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// -*- Mode: Java; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*-
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME
//     Copyright (C) Stephanie Gawroriski <xer@multiphasicapps.net>
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SquirrelJME is under the Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
// See license.mkd for licensing and copyright information.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

package net.multiphasicapps.classfile;

import cc.squirreljme.runtime.cldc.debug.Debugging;
import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import net.multiphasicapps.collections.UnmodifiableList;

 * This represents a single state within the stack map table which contains
 * a listing of all of the types used for local and stack variable along with
 * the current depth of the stack.
 * @since 2017/07/28
public final class StackMapTableState
    /** The depth of the stack. */
    protected final int depth;
    /** Local variables. */
    private final StackMapTableEntry[] _locals;
    /** Stack variables. */
    private final StackMapTableEntry[] _stack;
    /** String representation of this table. */
    private Reference<String> _string;
     * Initializes the stack map table state.
     * @param __l Local variables.
     * @param __s Stack variables.
     * @param __d The depth of the stack.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the state is not valid.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/07/28
    public StackMapTableState(StackMapTableEntry[] __l,
        StackMapTableEntry[] __s, int __d)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, NullPointerException
        this(__l, __s, __d, true);
     * Initializes the stack map table state.
     * @param __l Local variables.
     * @param __s Stack variables.
     * @param __d The depth of the stack.
     * @param __copyDefensive Make clones of the locals and stack? 
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the state is not valid.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/07/28
    StackMapTableState(StackMapTableEntry[] __l,
        StackMapTableEntry[] __s, int __d, boolean __copyDefensive)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__l == null || __s == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC3x The depth of the stack is not within the
        bounds of the stack. (The stack depth; The stack size)} */
        int ns = __s.length;
        if (__d < 0 || __d > ns)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC3x %d %d", __d, ns));
        // Duplicate, if doing defensive copy
        if (__copyDefensive)
            __l = __l.clone();
            __s = __s.clone();
        // Clear elements above the stack top
        for (int i = __d; i < ns; i++)
            __s[i] = null;
        // Verify each state
        // Set
        this._locals = __l;
        this._stack = __s;
        this.depth = __d;
     * Returns the depth of the stack.
     * @return The stack depth.
     * @since 2017/08/12
    public int depth()
        return this.depth;
     * Derives the stack map from loading a local onto the stack.
     * @param __dx The local to load.
     * @return The resultant stack state.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveLocalLoad(int __dx)
        return this.deriveStackPush(this.getLocal(__dx));
     * Derives a set of a local variable.
     * @param __dx The index to set.
     * @param __entry The entry to set.
     * @return The derived stack map table state.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the set is not valid.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveLocalSet(int __dx,
        StackMapTableEntry __entry)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, NullPointerException
        if (__entry == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC02 New local state would not be valid.} */
        if (__dx < 0 || __dx >= this.maxLocals() ||
            (__entry.isWide() && __dx >= this.maxLocals() - 1))
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException("JC02");
        StackMapTableEntry[] newLocals = this._locals.clone();
        // Set new entry
        newLocals[__dx] = __entry;
        if (__entry.isWide())
            newLocals[__dx + 1] = __entry.topType();
        // Initialize new state
        return new StackMapTableState(newLocals,
            this._stack, this.depth, false);
     * Derives the stack map from storing to a local from the stack
     * @param __dx The local to store.
     * @return The resultant stack state.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveLocalStore(int __dx)
        List<StackMapTableEntry> popped = new ArrayList<>();
        StackMapTableState result = this.deriveStackPop(popped);
        return result.deriveLocalSet(__dx, popped.get(0));
     * Derives a method call.
     * @param __isStatic Is this a static method call?
     * @param __method The method to call.
     * @return The resultant state.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveMethodCall(boolean __isStatic,
        MethodReference __method)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__method == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Pop method call arguments accordingly
        MethodDescriptor type = __method.memberType();
        // How much is being popped off?
        StackMapTableState result;
        int popCount = type.argumentCount() + (__isStatic ? 0 : 1);
        if (popCount > 0)
            result = this.deriveStackPop(null, popCount);
            result = this;
        // Push any return value?
        if (type.hasReturnValue())
            return result.deriveStackPush(type.returnValue());
        return result;
     * Derives a stack map that pops the top of the stack.
