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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package cc.squirreljme.runtime.lcdui.mle;

import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.PencilShelf;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.brackets.PencilBracket;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.constants.PencilCapabilities;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.constants.PencilShelfError;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.constants.UIPixelFormat;
import cc.squirreljme.jvm.mle.exceptions.MLECallError;
import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Font;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Image;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Text;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.game.Sprite;

 * This delegates drawing operations to either the hardware graphics layer
 * or the software graphics layer.
 * This utilizes both {@link PencilShelf} and {@link PencilBracket} for native
 * graphics.
 * @since 2020/09/25
public final class PencilGraphics
    extends Graphics
     * {@squirreljme.property cc.squirreljme.lcdui.software=boolean
     * If set to {@code true} then software graphics will be forced to be
     * used.}
    private static final String _FORCE_SOFTWARE_PROPERTY =
    /** Forcing software rasterization */
    private static final boolean _IS_FORCE_SOFTWARE;
    /** Software graphics backend. */
    protected final Graphics software;
    /** The hardware bracket reference. */
    protected final PencilBracket hardware;
    /** The capabilities of the graphics hardware. */
    protected final int capabilities;
    /** Surface width. */
    protected final int surfaceW;
    /** Surface height. */
    protected final int surfaceH;
    /** Does this have alpha channel support? */
    protected final boolean hasAlpha;
    /** Single character. */
    private final char[] _singleChar =
        new char[1];
    /** The current alpha color. */
    private int _argbColor;
    /** The current blending mode. */
    private int _blendingMode;
    /** The clip height. */
    private int _clipHeight;
    /** The clip width. */
    private int _clipWidth;
    /** The clip X position. */
    private int _clipX;
    /** The clip Y position. */
    private int _clipY;
    /** The current font used. */
    private Font _font;
    /** The current stroke style. */
    private int _strokeStyle;
    /** The current X translation. */
    private int _transX;
    /** The current Y translation. */
    private int _transY;
     * Initializes the pencil graphics system.
     * @param __caps Capabilities of the hardware, this determines the
     * functions that are available.
     * @param __software The fallback software graphics rasterizer.
     * @param __sw The surface width.
     * @param __sh The surface height.
     * @param __hardware The hardware bracket reference for drawing.
     * @param __pf The pixel format used.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If hardware graphics are not capable
     * enough to be used at all.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2020/09/25
    private PencilGraphics(int __caps, Graphics __software, int __sw, int __sh,
        PencilBracket __hardware, int __pf)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__software == null || __hardware == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB3g Hardware graphics not capable enough.} */
        if ((__caps & PencilCapabilities.MINIMUM) == 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB3g " + __caps);
        this.software = __software;
        this.hardware = __hardware;
        this.capabilities = __caps;
        // These are used to manage the clip
        this.surfaceW = __sw;
        this.surfaceH = __sh;
        // Does this use alpha?
        this.hasAlpha = (__pf == UIPixelFormat.INT_RGBA8888 ||
            __pf == UIPixelFormat.SHORT_ABGR1555 ||
            __pf == UIPixelFormat.SHORT_RGBA4444);
        // Set initial parameters for the graphics and make sure they are
        // properly forwarded as well
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void clipRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void copyArea(int __sx, int __sy, int __w, int __h, int __dx,
        int __dy, int __anchor)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.COPY_AREA))
            this.software.copyArea(__sx, __sy, __w, __h, __dx, __dy, __anchor);
        // Forward to native call
                __sx, __sy, __w, __h, __dx, __dy, __anchor);
        // Unwrap any potential errors.
