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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package net.multiphasicapps.io;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;

 * This is used to decompress standard deflate compressed stream.
 * Associated standards: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt.
 * This class is not thread safe.
 * @since 2017/02/24
public class InflaterInputStream
    extends DecompressionInputStream
    /** The size of the sliding window. */
    private static final int _DEFAULT_SLIDING_WINDOW_SIZE =
    /** No compression. */
    static final byte _TYPE_NO_COMPRESSION =
    /** Fixed huffman table compression. */
    static final byte _TYPE_FIXED_HUFFMAN =
    /** Dynamic huffman table compression. */
    static final byte _TYPE_DYNAMIC_HUFFMAN =
    /** An error. */
    static final byte _TYPE_ERROR =
    /** The maximum number of bits in the code length tree. */
    private static final byte _MAX_BITS =
    /** Shuffled bit values when reading values. */
    private static final byte[] _SHUFFLE_BITS =
        new byte[]
            16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15
    /** The deflated compressed stream to be decompressed. */
    protected final InputStream in;
    /** Sliding window for accessing old bytes. */
    protected final SlidingByteWindow window;
    /** If the output cannot be filled, bytes are written here instead. */
    protected final ByteDeque overflow =
        new ByteDeque();
    /** When bytes are read, a checkum will be calculated for it, optional. */
    protected final Checksum checksum;
    /** Single byte read. */
    private final byte[] _solo =
        new byte[1];
    /** The read-in buffer which is used to bulk read input bytes. */
    private final byte[] _readin =
        new byte[4];
    /** The bit source for reading. */
    private final BitSource _bitsource =
        new __BitSource__();
     * Raw code lengths (allocated once), the size is the max code length
     * count.
    private final int[] _rawcodelens =
        new int[19];
     * Raw literal and distances (allocated once), the size is the total of
     * both the maximum length count and distance count.
    private final int[] _rawlitdistlens =
        new int[322];
    /** Used to store bit length counts. */
    private final int[] _blcount =
        new int[InflaterInputStream._MAX_BITS + 1];
    /** Used to store the next code. */
    private final int[] _nextcode =
        new int[InflaterInputStream._MAX_BITS + 1];
    /** The number of compressed bytes. */
    private long _compressedsize;
    /** The number of uncompressed bytes. */
    private long _uncompressedsize;
    /** The code length tree. */
    private Reference<HuffmanTreeInt> _codelentree;
    /** The literal tree. */
    private Reference<HuffmanTreeInt> _literaltree;
    /** The distance tree. */
    private Reference<HuffmanTreeInt> _distancetree;
    /** Window reader. */
    private Reference<byte[]> _readwindow;
     * The miniature read window, it stores a 32-bit value and is given input
     * bytes to read along with being used as output. This is an int because it
     * is faster to work with integer values rather than bytes. It also means
     * that it is much simpler to work with.
    private int _miniwindow;
    /** Represents the number of bits in the mini window. */
    private int _minisize;
    /** The output write window, this is used to shift out writes as needed. */
    private int _writewindow;
    /** The number of bits in the write window. */
    private int _writesize;
    /** EOF has been reached? */
    private boolean _eof;
    /** The target byte array for writes. */
    private byte[] _targ;
    /** The target offset for writes. */
    private int _targoff;
    /** The target end offset for writes. */
    private int _targend;
     * Initializes the deflate compression stream inflater.
     * @param __in The stream to inflate.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/02/24
    public InflaterInputStream(InputStream __in)
        throws NullPointerException
        this(__in, InflaterInputStream._DEFAULT_SLIDING_WINDOW_SIZE);
     * Initializes the deflate compression stream inflater, an optional
     * checksum calculator may be specified also.
     * @param __in The stream to inflate.
     * @param __cs The checksum.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments, except for {@code __cs}.
     * @since 2017/02/24
    public InflaterInputStream(InputStream __in, Checksum __cs)
        throws NullPointerException
        this(__in, InflaterInputStream._DEFAULT_SLIDING_WINDOW_SIZE, __cs);
     * Initializes the deflate compression stream inflater with a custom
     * size specified for the sliding window.
     * @param __in The stream to inflate.
     * @param __sls Custom size to the sliding window.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/03/04
    public InflaterInputStream(InputStream __in, int __sls)
        this(__in, __sls, null);
     * Initializes the deflate compression stream inflater with a custom
     * size specified for the sliding window, an optional checksum calculator
     * may be specified also.
     * @param __in The stream to inflate.
     * @param __sls Custom size to the sliding window.
