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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package java.lang;

import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.ObjectShelf;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.annotation.Api;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.annotation.ImplementationNote;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.util.CharArrayCharSequence;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.util.CharSequenceUtils;
import java.util.Arrays;

 * This is a string which has a mutable buffer.
 * This class is not thread safe, for that use {@link StringBuffer} instead.
 * The default capacity of this builder is 16 characters.
 * @since 2018/09/22
public final class StringBuilder
    implements Appendable, CharSequence
    /** Default capacity of the internal array. */
    private static final int _DEFAULT_CAPACITY =
    /** The internal buffer for storing characters. */
    private char[] _buffer;
    /** The characters which are in the buffer. */
    private int _at;
     * Initializes with the default capacity.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder()
     * Initializes with the given capacity.
     * @param __c The initial capacity.
     * @throws NegativeArraySizeException If the capacity is negative.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder(int __c)
        throws NegativeArraySizeException
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ1n The initial capacity cannot be negative.
        (The initial capacity)} */
        if (__c < 0)
            throw new NegativeArraySizeException(
                String.format("ZZ1n %d", __c));
        // Initialize buffer
        this._buffer = new char[__c];
     * Initializes with the initial characters given by the input sequence,
     * the internal buffer is the default capacity plus the input string
     * length.
     * @param __s The characters to copy.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder(String __s)
        throws NullPointerException
     * Initializes with the initial characters given by the input sequence,
     * the internal buffer is the default capacity plus the input string
     * length.
     * @param __cs The characters to copy.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder(CharSequence __cs)
        if (__cs == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Initialize buffer with the default and the input sequence length
        this._buffer = new char[StringBuilder._DEFAULT_CAPACITY +
        // Just append the sequence since the code is the same
     * Appends the value to the string.
     * @param __v The value to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(Object __v)
        return this.insert(this._at, __v);
     * Appends the given string.
     * @param __v The string to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/22 
    public StringBuilder append(String __v)
        if (__v == null)
            __v = "null";
        return this.append((CharSequence)__v, 0, __v.length());
     * Appends the given string buffer.
     * @param __v The string buffer to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/22 
    public StringBuilder append(StringBuffer __v)
        // Is null, cannot lock on it so just forward
        if (__v == null)
            return this.append("null");
        // Lock on the buffer because this is thread safe
        synchronized (__v)
            return this.append((CharSequence)__v, 0, __v.length());
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(CharSequence __v)
        // Print null instead
        if (__v == null)
            __v = "null";
        return this.append(__v, 0, __v.length());
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(CharSequence __v, int __s, int __e)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        // Print null?
        if (__v == null)
            __v = "null";
        // Check bounds
        int vn = __v.length();
        if (__s < 0 || __e < 0 || __e > vn || __s > __e)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        // Length to add
        int len = __e - __s;
        // Get buffer properties
        int limit = this._buffer.length;
        int at = this._at;
        char[] buffer = (at + len > limit ? this.__buffer(len) : this._buffer);
        // Place input characters at this point
        while (__s < __e)
            buffer[at++] = __v.charAt(__s++);
        // Set new size
        this._at = at;
        return this;
     * Appends the given characters to the string.
     * @param __c The characters to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(char[] __c)
        throws NullPointerException
        return this.append(__c, 0, __c.length);
     * Appends the given characters to the string.
     * @param __c The characters to append.
     * @param __o The offset.
     * @param __l The length.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the offset and/or length are
     * negative or exceed the array bounds.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(char[] __c, int __o, int __l)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException
        return this.insert(this._at, __c, __o, __l);
     * Appends the value to the string.
     * @param __v The value to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(boolean __v)
        return this.insert(this._at, __v);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(char __v)
        // Before we go deeper check if the buffer needs to grow
        int limit = this._buffer.length;
        int at = this._at;
        char[] buffer = (at + 1 > limit ? this.__buffer(1) : this._buffer);
        // Add to the end
        buffer[at] = __v;
        this._at = at + 1;
        // Self
        return this;
     * Appends the value to the string.
