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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug;

import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.DebugShelf;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.RuntimeShelf;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.TerminalShelf;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.ThreadShelf;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.brackets.PipeBracket;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.brackets.TracePointBracket;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.constants.StandardPipeType;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.constants.VMType;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.annotation.SquirrelJMEVendorApi;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.io.ConsoleOutputStream;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.io.NonClosedOutputStream;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.lang.LineEndingUtils;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.PrintFormat;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract;

 * This class contains all of the static methods which are for writing debug
 * output and failing accordingly on incomplete code. All the methods here for
 * the most part do not touch the standard {@link System#err} and
 * {@link System#out} (which use {@link PrintStream}), as in the event those
 * have a bug or otherwise issues can occur. The methods here should be
 * reliable enough on their own to convey a message accordingly.
 * @since 2020/03/21
public final class Debugging
    /** Is debugging enabled? */
    @SuppressWarnings({"noinspection", "ConstantValue", "UnnecessaryUnboxing",
    public static boolean ENABLED =
    /** Only bytes up to this value are permitted in the output. */
    private static final int _BYTE_LIMIT =
    /** Exit status for TODOs. */
    private static final int _TODO_EXIT_STATUS =
    /** This will be set when TODOs are tripped, to prevent infinite loops. */
    private static volatile boolean _tripped;
     * Not used.
     * @since 2020/03/21
    private Debugging()
     * Emits a debugging note.
     * @param __fmt The format.
     * @since 2020/05/13
    public static void debugNote(@PrintFormat String __fmt)
        Debugging.__format('D', 'B', __fmt, (Object[])null);
     * Emits a debugging note.
     * @param __fmt The format.
     * @param __args The arguments to the string.
     * @since 2020/03/27
    public static void debugNote(@PrintFormat String __fmt, Object... __args)
        Debugging.__format('D', 'B', __fmt, __args);
     * Emits a notice
     * @param __fmt The format.
     * @since 2023/02/10
    public static void notice(@PrintFormat String __fmt)
        Debugging.__format('\0', '\0', __fmt, (Object[])null);
     * Emits a notice
     * @param __fmt The format.
     * @param __args The arguments to the string.
     * @since 2021/01/18
    public static void notice(@PrintFormat String __fmt, Object... __args)
        Debugging.__format('\0', '\0', __fmt, __args);
     * Emits an oops error.
     * @return The generated error.
     * @since 2020/12/31
    public static Error oops()
        return Debugging.todo();
     * Emits an oops error.
     * @param __args Argument to the error.
     * @return The generated error.
     * @since 2020/03/22
    @Contract("_ -> fail")
    public static Error oops(Object... __args)
        return Debugging.todo(__args);
     * Prints the given character.
     * @param __c The character to print.
     * @since 2020/05/07
    public static void print(char __c)
        Debugging.print(__c, '\0');
     * Prints the given characters.
     * @param __c The character to print.
     * @param __d Second character to print.
     * @since 2020/05/07
    public static void print(char __c, char __d)
        // If we are on standard Java SE, use the System.err for output
        if (RuntimeShelf.vmType() == VMType.JAVA_SE)
            if (__d > 0)
            // If writing a newline force the stream to be flushed
            if (__c == '\n' || __d == '\n')
        // Use standard SquirrelJME output
        PipeBracket err = TerminalShelf.fromStandard(StandardPipeType.STDERR);
            (__c > Debugging._BYTE_LIMIT ? '?' : __c));
        if (__d > 0)
                (__d > Debugging._BYTE_LIMIT ? '?' : __d));
        // If writing a newline force the stream to be flushed
        if (__c == '\n' || __d == '\n')
     * Emits a To-Do error.
     * @return The generated error.
     * @since 2020/03/21
    public static Error todo()
        return Debugging.todo((Object[])null);
     * Emits a To-Do error.
     * @param __args Arguments to the error.
     * @return The generated error.
     * @since 2020/03/21
    @Contract("_ -> fail")
    public static Error todo(Object... __args)
        // Only trip this once! In the event this trips twice, just shortcut
        // with an exception otherwise
        if (Debugging._tripped)
            // There was a To-Do on this To-Do, so need to report it instead
            // of just exiting!