     * @param __checksum If not {@code null} then when bytes are read from this
     * stream they will have their checksum calculated. The checksum is
     * calculated on the uncompressed bytes.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments, except for
     * {@code __checksum}.
     * @since 2017/08/22
    public InflaterInputStream(InputStream __in, int __sls,
        Checksum __checksum)
        // Check
        if (__in == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Set
        this.in = __in;
        this.window = new SlidingByteWindow(__sls);
        this.checksum = __checksum;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/02/24
    public int available()
        throws IOException
        // Use the number of bytes that are able to be read quickly without
        // requiring decompression
        return this.overflow.available();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/02/24
    public void close()
        throws IOException
        // Close input
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/08/22
    public long compressedBytes()
        return this._compressedsize;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/08/22
    public boolean detectsEOF()
        return true;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/02/24
    public int read()
        throws IOException
        // Try reading a single byte
        byte[] solo = this._solo;
        for (;;)
            int rv = this.read(solo, 0, 1);
            // EOF?
            if (rv < 0)
                return rv;
            // Try again
            else if (rv == 0)
            // Return that byte
                return (solo[0] & 0xFF);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2018/11/11
    public int read(byte[] __b)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException
        return this.read(__b, 0, __b.length);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/02/24
    public int read(byte[] __b, int __o, int __l)
        throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, IOException,
        // Check
        if (__b == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        int bl = __b.length;
        if (__o < 0 || __l < 0 || (__o + __l) > bl)
            throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException("AIOB");
        // If there are bytes in the overflow buffer, read them first into the
        // output because they are the result of previous decompression.
        ByteDeque overflow = this.overflow;
        int ovn = overflow.available(),
            ovr = (Math.min(ovn, __l));
        int c = overflow.removeFirst(__b, __o, __l);
        // More bytes can be read from the input compressed data because the
        // overflow buffer has been emptied
        boolean eof = this._eof;
        if (!eof && c < __l)
            // Store write information
            this._targ = __b;
            // Try to fit as many bytes as possible into the output
            while (c < __l)
                // Decompress
                int base;
                this._targoff = (base = __o + c);
                this._targend = base + (__l - c);
                int rv = this.__decompress();
                // Ended?
                if (rv < 0)
                    this._eof = true;
                // Otherwise add those bytes
                c += rv;
        // Calculate CRC for this output data
        Checksum checksum = this.checksum;
        if (checksum != null)
            checksum.offer(__b, __o, c);
        // Count uncompressed size
        if (c > 0)
            this._uncompressedsize += c;
        // Return the read count or end of file if the end of the stream has
        // been reached
        // But never leave bytes waiting in the overflow buffer ever
        return (c == 0 && eof && overflow.isEmpty() ? -1 : c);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/08/22
    public long uncompressedBytes()
        return this._uncompressedsize;
     * Reads the input and performs decompression on the data.
     * @return The number of stored bytes or a negative value if the stream
     * has terminated.
     * @throws IOException On read or decompression errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private int __decompress()
        throws IOException
        // Do nothing on EOF
        if (this._eof)
            return -1;
        // The target offset on entry
        int enteroff = this._targoff;
        // Read the final bit which determines if this is the last block
        int finalhit = this.__readBits(1, false);
        // Read the window type
        int type = this.__readBits(2, false);
        switch (type)
                // None
            case InflaterInputStream._TYPE_NO_COMPRESSION:
                // Fixed huffman
            case InflaterInputStream._TYPE_FIXED_HUFFMAN:
                // Dynamic huffman
            case InflaterInputStream._TYPE_DYNAMIC_HUFFMAN:
                // Error or unknown
            case InflaterInputStream._TYPE_ERROR:
                /* {@squirreljme.error BD17 Unknown type or the error type
                was reached. (The type code used in the stream)} */
                throw new IOException(String.format("BD17 %d", type));
        // If this was the last block to read, then return EOF if no data
        // was actually read, but mark EOF otherwise
        int rv = (this._targoff - enteroff);
        if (finalhit != 0)
            this._eof = true;
            return (rv == 0 ? -1 : rv);
        // Just the read count
            return rv;
     * Decompress dynamic huffman code.
