptions.SpringNoSuchMethodException;
import cc.squirreljme.vm.springcoat.exceptions.SpringVirtualMachineException;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.ClassFile;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.ClassFlags;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.ClassName;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.Field;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.FieldDescriptor;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.FieldName;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.FieldNameAndType;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.HasAccessibleFlags;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.Method;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.MethodDescriptor;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.MethodName;
import net.multiphasicapps.classfile.MethodNameAndType;

 * This is a representation of a class file as it is seen by the virtual
 * machine, it is intended to remain simple and only refer to what is needed
 * for the machine to run.
 * @since 2018/07/21
public final class SpringClass
    implements HasAccessibleFlags
    /** The name of this class. */
    protected final ClassName name;
    /** The class file data. */
    protected final ClassFile file;
    /** The super class. */
    protected final SpringClass superclass;
    /** The number of instance fields that exist. */
    protected final int instanceFieldCount;
    /** The dimentions of this class. */
    protected final int dimensions;
    /** The component type. */
    protected final SpringClass component;
    /** The JAR this class is in. */
    protected final VMClassLibrary inJar;
    /** Interface classes. */
    private final SpringClass[] _interfaceclasses;
    /** Methods which exist in this class, includes statics for this only. */
    private final Map<MethodNameAndType, SpringMethod> _methods =
        new HashMap<>();
    /** Non-virtual instance methods. */
    private final Map<MethodNameAndType, SpringMethod> _nonvirtmethods =
        new HashMap<>();
    /** Fields which exist in this class, only includes this class fields */
    private final Map<FieldNameAndType, SpringField> _fields =
        new HashMap<>();
    /** The table of fields defined in this class, includes super classes. */
    private final SpringField[] _fieldtable;
    /** Field lookup. */
    private final SpringField[] _fieldLookup;
    /** Method index table. */
    private final SpringMethod[] _methodLookup;
    /** Base method indexes. */
    final int _methodLookupBase;
    /** The class loader which loaded this class. */
    private final Reference<SpringClassLoader> _classLoader;
    /** Static field storage. */
    final SpringFieldStorage[] _staticFields;
    /** The base index for static fields. */
    final int _staticFieldBase;
    /** The base index for our own instance fields. */
    final int _fieldLookupBase;
    /** The class instance. */
    SpringObject _instance;
    /** Has this class been initialized? */
    private volatile boolean _initialized;
     * Initializes the spring class.
     * @param __super The super class of this class.
     * @param __interfaces The the interfaces this class implements.
     * @param __cf The class file for this class.
     * @param __ct The component type.
     * @param __inJar The JAR this class is in.
     * @param __loader The class loader which loaded this class.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/07/21
    SpringClass(SpringClass __super, SpringClass[] __interfaces,
        ClassFile __cf, SpringClass __ct, VMClassLibrary __inJar,
        Reference<SpringClassLoader> __loader)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__interfaces == null || __cf == null || __loader == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        ClassName name = __cf.thisName();
        this.name = name;
        this.inJar = __inJar;
        this.file = __cf;
        this.superclass = __super;
        this.component = __ct;
        this.dimensions = name.dimensions();
        this._classLoader = __loader;
        // Check
        this._interfaceclasses = (__interfaces = __interfaces.clone());
        for (SpringClass x : __interfaces)
            if (x == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Used for method location
        String filename = __cf.sourceFile();
        // Method index lookup for this class, used for debugging
        int baseMethods = (__super == null ? 0 : __super._methodLookup.length);
        int numMethods = baseMethods + __cf.methods().length;
        SpringMethod[] methodLookup = (__super == null ?
            new SpringMethod[numMethods] :
            Arrays.copyOf(__super._methodLookup, numMethods));
        this._methodLookup = methodLookup;
        // Base method index where entries go
        this._methodLookupBase = baseMethods;
        // Go through and initialize methods declared in this class
        int atMethodDx = baseMethods;
        Map<MethodNameAndType, SpringMethod> nvmeths = this._nonvirtmethods;
        Map<MethodNameAndType, SpringMethod> methods = this._methods;
        for (Method m : __cf.methods())
            // Determine index
            int atIndex = atMethodDx++;
            // Setup method
            SpringMethod sm;
            if (null != methods.put(m.nameAndType(),
                (sm = new SpringMethod(name, m, filename, atIndex))))
                /* {@squirreljme.error BK0t Duplicated method in class. (The
                method)} */
                throw new SpringClassFormatException(name, String.format(
                    "BK0t %s", m.nameAndType()));
            // Store method in the lookup table
            methodLookup[atIndex] = sm;
            // Store only instance methods which are not static
            if (!m.flags().isStatic())
                nvmeths.put(m.nameAndType(), sm);
        // Fields that are defined in super classes must be allocated, stored,
        // and indexed appropriately so that way casting between types and
        // accessing other fields is actually valid
        int superFieldCount = (__super == null ? 0 :
        int instanceFieldCount = superFieldCount;
        // The base of the instance fields are here, which are used to obtain
        // everything
        this._fieldLookupBase = superFieldCount;
        // Field index lookup for this class, used for debugging
        // We only base on the instance fields of the super class because
        // our statics do not extend because they are part of the class type
        // and not the instance.