     * @param __v The value to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(int __v)
        return this.insert(this._at, __v);
     * Appends the value to the string.
     * @param __v The value to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(long __v)
        return this.insert(this._at, __v);
     * Appends the value to the string.
     * @param __v The value to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(float __v)
        return this.insert(this._at, __v);
     * Appends the value to the string.
     * @param __v The value to append.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder append(double __v)
        return this.insert(this._at, __v);
     * Returns the current capacity of the internal buffer.
     * @return The internal capacity.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public int capacity()
        return this._buffer.length;
     * Returns the character at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index.
     * @return The character at the given index.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the character is outside of
     * bounds.
     * @since 2018/09/29
    public char charAt(int __dx)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ1o Out of bound access. (The index)} */
        if (__dx < 0 || __dx >= this._at)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("ZZ1o " + __dx);
        return this._buffer[__dx];
     * Deletes the given indexes from the string.
     * @param __fromInclusive The index to start from, inclusive.
     * @param __toExclusive The index to end at, exclusive.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException If {@code __fromInclusive} is
     * negative, greater than {@link #length()}, or greater than
     * {@code __toExclusive}.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public StringBuilder delete(int __fromInclusive, int __toExclusive)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        int at = this._at;
        if (__fromInclusive < 0 || __fromInclusive > __toExclusive ||
            __fromInclusive > at)
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        int realEnd = Math.min(at, __toExclusive);
        int deleteLen = realEnd - __fromInclusive;
        // Pointless deletion?
        if (__fromInclusive == __toExclusive || deleteLen == 0)
            return this;
        // Move everything down from above, if any
        char[] buffer = this._buffer;
        System.arraycopy(buffer, realEnd,
            buffer, __fromInclusive, at - deleteLen);
        at -= deleteLen;
        // Wipe everything at the end (security?)
        ObjectShelf.arrayFill(buffer, at, buffer.length - at, '\0');
        // Set new position
        this._at = at;
        // And then just returns self
        return this;
     * Deletes the character at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index to delete.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException If the index if outside of
     * the string bounds.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public StringBuilder deleteCharAt(int __dx)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        if (__dx < 0 || __dx >= this._at)
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        // This handles all the deletion logic
        this.delete(__dx, __dx + 1);
        return this;
     * Ensures that the given capacity is made available to the buffer if the
     * current capacity is less than the specified {@code __minCapacity}.
     * @param __minCapacity The capacity to check against, if too small then
     * the capacity {@code max(__minCapacity, (capacity() * 2) + 2)} is used.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public void ensureCapacity(int __minCapacity)
        // Pointless
        if (__minCapacity <= 0)
        int limit = this._buffer.length;
        if (limit < __minCapacity)
            this.__buffer(Math.max(__minCapacity, (limit << 1) + 2));
    public void getChars(int __a, int __b, char[] __c, int __d)
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * Returns the position where the given string is found.
     * @param __s The sequence to find.
     * @return The index of the sequence or {@code -1} if it is not found.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public int indexOf(String __s)
        throws NullPointerException
        return this.indexOf(__s, 0);
     * Returns the position where the given string is found.
     * @param __s The sequence to find.
     * @param __index The starting index.
     * @return The index of the sequence or {@code -1} if it is not found.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public int indexOf(String __s, int __index)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        return CharSequenceUtils.indexOf(this, __s, __index);
     * Inserts the given value at the given position.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __c The characters to insert.
     * @param __o The offset into the array.
     * @param __l The number of characters to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is out of bounds.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, char[] __c, int __o, int __l)
        return this.insert(__dx, new CharArrayCharSequence(__c, __o, __l));
     * Inserts the given value at the given position.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is out of bounds.