     * @throws IOException On read or decompression errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private void __decompressDynamic()
        throws IOException
        // Read the code length parameters
        int dhlit = this.__readBits(5, false) + 257;
        int dhdist = this.__readBits(5, false) + 1;
        int dhclen = this.__readBits(4, false) + 4;
        // Read the code length tree
        HuffmanTreeInt codelentree = this.__decompressDynamicLoadLenTree(dhclen);
        // Read the literal and distance trees
        HuffmanTreeInt literaltree = this.__obtainLiteralTree(),
            distancetree = this.__obtainDistanceTree();
        this.__decompressDynamicLoadLitDistTree(codelentree, dhlit, dhdist,
            literaltree, distancetree);
        // Decode input
        for (;;)
            // Read code
            int code = literaltree.getValue(this._bitsource);
            // Literal byte value
            if (code >= 0 && code <= 255)
                this.__write(code, 8, false);
            // Stop processing
            else if (code == 256)
            // Window based result
            else if (code >= 257 && code <= 285)
            /* {@squirreljme.error BD18 Illegal dynamic huffman code. (The
            code.)} */
                throw new IOException(String.format("BD18 %d", code));
     * Reads the literal and distance trees.
     * @param __cltree The code length tree.
     * @param __dhlit The literal count.
     * @param __dhdist The distance count.
     * @param __ltree The literal tree.
     * @param __dtree The distance tree.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private void __decompressDynamicLoadLitDistTree(HuffmanTreeInt __cltree,
        int __dhlit, int __dhdist, HuffmanTreeInt __ltree,
        HuffmanTreeInt __dtree)
        throws IOException
        // Determine the maximum bit count that is used when reading values
        int total = __dhlit + __dhdist;
        // Cached, erase the data because later reads may have less
        int[] rawlitdistlens = this._rawlitdistlens;
        Arrays.fill(rawlitdistlens, 0);
        // Read every code
            for (int next = 0; next < total;)
                next += this.__readCodeBits(__cltree, rawlitdistlens, next);

        /* {@squirreljme.error BD19 The compressed stream is
        damaged by being too short or having an illegal tree
        access.} */                
        catch (NoSuchElementException e)
            throw new IOException("BD19", e);
        // Initialize both trees
        this.__thunkCodeLengthTree(__ltree, rawlitdistlens, 0, __dhlit);
        this.__thunkCodeLengthTree(__dtree, rawlitdistlens, __dhlit, __dhdist);
     * Reads the code length tree.
     * @param __dhclen The code length size.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private HuffmanTreeInt __decompressDynamicLoadLenTree(int __dhclen)
        throws IOException
        // Target tree
        HuffmanTreeInt codelentree = this.__obtainCodeLenTree();
        /* {@squirreljme.error BD1a There may only be at most 19 used
        code lengths. (The number of code lengths)} */
        if (__dhclen > 19)
            throw new IOException(String.format("BD1a %d", __dhclen));
        // The same array is used for reading code lengths but the next time
        // around it is possible that less code lengths are read, so if the
        // higher elements have previously been set they will be used
        int[] rawcodelens = this._rawcodelens;
        Arrays.fill(rawcodelens, 0);
        // Read lengths, they are just 3 bits but their placement values are
        // shuffled since some sequences are more common than others
        byte[] hsbits = InflaterInputStream._SHUFFLE_BITS;
        for (int next = 0; next < __dhclen; next++)
            rawcodelens[hsbits[next]] = this.__readBits(3, false);
        // Thunk the tree and return it
        return this.__thunkCodeLengthTree(codelentree, rawcodelens, 0,
     * Decodes decompressed data stored with the fixed huffman table and
     * decompresses it.
     * @throws IOException On read or decompression errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private void __decompressFixed()
        throws IOException
        // Read until the sequence has ended
        for (;;)
            // Read code
            int code = this.__readFixedHuffman();
            // Literal byte value
            if (code >= 0 && code <= 255)
                this.__write(code, 8, false);
            // Stop processing
            else if (code == 256)
            // Window based result
            else if (code >= 257 && code <= 285)
                this.__decompressWindow(this.__handleLength(code), Integer.MIN_VALUE);
            /* {@squirreljme.error BD1b Illegal fixed huffman code. (The
            code.)} */
                throw new IOException(String.format("BD1b %d", code));
     * Decompresses uncompressed data.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private void __decompressNone()
        throws IOException
        // Throw out bits that have been read so that the following reads are
        // aligned to byte boundaries
        int minisub = this._minisize & 7;
        if (minisub > 0)
            this.__readBits(minisub, false);
        // Read length and the one's complement of it
        int len = this.__readBits(16, false);
        int com = this.__readBits(16, false);
        // The complemented length must be equal to the complement
        /* {@squirreljme.error BD1c Value mismatch reading the number of
        uncompressed symbols that exist. (The length; The complement;
        The complemented input length; The complemented input complement)} */
        if ((len ^ 0xFFFF) != com)
            throw new IOException(String.format("BD1c %04x %04x %04x %04x",
                len, com, len ^ 0xFFFF, com ^ 0xFFFF));
        // Read all bytes
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            this.__write(this.__readBits(8, false), 8, false);
     * Handles decompressing window data.