        int numFields = superFieldCount + __cf.fields().size();
        SpringField[] fieldLookup = (__super == null ?
            new SpringField[numFields] :
            Arrays.copyOf(__super._fieldLookup, numFields));
        this._fieldLookup = fieldLookup;
        // Keep static fields at the very end
        int staticFieldAt = numFields;
        // Static field area
        SpringFieldStorage[] staticFields = new SpringFieldStorage[numFields];
        this._staticFields = staticFields;
        // Initialize all of the fields as needed
        Map<FieldNameAndType, SpringField> fields = this._fields;
        List<SpringField> instFields = new ArrayList<>(fields.size());
        for (Field f : __cf.fields())
            boolean isinstance = f.flags().isInstance();
            // Where is this field located? At which index?
            int atDx = (isinstance ? instanceFieldCount++ : --staticFieldAt);
            /* {@squirreljme.error BK0u Duplicated field in class. (The field)} */
            SpringField sf;
            if (null != fields.put(f.nameAndType(),
                (sf = new SpringField(name, f, atDx))))
                throw new SpringClassFormatException(name, String.format(
                    "BK0u %s", f.nameAndType()));
            // Store field lookup
            fieldLookup[atDx] = sf;
            // Setup storage for this field if static
            if (f.flags().isStatic())
                staticFields[atDx] = new SpringFieldStorage(sf, sf.index);
            // Used to build our part of the field table
            if (isinstance)
        // The position of the last static field is the one that is written
        this._staticFieldBase = staticFieldAt;
        // Each field is referenced by an index rather than a map, this is
        // more efficient for instances and additionally still allows for
        // sub-classes to declare fields as needed.
        SpringField[] fieldtable = new SpringField[instanceFieldCount];
        this._fieldtable = fieldtable;
        // Copy the super class field table, since technically all of the
        // fields in the super class are a part of this class.
        if (__super != null)
            SpringField[] supertable = __super._fieldtable;
            if (superFieldCount >= 0)
                System.arraycopy(supertable, 0, fieldtable, 0,
        // Store all of the instance fields
        for (int i = superFieldCount, p = 0, pn = instFields.size();
            p < pn; i++, p++)
            fieldtable[i] = instFields.get(p);
        // Used to quickly determine how big to set storage for a class
        this.instanceFieldCount = instanceFieldCount;
        // Go through super and interfaces and add non-static methods which
        // exist in sub-classes
        for (int i = 0, n = __interfaces.length; i <= n; i++)
            // The class to look within
            SpringClass lookIn = (i == 0 ? __super : __interfaces[i - 1]);
            if (lookIn == null)
            // Go through class methods
            for (Map.Entry<MethodNameAndType, SpringMethod> e :
                MethodNameAndType k = e.getKey();
                SpringMethod v = e.getValue();
                // Ignore initializer methods, and private methods
                if (v.isInstanceInitializer() ||
                    v.isStaticInitializer() || v.flags().isPrivate())
                // If the method does not exist in the table then it gets added
                // otherwise it is effectively replaced
                if (!methods.containsKey(k))
                    methods.put(k, v);
        // Debug
        /*todo.DEBUG.note("Class %s (size=%d, fields=%d, methods=%d).", name,
     * Returns the class loader which loaded this class.
     * @return The class loader which loaded this.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If it was not set or GCed.
     * @since 2021/03/15
    public final SpringClassLoader classLoader()
        throws IllegalStateException
        synchronized (this)
            if (this._classLoader == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Owner not set.");
            SpringClassLoader rv = this._classLoader.get();
            if (rv == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("Owner GCed.");
            return rv;
     * Returns the {@link Class} object.