        catch (MLECallError e)
            switch (e.distinction)
                case PencilShelfError.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT:
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
                case PencilShelfError.ILLEGAL_STATE:
                    throw new IllegalStateException(e.getMessage(), e);
            // No distinction
            throw e;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawArc(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h, int __startAngle,
     int __arcAngle)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.DRAW_ARC))
            this.software.drawArc(__x, __y, __w, __h, __startAngle, __arcAngle);
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawARGB16(short[] __data, int __off, int __scanlen,
        int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.DRAW_XRGB16_SIMPLE))
            this.software.drawARGB16(__data, __off, __scanlen, __x, __y, __w,
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawChar(char __s, int __x, int __y, int __anchor)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.TEXT_BASIC))
            this.software.drawChar(__s, __x, __y, __anchor);
        // Fill single character first
        char[] singleChar = this._singleChar;
        singleChar[0] = __s;
        // Forward
                singleChar, 0, 1, __x, __y, __anchor);
        catch (MLECallError e)
            RuntimeException x;
            switch (e.distinction)
                case PencilShelfError.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT:
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawChars(char[] __s, int __o, int __l, int __x, int __y,
        int __anchor)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException,
        // Check
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        if (__o < 0 || __l < 0 || (__o + __l) > __s.length)
            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.TEXT_BASIC))
            this.software.drawChars(__s, __o, __l, __x, __y, __anchor);
        // Forward
                __s, __o, __l, __x, __y, __anchor);
        catch (MLECallError e)
            RuntimeException x;
            switch (e.distinction)
                case PencilShelfError.INDEX_OUT_OF_BOUNDS:
                    x = new IndexOutOfBoundsException(e.getMessage());
                    throw x;
                case PencilShelfError.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT:
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawImage(Image __i, int __x, int __y, int __anchor)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        // This is a duplicate function, so it gets forwarded
        this.drawRegion(__i, 0, 0,
            __i.getWidth(), __i.getHeight(), 0,
            __x, __y, __anchor);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawLine(int __x1, int __y1, int __x2, int __y2)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.DRAW_LINE))
            this.software.drawLine(__x1, __y1, __x2, __y2);
        PencilShelf.hardwareDrawLine(this.hardware, __x1, __y1, __x2, __y2);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawRGB(int[] __data, int __off, int __scanlen, int __x,
        int __y, int __w, int __h, boolean __alpha)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.DRAW_XRGB32_REGION))
            this.software.drawRGB(__data, __off, __scanlen, __x, __y, __w,
                __h, __alpha);
        // Forward Call
        this.__drawRegion(__data, __off, __scanlen, __alpha,
            0, 0, __w, __h, Sprite.TRANS_NONE,
            __x, __y, Graphics.TOP | Graphics.LEFT, __w, __h,
            __scanlen, (__data.length - __off) / __scanlen);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawRGB16(short[] __data, int __off, int __scanlen,
        int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.DRAW_XRGB16_SIMPLE))
            this.software.drawRGB16(__data, __off, __scanlen, __x, __y,
                __w, __h);
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.DRAW_RECT))
            this.software.drawRect(__x, __y, __w, __h);
        // Forward to hardware
        PencilShelf.hardwareDrawRect(this.hardware, __x, __y, __w, __h);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawRegion(Image __src, int __xsrc, int __ysrc,
        int __wsrc, int __hsrc, int __trans, int __xdest, int __ydest,
        int __anch)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        // Forward call
        this.drawRegion(__src, __xsrc, __ysrc, __wsrc, __hsrc,
            __trans, __xdest, __ydest, __anch, __wsrc, __hsrc);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawRegion(Image __src, int __xsrc, int __ysrc,
        int __wsrc, int __hsrc, int __trans, int __xdest, int __ydest,
        int __anch, int __wdest, int __hdest)
        throws IllegalArgumentException, NullPointerException
        if (__src == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.DRAW_XRGB32_REGION))
            this.software.drawRegion(__src, __xsrc, __ysrc, __wsrc, __hsrc,
                __trans, __xdest, __ydest, __anch, __wdest, __hdest);
        // If the image is direct, use the buffer that is inside rather than
        // a copy, so we do not waste time copying from it!
        int[] buf;
        int offset;
        int scanLen;
        if (__src.squirreljmeIsDirect())
            buf = __src.squirreljmeDirectRGBInt();
            offset = __src.squirreljmeDirectOffset();
            scanLen = __src.squirreljmeDirectScanLen();
        // Image is not directly accessible, so get a copy of it
            // Obtain image properties
            int iW = __src.getWidth();
            int iH = __src.getHeight();
            int totalPixels = iW * iH;
            // Read RGB data
            buf = new int[totalPixels];
            offset = 0;
            scanLen = iW;
            __src.getRGB(buf, offset, scanLen, 0, 0, iW, iH);
        // Perform the internal draw
        this.__drawRegion(buf, offset, scanLen, __src.hasAlpha(),
            __xsrc, __ysrc, __wsrc, __hsrc, __trans,
            __xdest, __ydest, __anch,
            __wdest, __hdest, __src.getWidth(), __src.getHeight());
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawRoundRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h,
        int __aw, int __ah)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.DRAW_ROUND_RECT))
            this.software.drawRoundRect(__x, __y, __w, __h, __aw, __ah);
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawString(String __s, int __x, int __y, int __anchor)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.TEXT_BASIC))
            this.software.drawString(__s, __x, __y, __anchor);
        // Forward
                __s, 0, __s.length(), __x, __y, __anchor);
        catch (MLECallError e)
            RuntimeException x;
            switch (e.distinction)
                case PencilShelfError.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT:
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawSubstring(String __s, int __o, int __l,
        int __x, int __y, int __anchor)
        throws NullPointerException, StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
        if (__s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        if (__o < 0 || __l < 0 || (__o + __l) > __s.length())
            throw new StringIndexOutOfBoundsException("IOOB");
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.TEXT_BASIC))