     * @param __len The length to read, must be prehandled.
     * @param __dist The distance to read.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private void __decompressWindow(int __len, int __dist)
        throws IOException
        // Handle distance
        __dist = this.__handleDistance(__dist);
        // Get the maximum valid length, so for example if the length
        // is 5 and the distance is two, then only read two bytes.
        int maxlen = Math.min(__dist, __len);
        // Create a byte array from the sliding window data
        byte[] winb = new byte[maxlen];
            this.window.get(__dist, winb, 0, maxlen);
        // Bad window read
        catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe)
            /* {@squirreljme.error BD1d Window access out of range.
            (The distance; The length)} */
            throw new IOException(String.format(
                "BD1d %d %d", __dist, __len), ioobe);
        // Add those bytes to the output, handle wrapping around if the
        // length is greater than the current position
        for (int i = 0, v = 0; i < __len; i++)
            // Write byte
            this.__write(winb[v], 8, false);
            // Wrap around
            if ((++v) >= maxlen)
                v = 0;
     * Handles fixed huffman distance.
     * @param __code The input code.
     * @return The ditsance read.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private int __handleDistance(int __code)
        throws IOException
        // Read distance
        if (__code == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
            __code = this.__readBits(5, true);
        /* {@squirreljme.error BD1e Illegal fixed distance code. (The distance
        code)} */
        if (__code > 29)
            throw new IOException(String.format("BD1e %d", __code));
        // Calculate the required distance to use
        int rv = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < __code; i++)
            // This uses a similar pattern to the length code, however the
            // division is half the size (so there are groups of 2 now).
            int v = ((i / 2) - 1);
            if (v >= 0)
                rv += (1 << v);
        // Determine the number of extra bits that make up the distance which
        // is used as an additional distance value
        int extrabits = ((__code / 2) - 1);
        if (extrabits > 0)
            rv += this.__readBits(extrabits, false);
        // Return it
        return rv;
     * Reads length codes from the input.
     * @param __c Input code value.
     * @throws IOException On read/write errors.
     * @since 2016/03/12
    private int __handleLength(int __c)
        throws IOException
        // The maximum length that can ever be used is 258, it has no bits also
        if (__c == 285)
            return 258;
        // Get the base code
        int base = __c - 257;
        /* {@squirreljme.error BD1f Illegal length code. (The length code)} */
        if (base < 0)
            throw new IOException(String.format("BD1f %d", __c));
        // Calculate the required length to use
        int rv = 3;
        for (int i = 0; i < base; i++)
            // Determine how many groups of 4 the code is long. Since zero
            // appears as items then subtract 1 to make it longer. However
            // after the first 8 it goes up in a standard pattern.
            int v = ((i / 4) - 1);
            if (v > 0)
                rv += (1 << v);
        // Add extra bits which are used to modify the amount of data read
        int extrabits = (base / 4) - 1;
        if (extrabits > 0)
            rv += (extrabits = this.__readBits(extrabits, false));
        // Return the length
        return rv;
     * Obtains the code length tree.
     * @return The code length tree.
     * @since 2017/02/27
    private HuffmanTreeInt __obtainCodeLenTree()
        Reference<HuffmanTreeInt> ref = this._codelentree;
        HuffmanTreeInt rv;
        if (ref == null || null == (rv = ref.get()))
            this._codelentree = new WeakReference<>(
                (rv = new HuffmanTreeInt()));
        // Clear before return
        return rv;
     * Obtains the distance tree.
     * @return The distance tree.
     * @since 2017/02/27
    private HuffmanTreeInt __obtainDistanceTree()
        Reference<HuffmanTreeInt> ref = this._distancetree;
        HuffmanTreeInt rv;
        if (ref == null || null == (rv = ref.get()))
            this._distancetree = new WeakReference<>(
                (rv = new HuffmanTreeInt()));
        // Clear before return
        return rv;
     * Obtains the literal tree.
     * @return The literal tree.