     * @return The {@link Class} object.
     * @since 2021/04/19
    public final SpringObject classObject()
        synchronized (this)
            SpringObject rv = this._instance;
            if (rv == null)
                throw new IllegalStateException("No Class<?> for " +
            return rv;
     * Returns the component type of this class.
     * @return The component type.
     * @since 2018/09/27
    public final SpringClass componentType()
        return this.component;
     * Returns the number of array dimensions.
     * @return The number of dimensions.
     * @since 2018/09/28
    public final int dimensions()
        return this.name.dimensions();
     * Returns the field lookup.
     * @return The field lookup.
     * @since 2021/04/16
    public final SpringField[] fieldLookup()
        return this._fieldLookup.clone();
     * Returns the fields which are only declared in this class.
     * @return The fields only declared in this class.
     * @since 2018/09/09
    public final SpringField[] fieldsOnlyThisClass()
        Map<FieldNameAndType, SpringField> fields = this._fields;
        return fields.values().<SpringField>toArray(
            new SpringField[fields.size()]);
     * Returns the table of fields used for this class which includes the
     * super classes.
     * @return The field table used for this class.
     * @since 2018/09/16
    public final SpringField[] fieldTable()
        return this._fieldtable.clone();
     * Returns the associated class file.
     * @return The class file.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final ClassFile file()
        return this.file;
     * Returns the method index of the given method.
     * @param __method The method to look for.
     * @return The method index of the given method.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2021/04/11
    public int findMethodIndex(SpringMethod __method)
        throws NullPointerException
        throw cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2018/09/09
    public final ClassFlags flags()
        return this.file.flags();
     * Returns the JAR this class is in.
     * @return The JAR this class is in.
     * @since 2018/10/07
    public final VMClassLibrary inJar()
        return this.inJar;
     * Returns the number of instance fields this class stores. This is for
     * the most part the size of the given class.
     * @return The number of instance fields this class stores.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final int instanceFieldCount()
        return this.instanceFieldCount;
     * Returns the interfaces that this class implements.
     * @return The implemented interfaces.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final SpringClass[] interfaceClasses()
        return this._interfaceclasses.clone();
     * Is this an array?
     * @return If this is an array.
     * @since 2018/09/27
    public final boolean isArray()
        return this.name.isArray();
     * Checks if this class can be assigned from the target class, that is
     * {@code this = (ThisClass)__o}.
     * This is the same as {@link Class#isInstance(Object)} except it works
     * only on class representations.
     * @param __o The other class to check.
     * @return If the other class can be assigned as this class.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/09/15
    public final boolean isAssignableFrom(SpringClass __o)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__o == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Go through target superclasses to find this class
        for (SpringClass r = __o; r != null; r = r.superclass)
            if (r == this)
                return true;
            // Go through interfaces for the class to find this class
            for (SpringClass i : r._interfaceclasses)
                if (this.isAssignableFrom(i))
                    return true;
        // Need to cast from one array type to another
        int thisDims = this.dimensions();
        int otherDims = __o.dimensions();
        if (thisDims > 0 || otherDims > 0)
            // If this is an array and the other type is an array with the same
            // number of dimensions, then compare the base type so that say
            // Number[] is assignable from Integer[].
            if (otherDims == thisDims)
                return this.__rootType().isAssignableFrom(__o.__rootType());
            // We can cast down to Object array types if there are less
            // dimensions ([[[[Integer -> [Object)
            return this.__rootType().isObjectClass() && thisDims < otherDims;
        // Not compatible
        return false;
     * Checks if the given value is compatible with this class.
     * @param __v The value to check.
     * @return If it is compatible or not.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/09/16
    public final boolean isCompatible(Object __v)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__v == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Primitive must match standard promoted type
        ClassName name = this.name;
        if (name.isPrimitive())
            switch (name.toString())
                case "boolean":
                case "byte":
                case "short":
                case "char":
                case "int":
                    return (__v instanceof Integer);
                case "long":
                    return (__v instanceof Long);
                case "float":
                    return (__v instanceof Float);
                case "double":
                    return (__v instanceof Double);
                    throw Debugging.oops();
        // Would be an assignable reference
        else if (__v instanceof SpringNullObject)
            return true;
        // Not primitive type, must be assignable
        else if (__v instanceof SpringObject)
            return this.isAssignableFrom(((SpringObject)__v).type());
        // Unknown
            throw Debugging.oops();
     * Checks if this is an enumeration.