            this.software.drawSubstring(__s, __o, __l, __x, __y, __anchor);
        // Forward
                __s, __o, __l, __x, __y, __anchor);
        catch (MLECallError e)
            RuntimeException x;
            switch (e.distinction)
                case PencilShelfError.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT:
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage(), e);
            throw e;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void drawText(Text __t, int __x, int __y)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.TEXT_ADVANCED))
            this.software.drawText(__t, __x, __y);
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void fillArc(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h, int __startAngle,
     int __arcAngle)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.FILL_ARC))
            this.software.fillArc(__x, __y, __w, __h, __startAngle, __arcAngle);
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void fillRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.FILL_RECT))
            this.software.fillRect(__x, __y, __w, __h);
        // Forward to hardware
        PencilShelf.hardwareFillRect(this.hardware, __x, __y, __w, __h);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void fillRoundRect(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h,
        int __aw, int __ah)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.FILL_ROUND_RECT))
            this.software.fillRoundRect(__x, __y, __w, __h, __aw, __ah);
        throw Debugging.todo();
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void fillTriangle(int __x1, int __y1, int __x2, int __y2,
        int __x3, int __y3)
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.FILL_TRIANGLE))
            this.software.fillTriangle(__x1, __y1, __x2, __y2, __x3, __y3);
        // Forward to hardware
        PencilShelf.hardwareFillTriangle(this.hardware, __x1, __y1, __x2, __y2,
            __x3, __y3);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getAlpha()
        return (this._argbColor >> 24) & 0xFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getAlphaColor()
        return this._argbColor;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getBlendingMode()
        return this._blendingMode;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getBlueComponent()
        return (this._argbColor) & 0xFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getClipHeight()
        return this._clipHeight;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getClipWidth()
        return this._clipWidth;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getClipX()
        return this._clipX - this._transX;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getClipY()
        return this._clipY - this._transY;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getColor()
        return this._argbColor & 0xFFFFFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getDisplayColor(int __rgb)
        // We can just ask the software graphics for the color we are using
        // since it should hopefully match the hardware one.
        return this.software.getDisplayColor(__rgb);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public Font getFont()
        if (0 == (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.TEXT_BASIC))
            return this.software.getFont();
        return this._font;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getGrayScale()
        return (((this._argbColor >> 16) & 0xFF) +
            ((this._argbColor >> 8) & 0xFF) +
            ((this._argbColor) & 0xFF)) / 3;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getGreenComponent()
        return (this._argbColor >> 8) & 0xFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getRedComponent()
        return (this._argbColor >> 16) & 0xFF;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getStrokeStyle()
        return this._strokeStyle;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getTranslateX()
        return this._transX;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public int getTranslateY()
        return this._transY;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setAlpha(int __a)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setAlphaColor(int __argb)
        // Mirror locally
        this._argbColor = __argb;
        // Set on the remote software and hardware graphics
        PencilShelf.hardwareSetAlphaColor(this.hardware, __argb);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setAlphaColor(int __a, int __r, int __g, int __b)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB3t Color out of range. (Alpha; Red; Green;
        Blue)} */
        if (__a < 0 || __a > 255 || __r < 0 || __r > 255 ||
            __g < 0 || __g > 255 || __b < 0 || __b > 255)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(
                "EB3t %d %d %d %d", __a, __r, __g, __b));
        // Set
        this.setAlphaColor((__a << 24) | (__r << 16) | (__g << 8) | __b);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setBlendingMode(int __m)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB3u Invalid blending mode. (The mode)} */
        if ((__m != Graphics.SRC && __m != Graphics.SRC_OVER) ||
            (__m == Graphics.SRC && !this.hasAlpha))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB3u " + __m);
        // Cache locally
        this._blendingMode = __m;
        // Forward to both software and hardware graphics
        PencilShelf.hardwareSetBlendingMode(this.hardware, __m);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setClip(int __x, int __y, int __w, int __h)
        // Calculate the base clip coordinates
        int startX = __x + this._transX;
        int startY = __y + this._transY;
        int endX = startX + __w;
        int endY = startY + __h;
        // Normalize X
        if (endX < startX)
            int temp = endX;
            endX = startX;
            startX = temp;
        // Normalize Y
        if (endY < startY)
            int temp = endY;
            endY = startY;
            startY = temp;
        // Determine the bounds of all of these
        int clipX = Math.min(this.surfaceW, Math.max(0, startX));
        int clipY = Math.min(this.surfaceH, Math.max(0, startY));
        int clipEndX = Math.min(this.surfaceW, Math.max(0, endX));
        int clipEndY = Math.min(this.surfaceH, Math.max(0, endY));
        // Record internally
        this._clipX = clipX;
        this._clipY = clipY;
        this._clipWidth = clipEndX - clipX;
        this._clipHeight = clipEndY - clipY;
        // Forward to both software and hardware graphics
        this.software.setClip(__x, __y, __w, __h);
        PencilShelf.hardwareSetClip(this.hardware, __x, __y, __w, __h);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setColor(int __rgb)
        this.setAlphaColor((this.getAlphaColor() & 0xFF_000000) |
            (__rgb & 0x00_FFFFFF));
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setColor(int __r, int __g, int __b)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        this.setAlphaColor(this.getAlpha(), __r, __g, __b);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setFont(Font __font)
        // Cache locally
        this._font = __font;
        // This is always set in software
        // If supported by hardware, set it here
        if (0 != (this.capabilities & PencilCapabilities.TEXT_BASIC))
            // Clearing the font?