     * @since 2017/02/27
    private HuffmanTreeInt __obtainLiteralTree()
        Reference<HuffmanTreeInt> ref = this._literaltree;
        HuffmanTreeInt rv;
        if (ref == null || null == (rv = ref.get()))
            this._literaltree = new WeakReference<>(
                (rv = new HuffmanTreeInt()));
        // Clear before return
        return rv;
     * Obtains the read window.
     * @return The read window.
     * @since 2017/02/26
    private byte[] __obtainReadWindow()
        Reference<byte[]> ref = this._readwindow;
        byte[] rv;
        if (ref == null || null == (rv = ref.get()))
            this._readwindow = new WeakReference<>(
                (rv = new byte[128]));
        return rv;
     * Reads bits from the input stream.
     * @param __n The number of bits to read.
     * @param __msb If {@code true} the most significant bits are first
     * @return The read data.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    int __readBits(int __n, boolean __msb)
        throws IOException
        // Nothing to read
        if (__n == 0)
            return 0;
        // Get the mini window information
        int miniwindow = this._miniwindow,
            minisize = this._minisize;
        // Not enough bits to read the value
        while (minisize < __n)
            // The number of bytes to be read
            int bc = (__n - minisize) / 8;
            if (bc == 0)
                bc = 1;
            // Read input bytes
            byte[] readin = this._readin;
            int rc = this.in.read(readin, 0, bc);
            /* {@squirreljme.error BD1g Reached EOF while reading bytes to
            decompress. (Bits in the queue; Requested number of bits)} */
            if (rc < 0)
                throw new IOException(String.format("BD1g %d %d", minisize,
            // Shift in the read bytes to the higher positions
            for (int i = 0; i < rc; i++)
                miniwindow |= ((readin[i] & 0xFF) << minisize);
                minisize += 8;
            // Count the number of compressed bytes
            this._compressedsize += rc;
        // Mask in the value, which is always at the lower bits
        int rv = miniwindow & ((1 << __n) - 1);
        // Shift down the mini window for the next read
        // Make sure the shift down is unsigned so that zeroes are in the
        // higher bits for the filling OR operation.
        miniwindow >>>= __n;
        minisize -= __n;
        // Store for next run
        this._miniwindow = miniwindow;
        this._minisize = minisize;
        // Want MSB to be first, need to swap all the bits so the lowest ones
        // are at the highest positions
        // Luckily such a method already exists and it could potentially be
        // inlined by the JVM or converted to native code if such an
        // instruction exists.
        if (__msb)
            return Integer.reverse(rv) >>> (32 - __n);
        // Return read result
        return rv;
     * Reads code bits using the given huffman tree and into the specified
     * array.
     * @param __codes The huffman tree which contains the length codes which
     * the values being read are encoded with.
     * @param __out The output array.
     * @param __next The next value to read.
     * @throws IOException On read or decompression errors.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2016/03/28
    private int __readCodeBits(HuffmanTreeInt __codes, int[] __out,
        int __next)
        throws IOException, NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__codes == null || __out == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Read in code based on an input huffman tree
        int basenext = __next;
        int code = __codes.getValue(this._bitsource);
        // Literal length, the input is used
        if (code >= 0 && code < 16)
            __out[__next++] = code;
        // Repeating
            // Repeat this value and for this many lengths
            int repval;
            int repfor;
            // Repeat the previous length 3-6 times
            if (code == 16)
                /* {@squirreljme.error BD1h A repeat code was specified,
                however this is the first entry. (The last length index)} */
                int lastlendx = __next - 1;
                if (lastlendx < 0)
                    throw new IOException(String.format("BD1h %d",
                // Read the last
                repval = __out[lastlendx];
                // Read the repeat count
                repfor = 3 + this.__readBits(2, false);
            // Repeat zero for 3-10 times
            else if (code == 17)
                // Use zero
                repval = 0;
                // Read 3 bits
                repfor = 3 + this.__readBits(3, false);
            // Repeat zero for 11-138 times
            else if (code == 18)
                // Use zero
                repval = 0;
                // Read 7 bits
                repfor = 11 + this.__readBits(7, false);
            /* {@squirreljme.error BD1i Illegal code. (The code)} */
                throw new IOException(String.format("BD1i %d", code));
            // Could fail
                // Place in repeated values
                for (int i = 0; i < repfor; i++)
                    __out[__next++] = repval;
            // Out of bounds entry
            catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe)
                /* {@squirreljme.error BD1j Out of bounds index read.} */
                throw new IOException("BD1j", ioobe);
        // Skip count
        return __next - basenext;
     * Reads a fixed huffman code for use by the {@code _TYPE_FIXED_HUFFMAN}
     * state. This method does not traverse a huffman tree so to speak, but it
     * instead uses many if statements. Initially every consideration was made
     * but now instead it uses ranges once it keeps deep enough into the tree.
