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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package jdk.dio;

import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.annotation.Api;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class DeviceManager
    public static final int EXCLUSIVE =
    public static final int SHARED =
    public static final int UNSPECIFIED_ID =
    private DeviceManager()
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> void addRegistrationListener(
        RegistrationListener<P> __a, Class<P> __b)
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> Iterator<DeviceDescriptor<P>>
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> Iterator<DeviceDescriptor<P>>
        list(Class<P> __a)
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(Class<P> __a, 
        DeviceConfig<? super P> __b)
        throws IOException, InvalidDeviceConfigException, 
            UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, DeviceNotFoundException, 
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new InvalidDeviceConfigException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(Class<P> __a, 
        DeviceConfig<? super P> __b, int __c)
        throws IOException, InvalidDeviceConfigException, 
            UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, DeviceNotFoundException, 
            UnavailableDeviceException, UnsupportedAccessModeException
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new InvalidDeviceConfigException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedAccessModeException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(int __a)
        throws IOException, DeviceNotFoundException, 
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(int __a, Class<P> __b)
        throws IOException, UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, 
            DeviceNotFoundException, UnavailableDeviceException
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(int __a, Class<P> __b,
        int __c)
        throws IOException, UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, 
            DeviceNotFoundException, UnavailableDeviceException, 
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedAccessModeException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(int __a, int __b)
        throws IOException, DeviceNotFoundException, 
            UnavailableDeviceException, UnsupportedAccessModeException
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedAccessModeException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(DeviceConfig<? super P
        > __a)
        throws IOException, InvalidDeviceConfigException, 
            UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, DeviceNotFoundException, 
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new InvalidDeviceConfigException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(DeviceConfig<? super P
        > __a, int __b)
        throws IOException, InvalidDeviceConfigException, 
            UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, DeviceNotFoundException, 
            UnavailableDeviceException, UnsupportedAccessModeException
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new InvalidDeviceConfigException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedAccessModeException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(String __a, Class<P> 
        __b, int __c, String... __d)
        throws IOException, UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, 
            DeviceNotFoundException, UnavailableDeviceException, 
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedAccessModeException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> P open(String __a, Class<P> 
        __b, String... __c)
        throws IOException, UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, 
            DeviceNotFoundException, UnavailableDeviceException
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnavailableDeviceException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> int register(int __a, Class<P
        > __b, DeviceConfig<? super P> __c, String __d, String... __e)
        throws IOException, UnsupportedDeviceTypeException, 
            InvalidDeviceConfigException, DeviceNotFoundException, 
        if (false)
            throw new IOException();
        if (false)
            throw new UnsupportedDeviceTypeException();
        if (false)
            throw new InvalidDeviceConfigException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceNotFoundException();
        if (false)
            throw new DeviceAlreadyExistsException();
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static <P extends Device<? super P>> void 
        removeRegistrationListener(RegistrationListener<P> __a, Class<P> __b)
        throw Debugging.todo();
    public static void unregister(int __a)
        throw Debugging.todo();