            Debugging.todoNote("TODO TRIPPED IN TODO HANDLER: ");
            // Toss up and see what happens here
            return new Error("Recursive TODO");
        Debugging._tripped = true;
        // This try is here so that in event this fails or throws another
        // exception, we always terminal no matter what
        boolean stackTracePrinted = false;
            // Print a very visible banner to not hide this information
            Debugging.todoNote("INCOMPLETE CODE HAS BEEN REACHED: ");
            // If running on Java SE use its method of printing traces
            // because the SquirrelJME trace support may be missing
            if (RuntimeShelf.vmType() == VMType.JAVA_SE)
                new Throwable("INCOMPLETE CODE")
            // Use SquirrelJME's method
                // Print the stack trace first like this so it does not
                // possibly get trashed
                TracePointBracket[] trace = DebugShelf.traceStack();
                CallTraceUtils.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(
                    new NonClosedOutputStream(
                    new ConsoleOutputStream(StandardPipeType.STDERR,
                    "INCOMPLETE CODE", trace,
                    null, null, 0);
                // Report the To-Do trace, so it is known to another program
                ThreadShelf.setTrace("INCOMPLETE CODE", trace);
            stackTracePrinted = true;
            // Print all arguments passed afterwards, just in case
            if (__args != null)
                int n = __args.length;
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                        Debugging.todoNote("%d: %s", i, __args[i]);
                    catch (Throwable ignored)
                        // Just drop everything here, so we can try to print
                        // as much as we can
        // In the event this happens, we can report it
        catch (Throwable t)
            Debugging.todoNote("THROWABLE TOSSED IN TODO HANDLER!");
            // Report if we could not print the trace!
            if (!stackTracePrinted)
                Debugging.todoNote("COULD NOT PRINT STACK TRACE!");
            // Try to report what the throwable was
                // Report on it
                Debugging.todoNote("THROWABLE WAS...");
                Debugging.todoNote("    CLASS: %s", t.getClass());
                Debugging.todoNote("    MESSG: %s", t.getMessage());
                // Try to print the trace
                    new ConsoleOutputStream(StandardPipeType.STDERR,
                    t, 0);
            // This might occur on the native system
            catch (LinkageError error)
                Debugging.todoNote("WAS LINKAGE ERROR?");
                // Print the trace of the error and try to find the root
                // cause of it
                // Could not print that either
                catch (Throwable ignored)
                    // Report that this happened though 
                    Debugging.todoNote("COULD NOT PRINT LINK TRACE!");
            // This is a point where everything is so wrong we cannot
            // do anything at all
            catch (Throwable ignored)
                // Report that this happened though 
                Debugging.todoNote("COULD NOT PRINT BACKUP TRACE!");
        // Always try to exit at the end of the call, in the event another
        // exception is thrown
            // Try to emit a breakpoint
            // Just exit directly so there is no way to continue, if we can
            catch (SecurityException ignored)
                // However just ignore this case if we cannot truly exit here
        // Throw normal error here
        throw new Error("TODO");
     * Emits a To-Do note.
     * @param __fmt Format string.
     * @since 2020/05/13
    public static void todoNote(@PrintFormat String __fmt)
        Debugging.__format('T', 'D', __fmt, (Object[])null);
     * Emits a To-Do note.
     * @param __fmt Format string.
     * @param __args Arguments.
     * @since 2020/03/31
    public static void todoNote(@PrintFormat String __fmt, Object... __args)
        Debugging.__format('T', 'D', __fmt, __args);
     * Returns a To-Do for an object.
     * @param <T> The type.
     * @param __args The calling arguments.
     * @return Never returns.
     * @since 2020/04/09
    public static <T> T todoObject(Object... __args)
        throw Debugging.todo(__args);
     * Prints formatted text to the console output.
     * @param __cha First grouping character.
     * @param __chb Second grouping character.
     * @param __format Format string.
     * @param __args Arguments.