     * @since 2018/09/29
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, Object __v)
        return this.insert(__dx, (__v == null ? "null" : __v.toString()));
     * Inserts the given value at the given position.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is out of bounds.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, String __v)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        return this.insert(__dx, (CharSequence)__v);
     * Inserts the given value at the given position.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __chars The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is out of bounds.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, char[] __chars)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException, NullPointerException
        if (__chars == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        return this.insert(__dx, new CharArrayCharSequence(__chars));
     * Inserts the given value at the given position.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is out of bounds.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, CharSequence __v)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        // Print null instead
        if (__v == null)
            __v = "null";
        return this.insert(__dx, __v, 0, __v.length());
     * Inserts the given value at the given position.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @param __s The start position.
     * @param __e The end position.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is out of bounds.
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, CharSequence __v, int __s, int __e)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ1p Cannot insert sequence at a negative
        index.} */
        if (__dx < 0)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("ZZ1p");
        // Check bounds
        int vn = __v.length();
        if (__s < 0 || __e < 0 || __e > vn || __s > __e)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        // Length to add
        int len = __e - __s;
        // Get buffer properties
        int limit = this._buffer.length;
        int at = this._at;
        char[] buffer = (at + len > limit ? this.__buffer(len) : this._buffer);
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ1q The index of insertion exceeds the
        length of the current string. (The insertion index; The string
        length)} */
        if (__dx > at)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
                String.format("ZZ1q %d %d", __dx, at));
        // First move all characters on the right to the end so that this can
        // properly fit
        System.arraycopy(buffer, __dx,
            buffer, __dx + len, at - __dx);
        /*for (int i = at - 1, o = i + len; i >= __dx; i--, o--)
            buffer[o] = buffer[i];*/
        // Place input characters at this point
        while (__s < __e)
            buffer[__dx++] = __v.charAt(__s++);
        // Set new size
        this._at = at + len;
        return this;
     * Inserts the given boolean into the string at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not valid.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, boolean __v)
        return this.insert(__dx, Boolean.valueOf(__v).toString());
     * Inserts the given character into the string at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not valid.
     * @since 2018/09/23
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, char __v)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ1r Cannot insert sequence at a negative
        index.} */
        if (__dx < 0)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("ZZ1r");
        // Before we go deeper check if the buffer needs to grow
        int limit = this._buffer.length;
        int at = this._at;
        char[] buffer = (at + 1 > limit ? this.__buffer(1) : this._buffer);
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ1s The index of insertion exceeds the
        length of the current string. (The insertion index; The string
        length)} */
        if (__dx > at)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
                "ZZ1s %d %d", __dx, at));
        // First move all characters on the right to the end so that this can
        // properly fit
        System.arraycopy(buffer, __dx,
            buffer, __dx + 1, at - __dx);
        /*for (int i = at - 1, o = i + 1; i >= __dx; i--, o--)
            buffer[o] = buffer[i];*/
        // Place input characters at this point
        buffer[__dx] = __v;
        // Set new size
        this._at = at + 1;
        return this;
     * Inserts the given value into the string at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not valid.
     * @since 2018/09/23
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, int __v)
        return this.insert(__dx, Long.valueOf(__v).toString());
     * Inserts the given value into the string at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not valid.
     * @since 2018/09/23
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, long __v)
        return this.insert(__dx, Long.valueOf(__v).toString());
     * Inserts the given value into the string at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not valid.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, float __v)
        return this.insert(__dx, Float.valueOf(__v).toString());
     * Inserts the given value into the string at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index to insert at.
     * @param __v The value to insert.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not valid.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public StringBuilder insert(int __dx, double __v)
        return this.insert(__dx, Double.valueOf(__v).toString());
    public int lastIndexOf(String __s)
        return this.lastIndexOf(__s, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    public int lastIndexOf(String __s, int __fromDx)
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * Returns the length of the string.
     * @return The string length.
     * @since 2018/09/29
    public int length()
        return this._at;
    public StringBuilder replace(int __a, int __b, String __c)
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * Reverses all of the characters in the string.
     * @return {@code this}.