     * @param __popped The entries which were popped.
     * @return The derived table.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the pop is not valid.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveStackPop(
        List<StackMapTableEntry> __popped)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC03 Stack is empty.} */
        int depth = this.depth;
        if (depth < 0)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException("JC03");
        // Get top most item to add accordingly and determine if it is wide
        // or not...
        StackMapTableEntry top = this.getStackFromLogicalTop(0);
        if (__popped != null)
            __popped.add(0, top);
        // Remove top-most entry, double if wide... need to clone the stack
        // because it will normalize the entries!
        return new StackMapTableState(this._locals,
            this._stack.clone(), depth - (top.isWide() ? 2 : 1),
     * Derives a stack map that pops the top of the stack.
     * @param __popped The entries which were popped.
     * @param __count The number of entries to pop.
     * @return The derived table.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the pop is not valid.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveStackPop(
        List<StackMapTableEntry> __popped, int __count)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC05 Negative pop count.} */
        if (__count <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("JC05");
        // Keep popping single values
        StackMapTableState result = this;
        for (int i = 0; i < __count; i++)
            result = result.deriveStackPop(__popped);
        return result;
     * Derives a stack map that pops the top of the stack and then pushes new
     * entries.
     * @param __popped The items that were popped.
     * @param __count The number of items to pop.
     * @param __entries The entries to push.
     * @return The derived table.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the pop is not valid.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveStackPopThenPush(
        List<StackMapTableEntry> __popped, int __count,
        StackMapTableEntry... __entries)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException
        return this.deriveStackPop(__popped, __count)
     * Derives a push to the table.
     * @param __entries The entries to push.
     * @return The derived table.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the entries are not valid or
     * would exceed the stack bounds.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveStackPush(FieldDescriptor... __entries)
        int count = (__entries == null ? 0 : __entries.length);
        StackMapTableEntry[] mapped = new StackMapTableEntry[count];
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            mapped[i] = new StackMapTableEntry(__entries[i], true);
        return this.deriveStackPush(mapped);
     * Derives a push to the table.
     * @param __entries The entries to push.
     * @return The derived table.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the entries are not valid or
     * would exceed the stack bounds.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveStackPush(StackMapTableEntry... __entries)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, NullPointerException
        // Initialize basic state
        StackMapTableEntry[] newStack = this._stack.clone();
        int newDepth = this.depth;
        // Add entries accordingly
        for (StackMapTableEntry entry : __entries)
            /* {@squirreljme.error JC04 Stack overflow.} */
            if (newDepth + (entry.isWide() ? 2 : 1) > newStack.length)
                throw new InvalidClassFormatException("JC04");
            newStack[newDepth++] = entry;
            if (entry.isWide())
                newStack[newDepth++] = entry.topType();
        // Setup new state
        return new StackMapTableState(this._locals,
            newStack, newDepth, false);
     * Derives stack operations for the given shuffle type.
     * @param __shuffle The shuffle type.
     * @return The derived shuffled state.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableState deriveStackShuffle(
        JavaStackShuffleType __shuffle)
        throws NullPointerException
        if (__shuffle == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Determine the shuffle function used
        JavaStackShuffleType.Function function = JavaStackShuffleType
            .findShuffleFunction(this, __shuffle);
        // Pop any inputs
        List<StackMapTableEntry> popped = new ArrayList<>();
        StackMapTableState result = this.deriveStackPop(popped,
        // Go through and pop all outputs
        int pushCount = function.out.logicalMax;
        StackMapTableEntry[] pushed = new StackMapTableEntry[pushCount];
        for (int i = 0; i < pushCount; i++)
            pushed[i] = popped.get(function.out.logicalSlot(i));
        result = result.deriveStackPush(pushed);
        return result;
     * Obtains the local at the given index.
     * @param __i The index to get.
     * @return The type for the variable at the given index.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the index is out of range.