     * @since 2020/05/07
    private static void __format(char __cha, char __chb, String __format,
        Object... __args)
        // Print otherwise
            // Print header marker, but only if it is used
            if (__cha != '\0' && __chb != '\0')
                Debugging.print(__cha, __chb);
                Debugging.print(':', ' ');
            // The specifier to print along with the field index
            boolean specifier = false,
                hasArgIndex = false,
                firstChar = false,
                usePrefix = false,
                zeroPadding = false;
            int argIndex = 0,
                baseArg = 0,
                width = -1,
                argCount = (__args == null ? 0 : __args.length);
            // Print down the format
            for (int i = 0, n = __format.length(); i < n; i++)
                char c = __format.charAt(i);
                // Printing a specifier
                if (specifier)
                    // Ignore flags
                    if (c == '-' || c == '+' ||
                        c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '(')
                    // Ignore precision
                    else if (c == '.')
                    // Zero padded?
                    else if (firstChar && c == '0')
                        zeroPadding = true;
                    // Prefix flag?
                    else if (c == '#')
                        usePrefix = true;
                    // Could be width or argument index position
                    else if ((c >= '1' && c <= '9') ||
                        (!firstChar && c == '0'))
                        if (hasArgIndex)
                            if (width < 0)
                                width = 0;
                            width = (width * 10) + (c - '0');
                            // If the width is still zero, then this is the
                            // zero padding flag
                            if (width == 0)
                                zeroPadding = true;
                                width = -1;
                            argIndex = (argIndex * 10) + (c - '0');
                    // Is argument index
                    else if (!hasArgIndex && c == '$')
                        hasArgIndex = true;
                    // Percent or newline
                    else if (c == '%' || c == 'n')
                        if (c == '%')
                        // Stop
                        specifier = false;
                    // A type to be printed, probably
                        // If no argument index was flagged, then this is
                        // likely the width
                        if (!hasArgIndex && argIndex > 0)
                            width = argIndex;
                        // Select argument to print
                        int choice = (hasArgIndex ? argIndex : baseArg++);
                        Object value = (choice < 0 || choice >= argCount ?
                            null : __args[choice]);
                        // Print its value
                        if (value == null)
                            Debugging.print('n', 'u');
                            Debugging.print('l', 'l');
                        // A string printed value
                            String string;
                            // Hex sequence
                            if (c == 'x' || c == 'X')
                                string = (usePrefix ? "0x" : "") +
                                if (c == 'X')
                                    string = string.toUpperCase();
                            // Octal
                            else if (c == 'o')
                                string = Long.toString(
                                    ((Number)value).longValue(), 8);
                            // Assume string
                                string = value.toString();
                            // Print left padding?
                            int strLen = string.length(),
                                pad = width - strLen;
                            while ((pad--) > 0)
                                if (zeroPadding)
                                    Debugging.print(' ');
                            // Print actual string
                            for (int j = 0; j < strLen; j++)
                        // Stop and reset
                        specifier = false;
                        hasArgIndex = false;
                        usePrefix = false;
                        zeroPadding = false;
                        width = -1;
                        argIndex = -1;
                    // No longer will be the first character
                    if (firstChar)
                        firstChar = false;
                // Format specifier?
                else if (c == '%')
                    specifier = true;
                    firstChar = true;
                    argIndex = 0;
                // Plain character?
            // End of line
        // Hopefully this does not happen but just in case, we want to catch
        // any exceptions that are tossed while printing format strings
        catch (Throwable t)
            // Indicate this has occurred
            // End of line
     * Prints the given character.
     * @param __c The character to print.
     * @since 2020/05/07
    private static void __print(char __c)
        Debugging.__print(__c, '\0');
     * Prints the given characters.
     * @param __c The character to print.
     * @param __d Second character to print.
     * @since 2020/05/07
    private static void __print(char __c, char __d)
        // If we are on standard Java SE, use the System.err for output
        if (RuntimeShelf.vmType() == VMType.JAVA_SE)
            if (__d > 0)
        // Use standard SquirrelJME output
        PipeBracket err = TerminalShelf.fromStandard(StandardPipeType.STDERR);
            (__c > Debugging._BYTE_LIMIT ? '?' : __c));
        if (__d > 0)
                (__d > Debugging._BYTE_LIMIT ? '?' : __d));
     * Prints end of line.
     * @since 2020/05/07
    private static void __printLine()
        int lineType = RuntimeShelf.lineEnding();
        for (int i = 0;; i++)
            char c = LineEndingUtils.toChar(lineType, i);
            if (c == 0)
            Debugging.print(c, '\0');