     * @since 2018/09/23
    public StringBuilder reverse()
        // Get the buffer
        char[] buffer = this._buffer;
        int at = this._at;
        // Swap all the characters, a less than be because if it reaches the
        // center there will be no need to swap anything
        for (int a = 0, b = at - 1; a < b; a++, b--)
            char x = buffer[a];
            buffer[a] = buffer[b];
            buffer[b] = x;
        // Self
        return this;
     * Sets the character at the given index.
     * @param __dx The index to set, must be {@code [0, length)}.
     * @param __c The character to set.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is not within the bounds
     * of this {@link StringBuilder}.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public void setCharAt(int __dx, char __c)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        // Check the bounds first
        int at = this._at;
        if (__dx < 0 || __dx >= at)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        // Now set it
        this._buffer[__dx] = __c;
     * Sets the length of the internal buffer, either truncating it or
     * padding it with NUL characters.
     * @param __nl The new length.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the length is negative.
     * @since 2018/10/13
    @ImplementationNote("This does not actually even pad NULs it just " +
        "sets the length or regrows the buffer as needed.")
    public void setLength(int __nl)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ1t Attempt to use a length of a negative
        size.} */
        if (__nl < 0)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("ZZ1t");
        // We only need to do something if we are going up, staying the same
        // or going down just sets a variable
        // If the buffer is resized, we do not need to pad for NUL characters
        // because it already has zero values
        int at = this._at;
        if (__nl > at)
        // Set new length
        this._at = __nl;
        // Erase old characters in the buffer (security?)
        char[] buffer = this._buffer;
        ObjectShelf.arrayFill(buffer, __nl, buffer.length - __nl,
     * Invokes {@code this.substring(__s, __e)}.
     * @param __s The start.
     * @param __e The end.
     * @return The sub-sequence.
     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException If the index is out of bounds.
     * @since 2019/05/11
    public CharSequence subSequence(int __s, int __e)
        throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
        return this.substring(__s, __e);
     * Returns a string which is a substring of the given portion of the
     * string.
     * @param __s The start.
     * @return The resulting sub-string.
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException If the specified positions
     * are not within the string bounds.
     * @since 2019/05/11
    public String substring(int __s)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        return this.substring(__s, this.length());
     * Returns a string which is a substring of the given portion of the
     * string.
     * @param __s The start.
     * @param __e The end.
     * @return The resulting sub-string.
     * @throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException If the specified positions
     * are not within the string bounds.
     * @since 2019/05/11
    public String substring(int __s, int __e)
        throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        /* {@squirreljme.error ZZ1u String index out of bounds.} */
        int len = this._at;
        if (__s < 0 || __e < 0 || __s > __e || __s > len || __e > len)
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("ZZ1u");
        // Would be an empty string
        if (__s == __e)
            return "";
        // Build string and operate directly on the buffer
        return new String(this._buffer, __s, __e - __s);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2018/09/22
    public String toString()
        return new String(this._buffer, 0, this._at);
     * Trims the internal buffer to the size that is needed to store the
     * string.
     * @since 2022/06/29
    public void trimToSize()
        char[] buffer = this._buffer;
        int at = this._at;
        int limit = buffer.length;
        if (limit > at)
            this._buffer = Arrays.copyOf(buffer, at);
     * Obtains the buffer, potentially resizing it to fit the given amount
     * of characters.
     * @param __l The number of characters to add.
     * @return The buffer.
     * @since 2018/09/23
    private char[] __buffer(int __l)
        // Get buffer properties
        char[] buffer = this._buffer;
        int limit = buffer.length;
        int at = this._at;
        // Need to resize the buffer to fit this?
        int nextAt = at + __l;
        if (nextAt > limit)
            int newCapacity = nextAt + StringBuilder._DEFAULT_CAPACITY;
            // Copy characters over
            char[] extra = Arrays.copyOf(buffer, newCapacity);
            // Erase the old buffer (security?)
            ObjectShelf.arrayFill(buffer, 0, buffer.length, '\0');
            // Store the new buffer
            this._buffer = (buffer = extra);
        return buffer;