            if (__font == null)
            // Set font natively from the font details
                    __font.getFontName(), __font.getStyle(),
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setGrayScale(int __v)
        this.setAlphaColor(this.getAlpha(), __v, __v, __v);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void setStrokeStyle(int __style)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
        /* {@squirreljme.error EB3v Illegal stroke style.} */
        if (__style != Graphics.SOLID && __style != Graphics.DOTTED)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("EB3v");
        // Set
        this._strokeStyle = __style;
        // Forward to both software and hardware graphics
        PencilShelf.hardwareSetStrokeStyle(this.hardware, __style);
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public void translate(int __x, int __y)
        // Set locally
        this._transX += __x;
        this._transY += __y;
        // Forward to both software and hardware graphics
        this.software.translate(__x, __y);
        PencilShelf.hardwareTranslate(this.hardware, __x, __y);
     * Draws a direct RGB region of an image.
     * @param __data The source buffer.
     * @param __off The offset into the buffer.
     * @param __scanlen The scanline length.
     * @param __alpha Drawing with the alpha channel?
     * @param __xsrc The source X position.
     * @param __ysrc The source Y position.
     * @param __wsrc The width of the source region.
     * @param __hsrc The height of the source region.
     * @param __trans Sprite translation and/or rotation, see {@link Sprite}.
     * @param __xdest The destination X position, is translated.
     * @param __ydest The destination Y position, is translated.
     * @param __anch The anchor point.
     * @param __wdest The destination width.
     * @param __hdest The destination height.
     * @param __origImgWidth Original image width.
     * @param __origImgHeight Original image height.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2022/01/26
    private void __drawRegion(int[] __data, int __off, int __scanlen,
        boolean __alpha, int __xsrc, int __ysrc, int __wsrc, int __hsrc,
        int __trans, int __xdest, int __ydest, int __anch, int __wdest,
        int __hdest, int __origImgWidth, int __origImgHeight)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__data == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Forward to the native region drawing method
            __data, __off, __scanlen,
            __alpha, __xsrc, __ysrc, __wsrc, __hsrc,
            __trans, __xdest, __ydest, __anch,
            __wdest, __hdest, __origImgWidth, __origImgHeight);
     * Creates a graphics that is capable of drawing on hardware if it is
     * supported, but falling back to software level graphics.
     * @param __pf The {@link UIPixelFormat} used for the draw.
     * @param __bw The buffer width, this is the scanline width of the buffer.
     * @param __bh The buffer height.
     * @param __buf The target buffer to draw to, this is cast to the correct
     * buffer format.
     * @param __offset The offset to the start of the buffer.
     * @param __pal The color palette, may be {@code null}. 
     * @param __sx Starting surface X coordinate.
     * @param __sy Starting surface Y coordinate.
     * @param __sw Surface width.
     * @param __sh Surface height.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2020/09/25
    public static Graphics hardwareGraphics(int __pf, int __bw,
        int __bh, Object __buf, int __offset, int[] __pal, int __sx, int __sy,
        int __sw, int __sh)
        throws NullPointerException
        // Setup software graphics
        Graphics software = SoftwareGraphicsFactory.softwareGraphics(__pf,
            __bw, __bh, __buf, __offset, __pal, __sx, __sy, __sw, __sh);
        // Get the capabilities of the native system, if it is not supported
        // then operations will purely be implemented in software
        // It can also be disabled via a system property
        int caps = PencilShelf.capabilities(__pf); 
        if (PencilGraphics._IS_FORCE_SOFTWARE ||
            (caps & PencilCapabilities.MINIMUM) == 0)
            return software;
        return new PencilGraphics(caps, software, __sw, __sh,
            __bw, __bh, __buf, __offset, __pal, __sx, __sy, __sw, __sh), __pf);