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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package net.multiphasicapps.jsr353;

import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.Writer;

 * This writer appends indentation to the output on the start of each line so
 * that methods do not need to be duplicated to perform this action.
 * This class assumes that lines end with '\n'.
 * @see Writer
 * @since 2014/04/29
public class IndentedWriter
    extends Writer
    /** The stream to write to. */
    protected final Writer out;
    /** Indentation count. */
    private int _ic;
    /** Padding character. */
    private char _pad;
    /** Set to true when indentation is about to be done. */
    private boolean _doident;
    /** Stream was closed. */
    private boolean _closed;
     * Initializes a new indented writer with the default indentation of zero
     * using tabs.
     * @param __w The writer to wrap.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public IndentedWriter(Writer __w)
        this(__w, '\t', 0);
     * Initializes a new indented writer with the specified indent character
     * and the amount of times to indent.
     * @param __w The writer to wrap.
     * @param __pad Padding character.
     * @param __cnt Initial indentation.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public IndentedWriter(Writer __w, char __pad, int __cnt)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__w == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        this.out = __w;
        // Set
        this._ic = __cnt;
        this._pad = __pad;
        // May never drop below zero
        if (this._ic < 0)
            this._ic = 0;
        // Initially indent only if non-zero, so that the first line becomes
        // indented as expected.
        this._doident = this._ic > 0;
     * Closes the indented writer and the underlying output stream.
     * @throws IOException If there was an error closing the stream.
     * @since 2014/08/05
    public void close()
        throws IOException
        synchronized (this.lock)
            // Ignore if already closed
            if (this._closed)
            // Set closed and close inner stream
            this._closed = true;
     * Writes a single character to the output stream.
     * @param __c The character to write.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public void write(int __c)
        throws IOException
        synchronized (this.lock)
            // If indenting, perform indentation
            if (this._doident)
                // Write the indentation level
                for (int i = 0; i < this._ic; i++)
                // No longer indent
                this._doident = false;
            // If newline, set indentation mark
            if (__c == '\n')
                this._doident = true;
            // Write character to wrapped stream
     * Writes to the indentation stream with the specified buffer, offset, and
     * length.
     * @param __cbuf Character buffer to write to.
     * @param __off Offset into the buffer.
     * @param __len Length of the amount of data to write.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public void write(char[] __cbuf, int __off, int __len)
        throws IOException
        synchronized (this.lock)
            // Cannot be null
            if (__cbuf == null)
                throw new NullPointerException("No character buffer set.");
            // Cannot be out of bounds
            if (__off < 0 || __off > __cbuf.length)
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(String.format(
                    "Illegal offset %1$d.", __off));
            // Cap length to input
            if (__off + __len > __cbuf.length)
                __len = __cbuf.length - __off;
            // Do not bother if not writing anything
            if (__len <= 0)
            // Write single characters
            for (int i = 0; i < __len; i++)
                this.write(__cbuf[__off + i]);
     * Writes to the indentation stream with the specified String, offset, and
     * length.
     * This must be implemented so that the current methods are called.
     * @param __s Character buffer to write to.
     * @param __off Offset into the buffer.
     * @param __len Length of the amount of data to write.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public void write(String __s, int __off, int __len)
        throws IOException
        synchronized (this.lock)
            this.write(__s.toCharArray(), __off, __len);
    public void flush()
        throws IOException
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * Sets a new indentation level. A zero indentation is not possible.
     * @param __v New indentation level.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public void setIndent(int __v)
        synchronized (this.lock)
            this._ic = __v;
            if (this._ic < 0)
                this._ic = 0;
     * Sets the new padding character.
     * @param __v New padding character.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public void setPad(char __v)
        synchronized (this.lock)
            this._pad = __v;
     * Returns the current indentation level.
     * @return The indentation level.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public int getIndent()
        synchronized (this.lock)
            return this._ic;
     * Returns the current padding character.
     * @return The padding character.
     * @since 2014/04/29
    public char getPad()
        synchronized (this.lock)
            return this._pad;
     * Adds a relative amount of indentation and returns the old identation
     * level. A zero indentation is not possible.
     * @param __v The relative amount of indentation to add.
     * @return The old indentation level.
     * @since 2014/05/29
    public int addIndent(int __v)
        synchronized (this.lock)
            int old = this._ic;
            this.setIndent(this._ic + __v);
            return old;