     * @return If this is an enumeration.
     * @since 2020/06/28
    public final boolean isEnum()
        return this.flags().isEnum();
     * Has this class been initialized?
     * @return If the class has been initialized.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final boolean isInitialized()
        synchronized (this)
            return this._initialized;
     * Is this the object class?
     * @return If this is the object class.
     * @since 2018/11/04
    public final boolean isObjectClass()
        return this.name.toString().equals("java/lang/Object");
     * Is this a primitive type?
     * @return If this is a primitive type.
     * @since 2024/01/20
    public boolean isPrimitive()
        return this.name.isPrimitive();
     * Checks if the given class is a super class of this class.
     * @param __cl The class to check.
     * @return {@code true} if it is a superclass.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/09/09
    public final boolean isSuperClass(SpringClass __cl)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__cl == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        for (SpringClass r = this.superclass; r != null; r = r.superClass())
            if (r == __cl)
                return true;
        return true;
     * Looks up the method which acts as the default constructor for instance
     * objects.
     * @return The default constructor for the object or {@code null} if there
     * is none.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final SpringMethod lookupDefaultConstructor()
            return this.lookupMethodNonVirtual(new MethodNameAndType("<init>",
        catch (SpringNoSuchMethodException e)
            return null;
     * Locates the given field in this class.
     * @param __static Is the field static?
     * @param __name The name of the field.
     * @param __desc The type of the field.
     * @return The field.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws SpringNoSuchFieldException If the field does not exist.
     * @since 2018/11/19
    public final SpringField lookupField(boolean __static, String __name,
        String __desc)
        throws NullPointerException, SpringNoSuchFieldException
        if (__name == null || __desc == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        return this.lookupField(__static,
            new FieldName(__name), new FieldDescriptor(__desc));
     * Locates the given field in this class.
     * @param __static Is the field static?
     * @param __name The name of the field.
     * @param __desc The type of the field.
     * @return The field.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws SpringNoSuchFieldException If the field does not exist.
     * @since 2018/09/09
    public final SpringField lookupField(boolean __static, FieldName __name,
        FieldDescriptor __desc)
        throws NullPointerException, SpringNoSuchFieldException
        if (__name == null || __desc == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        return this.lookupField(__static,
            new FieldNameAndType(__name, __desc));
     * Locates the given field in this class.
     * @param __static Is the field static?
     * @param __nat The name and type of the field.
     * @return The field.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws SpringNoSuchFieldException If the field does not exist.
     * @since 2018/09/09
    public final SpringField lookupField(boolean __static,
        FieldNameAndType __nat)
        throws NullPointerException, SpringNoSuchFieldException
        if (__nat == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Debug
        /*todo.DEBUG.note("Looking up field %s::%s (static=%b)", this.name,
            __nat, __static);*/
        // Field lookup starts at the current class, but also goes to the
        // super class for non-statics
        SpringField rv = this._fields.get(__nat);
        if (rv == null)
            // Lookup non-static fields in super class
            if (!__static)
                SpringClass sc = this.superclass;
                if (sc != null)
                    return sc.lookupField(__static, __nat);
            /* {@squirreljme.error BK0v The specified field does not exist.
            (The class which was looked in; The name and type of the field)} */
            throw new SpringNoSuchFieldException(String.format("BK0v %s %s",
                this.name, __nat));
        /* {@squirreljme.error BK0w The specified field exists in the class
        however it does not match being static. (The class the field is in;
        The name and type of the method; If a static field was requested)} */
        if (rv.isStatic() != __static)
            throw new SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException(String.format(
                "BK0w %s %s %s", this.name, __nat, __static));
        return rv;
     * Returns a field for the given index.
     * @param __fieldDx The field index.
     * @return The field for the given index.
     * @throws SpringNoSuchFieldException If the field does not exist.
     * @since 2021/04/16
    public final SpringField lookupField(int __fieldDx)
        throws SpringNoSuchFieldException
        SpringField[] lookup = this._fieldLookup;
        if (__fieldDx < 0 || __fieldDx >= lookup.length)
            throw new SpringNoSuchFieldException("No field: " + __fieldDx);
        return lookup[__fieldDx];
     * Locates the given method in the class.
     * @param __static Is the method static?
     * @param __name The name of the method.
     * @param __desc The descriptor of the method.
     * @return The method which was found.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException If the target method
     * does not match static-ness.