     * @since 2017/08/12
    public StackMapTableEntry getLocal(int __i)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC3y The specified local variable is out of
        range. (The index)} */
        StackMapTableEntry[] locals = this._locals;
        if (__i < 0 || __i >= locals.length)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC3y %d", __i));
        return locals[__i];
     * Returns the stack.
     * @return The stack.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public List<StackMapTableEntry> getStack()
        return UnmodifiableList.of(Arrays.asList(this._stack));
     * Obtains the stack at the given index.
     * @param __i The index to get.
     * @return The type for the variable at the given index.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the index is out of range.
     * @since 2017/08/12
    public StackMapTableEntry getStack(int __i)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC3z The specified stack variable is out of
        range. (The index)} */
        if (__i < 0 || __i >= this.depth)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC3z %d", __i));
        return this._stack[__i];
     * Gets the logical stack entry from the top.
     * @param __i The index to get from the top.
     * @return The entry for the given entry.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If it is not valid.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableEntry getStackFromLogicalTop(int __i)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException
        for (int logical = 0, actual = 0;;)
            StackMapTableEntry entry = this.getStackFromTop(actual);
            // If this is top of a wide, then move down
            if (entry.isTop())
            // Does this match the requested item?
            else if (logical == __i)
                return entry;
            // Move both entries
     * Gets a stack entry from the top.
     * @param __i The index to get from the top.
     * @return The entry from the top.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If it is not valid.
     * @since 2023/07/03
    public StackMapTableEntry getStackFromTop(int __i)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC79 Cannot get stack from the top. (The index;
        The depth)} */
        if (__i < 0 || __i >= this.depth)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                String.format("JC79 %d %d", __i, this.depth));
        return this.getStack((this.depth - 1) - __i);
     * Returns the maximum number of local variables.
     * @return The local variable count.
     * @since 2019/02/17
    public final int maxLocals()
        return this._locals.length;
     * Returns the maximum number of stack variables.
     * @return The stack variable count.
     * @since 2019/02/17
    public final int maxStack()
        return this._stack.length;
     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @since 2017/07/28
    public String toString()
        Reference<String> ref = this._string;
        String rv;
        // Cache?
        if (ref == null || null == (rv = ref.get()))
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{locals=");
            StackMapTableState.__stringize(this._locals, sb);
            sb.append(", stack(");
            StackMapTableState.__stringize(this._stack, sb);
            this._string = new WeakReference<>((rv = sb.toString()));
        return rv;
     * Stringizes the specified type array.
     * @param __jt The type array to stringize.
     * @param __sb The destination string builder.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/07/28
    private static void __stringize(StackMapTableEntry[] __jt,
        StringBuilder __sb)
        throws NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__jt == null || __sb == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Open
        // Add
        for (int i = 0, n = __jt.length; i < n; i++)
            if (i > 0)
                __sb.append(", ");
        // Close
     * Verifies the types within the map.
     * @param __t The types to check.
     * @throws InvalidClassFormatException If the type are not valid.
     * @throws NullPointerException On null arguments.
     * @since 2017/07/28
    private static void __verify(StackMapTableEntry[] __t)
        throws InvalidClassFormatException, NullPointerException
        // Check
        if (__t == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("NARG");
        // Go through all entries, w acts as a kind of single entry stack which
        // is used to ensure that the tops of long/double are valid
        JavaType w = null;
        for (int i = 0, n = __t.length; i < n; i++)
            StackMapTableEntry ea = __t[i];
            JavaType a = (ea != null ? ea.type() : null);
            // A wide type was pushed
            if (w != null)
                /* {@squirreljme.error JC40 The type at the read index does
                not match the expected type following a wide type. (The wide
                type; The expected type; The actual type; The input map)} */
                JavaType t = w.topType();
                if (!t.equals(a))
                    throw new InvalidClassFormatException(
                        String.format("JC40 %s %s %s %s", w, t, a,
                // Clear
                w = null;
            // No real checking has to be done unless it is a wide type
                if (a != null && a.isWide())
                    w = a;
        /* {@squirreljme.error JC41 Long or double appears at the end of the
        type array and does not have a top associated with it.} */
        if (w != null)
            throw new InvalidClassFormatException("JC41");