     * This method is faster and provides a built-in huffman tree while not
     * taking up too many bytes in the byte code.
     * @return The read value.
     * @throws IOException On read errors.
     * @since 2016/03/10
    private int __readFixedHuffman()
        throws IOException
        // The long if statement block
        if (this.__readBits(1, true) != 0)
            if (this.__readBits(1, true) != 0)
                if (this.__readBits(1, true) != 0)
                    return 192 + this.__readBits(6, true);
                    if (this.__readBits(1, true) != 0)
                        return 160 + this.__readBits(5, true);
                        if (this.__readBits(1, true) != 0)
                            return 144 + this.__readBits(4, true);
                            return 280 + this.__readBits(3, true);
                return 80 + this.__readBits(6, true);
            if (this.__readBits(1, true) != 0)
                return 16 + this.__readBits(6, true);
                if (this.__readBits(1, true) != 0)
                    if (this.__readBits(1, true) != 0)
                        return 0 + this.__readBits(4, true);
                        return 272 + this.__readBits(3, true);
                    return 256 + this.__readBits(4, true);
     * Creates a huffman tree from the given code lengths. These generate
     * symbols which are used to determine how the dynamic huffman data is to
     * be decoded.
     * @param __tree The tree to output.
     * @param __lens The input code lengths.
     * @param __o The starting offset.
     * @param __l The number of lengths to decode.
     * @return A huffman tree from the code length input.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2016/03/28
    private HuffmanTreeInt __thunkCodeLengthTree(HuffmanTreeInt __tree,
        int[] __lens, int __o, int __l)
        throws NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__lens == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Initialize both arrays with zero
        int[] bl_count = this._blcount;
        int[] next_code = this._nextcode;
        Arrays.fill(bl_count, 0);
        Arrays.fill(next_code, 0);
        // Determine the bitlength count for all of the inputs
        for (int i = 0, p = __o; i < __l; i++, p++)
        bl_count[0] = 0;
        // Find the numerical value of the smallest code for each code
        // length.
        int code = 0;
        for (int bits = 1; bits <= InflaterInputStream._MAX_BITS; bits++)
            code = (code + bl_count[bits - 1]) << 1;
            next_code[bits] = code;
        // Assign values to all codes
        for (int q = 0, p = __o; q < __l; q++, p++)
            // Get length
            int len = __lens[p];
            // Add code length to the huffman tree
            if (len != 0)
                __tree.add(q, (next_code[len])++, (1 << len) - 1);
        // Return it
        return __tree;
     * Writes the specified value to the output.
     * @param __v The value to write.
     * @param __bits The number of bits to write.
     * @param __msb Most significant bits first?
     * @throws IOException On write errors.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private void __write(int __v, int __bits, boolean __msb)
        throws IOException
        // Calculate the mask
        int mask = (1 << __bits) - 1;
        // Write LSB value, need to swap bits if writing MSB
        __v &= mask;
        if (__msb)
            __v = Integer.reverse(__v) >>> (32 - __bits);
        // Get the current write window
        int writewindow = this._writewindow,
            writesize = this._writesize;
        // Add bits to write
        writewindow |= (__v & mask) << writesize;
        writesize += __bits;
        // Enough bytes to write to the output?
        if (writesize >= 8)
            // Write to a byte array first
            byte[] targ = this._targ;
            int targoff = this._targoff,
                targend = this._targend;
            // But if writes overflow then add to the overflow buffer
            ByteDeque overflow = this.overflow;
            // Any bytes written are appended to the sliding window
            SlidingByteWindow window = this.window;
            // Write bytes
                // Read input byte
                byte b = (byte)writewindow;
                writewindow >>>= 8;
                writesize -= 8;
                // Can fit in the output buffer
                if (targoff < targend)
                    targ[targoff++] = b;
                // Overflows
                // Append to the window
            } while (writesize >= 8);
            // Store new position
            this._targoff = targoff;
        // Store the write window info
        this._writewindow = writewindow;
        this._writesize = writesize;
     * Bit source for huffman reads.
     * @since 2017/02/25
    private final class __BitSource__
        implements BitSource
         * {@inheritDoc}
         * @since 2017/02/25
        public boolean nextBit()
            throws IOException
            return 0 != InflaterInputStream.this.__readBits(1, true);