     * @throws SpringNoSuchMethodException If the specified method does not
     * exist.
     * @since 2018/09/03
    public final SpringMethod lookupMethod(boolean __static, MethodName __name,
        MethodDescriptor __desc)
        throws NullPointerException, SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException,
        if (__name == null || __desc == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        return this.lookupMethod(__static, new MethodNameAndType(__name,
     * Locates the given method in the class.
     * @param __static Is the method static?
     * @param __nat The name and type of the method.
     * @return The method which was found.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException If the target method
     * does not match staticness.
     * @throws SpringNoSuchMethodException If the specified method does not
     * exist.
     * @since 2018/09/03
    public final SpringMethod lookupMethod(boolean __static,
        MethodNameAndType __nat)
        throws NullPointerException, SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException,
        if (__nat == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Debug
        /*todo.DEBUG.note("Looking up method %s::%s (static=%b)", this.name,
            __nat, __static);*/
        /* {@squirreljme.error BK0x The specified method does not exist.
        (The class which was looked in; The name and type of the method)} */ 
        SpringMethod rv = this._methods.get(__nat);
        if (rv == null)
            throw new SpringNoSuchMethodException(String.format("BK0x %s %s",
                this.name, __nat));
        /* {@squirreljme.error BK0y The specified method exists in the class
        however it does not match being static. (The class the method is in;
        The name and type of the method; If a static method was requested)} */
        if (rv.isStatic() != __static)
            throw new SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException(String.format(
                "BK0y %s %s %b", this.name, __nat, __static));
        return rv;
     * Looks up a method with the given index.
     * @param __methodDx The method index.
     * @return The given method.
     * @throws SpringNoSuchMethodException If no method by the given index
     * exists.
     * @since 2021/04/15
    public final SpringMethod lookupMethod(int __methodDx)
        throws SpringNoSuchMethodException
        SpringMethod[] lookup = this._methodLookup;
        if (__methodDx < 0 || __methodDx >= lookup.length)
            throw new SpringNoSuchMethodException("No method: " + __methodDx);
        return lookup[__methodDx];
     * Looks up the specified method non-virtually.
     * @param __nat The name and type.
     * @return The target method.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @throws SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException If the target method
     * is static.
     * @throws SpringNoSuchMethodException If no method exists.
     * @since 2018/09/09
    public final SpringMethod lookupMethodNonVirtual(MethodNameAndType __nat)
        throws NullPointerException, SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException,
        if (__nat == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Debug
        /*todo.DEBUG.note("Looking up non-virtual method %s::%s.", this.name,
        /* {@squirreljme.error BK0z The specified method does not exist, when
        non-virtual lookup is used. (The class which was looked in; The
        name and type of the method)} */ 
        SpringMethod rv = this._nonvirtmethods.get(__nat);
        if (rv == null)
            throw new SpringNoSuchMethodException(String.format("BK0z %s %s",
                this.name, __nat));
        /* {@squirreljme.error BK10 Non-virtual method lookup found a static
        method. (The class being looked in; The name and type requested)} */
        if (rv.flags().isStatic())
            throw new SpringIncompatibleClassChangeException(String.format(
                "BK10 %s %s", this.name, __nat));
        return rv;
     * Returns the method lookup table.
     * @return The method lookup table.
     * @since 2021/04/15
    public final SpringMethod[] methodLookup()
        return this._methodLookup.clone();
     * Returns the name of this class.
     * @return The name of this class.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final ClassName name()
        return this.name;
     * Sets the class as initialized.
     * @throws SpringVirtualMachineException If the class has already been
     * initialized.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final void setInitialized()
        throws SpringVirtualMachineException
        synchronized (this)
            /* {@squirreljme.error BK11 Class attempted to be initialized
            twice. (This class)} */
            if (this._initialized)
                throw new SpringVirtualMachineException(String.format(
                    "BK11 %s", this.name));
            this._initialized = true;
     * Returns the super class of this class.
     * @return The super class of this class.
     * @since 2018/09/08
    public final SpringClass superClass()
        return this.superclass;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2018/09/15
    public final String toString()
        return this.name.toString();
     * Returns the root type, the base of the component.
     * @return The root type of this type.
     * @since 2018/09/27
    private SpringClass __rootType()
        SpringClass rv = this;
        for (SpringClass r = this; r != null; r = r.component)
            rv = r;
        return rv;