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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package dev.shadowtail.squirrelquarrel;

import javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Command;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.Graphics;

 * This is an interface to the game which allows it to be drawn and interacted
 * with accordingly. This is effectively just a canvas which draws the game
 * and such.
 * @since 2019/07/01
public final class GameInterface
    extends Canvas
    /** The menu command. */
    public static final Command STATUS_COMMAND =
        new Command("Status", Command.SCREEN, 0);
    /** The game this will be drawing and interacting with. */
    protected final Game game;
    /** The current cursor tile. */
    protected final MutablePoint cursor =
        new MutablePoint();
     * Initializes the game interface.
     * @param __g The game to interact with.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2019/07/01
    public GameInterface(Game __g)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__g == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Initialize variables
        this.game = __g;
        // Setup canvas view and such
        this.setTitle("Squirrel Quarrel");
        // Add menu command to access the in-game menu
        this.setCommandListener(new CommandHandler(__g));
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/07/02
    protected final void keyPressed(int __kc)
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/07/02
    protected final void keyRepeated(int __kc)
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2019/07/01
    protected final void paint(Graphics __g)
        // Get game details to draw
        Game game = this.game;
        // Get the canvas dimensions
        int cw = this.getWidth(),
            ch = this.getHeight();
        // Draw the tile map
        this.__drawTiles(__g, cw, ch, game.tilemap);
     * Draws the underlying tilemap.
     * @param __g The graphics to draw to.
     * @param __cw The canvas width.
     * @param __ch The canvas height.
     * @param __tilemap The raw tile data.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2019/07/02
    private void __drawTiles(Graphics __g, int __cw, int __ch,
        TileMap __tilemap)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__g == null || __tilemap == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Size of the map in tiles
        int mtw = __tilemap.tilewidth,
            mth = __tilemap.tileheight;
        // Size of the view in tiles, an extra tile is given so that they are
        // not clipped off the right side at all!
        int vtw = (__cw + TileMap.TILE_PIXELS_MASK) / TileMap.TILE_PIXELS,
            vth = (__ch + TileMap.TILE_PIXELS_MASK) / TileMap.TILE_PIXELS;
        // Half of the view, used for centering and capping
        int vsw = vtw / 2,
            vsh = vth / 2;
        // Get the cursor position and determine how that is drawn, the view
        // is always centered on it for simplicity
        MutablePoint cursor = this.cursor;
        int cx = cursor.x,
            cy = cursor.y,
            vtx = cx - vsw,
            vty = cy - vsh;
        // Passed bounds on the right side?
        if (vtx + vtw > mtw)
            vtx = mtw - vtw;
        if (vty + mth > mth)
            vty = mth - vth;
        if (vtx < 0)
            vtx = 0;
        if (vty < 0)
            vty = 0;
        // End tile positions
        int etx = vtx + vtw,
            ety = vty + vth;
        if (etx > mtw)
            etx = mtw;
        if (ety > mth)
            ety = mth;
        // Get the background logical tile data
        byte[] tiles = __tilemap._tiles;
        // Draw all tiles in the region
        for (int y = vty; y < ety; y++)
            // Logical tile Y on screen
            int ly = (y - vty) * TileMap.TILE_PIXELS;
            // Base byte position in array
            int bbase = y * mtw;
            // Scan in row
            for (int x = vtx; x < etx; x++)
                // Determine logical screen position of file
                int lx = (x - vtx) * TileMap.TILE_PIXELS;
                // Get the byte code for this tile
                byte b = tiles[bbase + x];
                // Draw background tile
                __g.drawImage(TileMap.imageBackground(b), lx, ly, 0);
                // Draw a basic grid to make things a bit easier to see
                __g.drawLine(lx, ly,
                    lx + TileMap.TILE_PIXELS, ly);
                __g.drawLine(lx, ly,
                    lx, ly + TileMap.TILE_PIXELS);
                // Draw cursor box?
                if (cx == x && cy == y)
                    // Draw solid line
                    __g.drawRect(lx, ly,
                        TileMap.TILE_PIXELS - 2, TileMap.TILE_PIXELS - 2);
                    // Dotted purple box
                    __g.drawRect(lx, ly,
                        TileMap.TILE_PIXELS - 2, TileMap.TILE_PIXELS - 2);
                    // Make it solid again
     * Handles the specified key.
     * @param __kc The key code to handle.
     * @since 2019/07/02
    private void __inputKey(int __kc)
        // Prefer pure game actions, if those are not available fallback to
        // the dial pad. Match traditional SquirrelJME game layout.
        int ga = this.getGameAction(__kc);
        if (ga == 0)
            switch (__kc)
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM1: ga = Canvas.GAME_A; break;
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM2: ga = Canvas.UP; break;
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM3: ga = Canvas.GAME_B; break;
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM4: ga = Canvas.LEFT; break;
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM5: ga = Canvas.FIRE; break;
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM6: ga = Canvas.RIGHT; break;
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM7: ga = Canvas.GAME_C; break;
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM8: ga = Canvas.DOWN; break;
                case Canvas.KEY_NUM9: ga = Canvas.GAME_D; break;
        // Ignore invalid actions
        if (ga == 0)
        // Stuff actions could be performed on
        MutablePoint cursor = this.cursor;
        Game game = this.game;
        TileMap tilemap = game.tilemap;
        // Perform the actions
        switch (ga)
                // Cursor up
            case Canvas.UP:
                if (--cursor.y < 0)
                    cursor.y = 0;
                // Cursor left
            case Canvas.LEFT:
                if (--cursor.x < 0)
                    cursor.x = 0;
                // Cursor Right
            case Canvas.RIGHT:
                if (++cursor.x >= tilemap.tilewidth)
                    cursor.x = tilemap.tilewidth - 1;
                // Cursor Down
            case Canvas.DOWN:
                if (++cursor.y >= tilemap.tileheight)
                    cursor.y = tilemap.tileheight - 1;
        // Do repaint the view!